And no..... I don't think Goodell should go. He is just some schill for guys like Robert Kraft, Jerry Jones and Woody. They tell him what to do, not the other way around. He's one of the highest paid puppets in the world.
I love TMZ. They're like a honey badger. They don't give a fuck. And you're right, this is ALL on Ray. You want to be a star? A football player? A millionaire? Basically a rock God? Don't beat the shit out of women. _
I just get angry when I see people (no ness him) attacking TMZ as if they were the ones who did something wrong. They should be applauded because if not for them this video that we all know existed would have been burned the same way Spygate was. Now all of us who have been saying for years that Spygate was much deeper than just a few guys waving hello on video and the NFL made sure those tainted SB titles and this "legacy" the Pats built stayed hidden from the public eye forever. If ESPN had the types of people TMZ had we no doubt would have seen what actually existed on those tapes. Obviously what Rice did was much much worse than what the Pats did but because of Spygate and the NFL making sure those tapes burned people lost jobs, livelihoods, careers and who knows what else. It's all about protecting the image and making sure internal things stay internal. Well now people will now what lengths the league will go to in order to protect that image and I now unquestionably believe that what the Pats did was much much worse than what the league ever insinuated they did.
Thank you. Those calling for Goodell's banishment are simply applying the same standards to him that he set upon the league as Commissioner. It's fair. Exactly. And while it changed the views of many on this incident, it doesn't change the severity of the assault itself.
This. The NFL has made it clear that protecting its image and doing everything it can to fend off other sports to keep football at #1 is its first, second, and only priority. They've probably given preferential treatment to star players and winning franchises throughout the entirety of Goodell's tenure at the expense of fairness and justice.
I think the issue that some people have with TMZ is that it looks like they are a bunch of kids having way too much fun bringing folks down. Hey you know what, if those folks did nothing to be brought down, TMZ would have nothing to report. They ARE a bunch of kids and they ARE having fun, but while they're reveling in this stuff they are doing some damn good work. The NFL and ESPN should have been way ahead of TMZ on this story. If I was one of those kids in that newsroom and I got that tape I'd be getting blowjobs from all the interns and that's not way too much fun. That's as it should be _
Yup... if these "celebs" don't want their shit out there than don't do something that will get out there. Rice would never have had an issue if he didn't slug his gf in an Atlantic City elevator. Sorry I've spent 15 years of my life living in the gambling mecca of the world and those bastards know and see everything except what happens in your room. The real shame is on Rice, anything that happens after stems from him acting like a jackass.
Yep. These are people with the world at their fingertips, and they act like entitled douches, and now they get caught doing it. Fuck it, let them get dragged through the mud and hate every bit of it.
I had the pleasure of listening to Dan Patrick put Peter King's feet to the fire a couple of days ago, listening to that ahole try to explain how his source told him that the NFL had seen the elevator video and now he was acting contrite about bad information, PK is a total worm.
So these guys know I was in a bathroom taking a one hour shit one night in the New York, New York? Cool. Edit: orangutan
Of course Ray ruined Ray. However, don't you think all this media BS is also psychologically devastating to Ray's wife & child? Perhaps even more so? Is it fair that they have to relive this incident everyday?
Rice and his wife brought this all on themselves, she doesn't get to play the victim in the aftermath. They were both arrested for assault, they were fighting in a public place, if they want privacy, they should stay home and fight.
Are you seriously arguing that being reminded of a physical assault is worse than being physically assaulted and knocked unconscious? Athletes never complain about the extra attention they receive that leads to endorsements, glory, free beers at the bar and random people telling you how awesome you are. It's reasonable that the reaction to an appalling act is equal but opposite. Star NFL players live a golden life and it's their fault when they give TMZ sensational (or criminal) material to work with. Scrutiny is a small price to pay for fame.
NFL players, some of them anyway, are a mess. The system needs to be revamped - Goodall can do it or he can hit the road
They know you're in there, they may not know the color or consistency of the shit you took but they know you're in there doing something.