I'm far from one of these bleeding heart liberals, but Adrian Peterson belongs in jail and I don't care how good a running back he is. Anyone that disagrees should volunteer to have their butt/nut sack whipped with a tree branch or "switch" as they say, and see how they like it. Not to mention the kid is four? I'm sick and tired of southerners doing stupid things and calling it "cultural". We should have just let them secede when they wanted to and we'd be much better off.
Please don't make this a north vs south thing. That's really silly. I think the vikes end up cutting him. $12 mil a year for a RB is ridiculous no matter how good you are.
I thought you said you rarely start threads? If you are turning over a new leaf, please take some kind advice and just wipe your starfish with that leaf, since you have lived in the south and are familiar with that technique.
I really doubt they'll get rid of their only legit star especially since he was still very good last season. Rice got cut because the evidence was so egregious and he was much more dispensable
Well there was a huge public backlash with ray rice. If the same thing happens with AP then he might be done too. We'll see. I don't see how what Rice did is any worse but maybe that's just me. Then add to it that AP's contract is ridiculous. They've won one playoff game in his 7 years. Just sayin I can see it happening. Vikes do have legit stars on their team in CP btw (and Harrison Smith is the best DB in the league). McKinnon is going to be an explosive RB and Asiata can shoulder the workload until they ease the rookie in.
There are a lot of scumbag parents out there that STILL beat their kids like this these days. Do they all belong in jail? Im not saying what AP did was right. Or even acceptable. But this whole "lock em up" mantra that so many people follow these days is getting insane.
I basically agree with Louis CK on child beating. Kids are the only people in the world who you are legally allowed to assault. You beat an adult with a tree branch, you go to jail for assault. You beat your 4 year old with a tree branch, you are just a good, no-nonsense parent. Get the fuck out of here. It just makes no fucking sense.
I agree, I hope he goes to jail, the Vikings are classless for not doing something, completely classless. I understand that he is technically allowed to play because of the legal process, but the Vikings are technically allowed to cut him right now, and they didnt. I hope someone beats his ass on the field, if I was a teammate or an opponent, I would confront him and tell him to get the fuck away or else. He is a complete pussy for beating up on a 4 year old like that, karma is a bitch, and it will come back and find him.
Because violence is a good answer to violence...Also, a lot of his peers probably would just as soon give him a pat on the back because they do the same shit