Neither action justified the other. Both parties are equally to blame. He's not defending Rice's actions, he just isn't buying into the "she's the victim" narrative that the media is pushing.
So if Ray had walked away after receiving whatever verbal and physical abuse he had taken he wouldn't be a victim? Both are abusers and both are victims. Both are wrong.
IDGiv'-a-Eff'...unless a man's LIFE is being PHYSICALLY THREATENED VIA DEADLY FORCE, he would be wholly justified in repelling that threat by ANY MEANS NECESSARY! Rice' LIFE was not in ANY DANGER. His response to her actions against him did NOT WARRANT the action he perpetrated against her! He was WRONG & deserves whatever penalties allocated by both the NFL & law enforcement. I have 5 sisters, numerous nieces & female cousins, a daughter and 2 granddaughters; - You WOULD DEF'LY read about/see me in the "NEWS" if ANY MAN (or any-1else for that matter) pulled some "RAY RICE-type" sh#t on them for doing ONLY what his wife did! Short of pulling a fire-arm or knife, NO MAN SHOULD PUT THIER HANDS ON A WOMAN!!! Ray Rice was WRONG.... !! You eff'd up bro'! You stupid 'em-effa'!! 'Nuff said!
You can disagree with her being wrong all you want, you're disagreeing with reality though not me. If a woman hit me I would walk away because I'm not Ray Rice.
It not about what you would do. It about if she was wrong. She was dead wrong. How she not wrong for hitting him?
I am seeing exactly what you posted, most of those words came directly from your posts, that Janay got what she deserved, that getting knocked out was her consequence, that you have no problem with women being hit and that you would hit women yourself. Embrace your inner caveman, stop trying to backpedal.
You wanna take bets on the dollar amount Goodall donates to try and repair his reputation after the truth comes out?
This is why you are being picked on, because you don't think it is wrong for a woman to hit a man. Domestic violence and abuse isn't defined as man on woman violence, so you are saying domestic violence is not wrong and is ok if it is woman on man. It takes a special kind of idiot to make that claim.