I ripped on Eli on Facebook and all the Giants fans are crying about how it's not his fault. It's totally their new OC's fault.
Who cares whose fault it is. Whatever it is, Eli can't make it work. So give the kid a chance, see what you've got.
0-1. Fucked up my whole monday night. Was really looking forward to a good game but they got molested. Eli looks like a bitch and McAdoo calls weird plays for him so its a bad combination so far. Its only week 1 but thats what i said last year :/. Just gotta win next week. Good luck to the Jets too
Good Luck to you too. I was busting the Giants chops but I really don't hate them or anything. They play 1 real game every 4 years, there's really no point.
I agree. Never really understood the hate between the two teams but i think its a media thing. People hear NY and NY and right away its a rivalry. Some rivalry lol. And my dad is a huge Jets fan so i like to see them win for him, plus i'm jealous of the D. Wilkerson, Coples, Richardson and Pryor are guys i would love to have on the Giants. Really good young guys to build around on D
I just wanna beat Greenbay watching the Giants self destruct and gloating over it only leads to bad karma.We were on top back to back AFC tittle games while the Giants did nothing,then we fall apart turn into a joke and they win the Superbowl.I'm gonna leave the Giant bashing alone its bad luck
For my entire life I would root for the Giants every time they didn't play the Jets, but that changed after their last SB win. For whatever reason ever since they won that superbowl the entire NY sports world started to treat the Jets like an epic joke and a circus, and the Giants like royalty. They deserved that SB win vs NE, and I rooted for them, but the ball washing of the Giants, a team that's been mediocre but EXTREMELY opportunistic over the last say 15 years, that has followed, and the subsequent trashing of the Jets , who have been pretty much just as on and off without the two rabbits feet up their asses that the Giants had, like they're the Raiders east or something, has led me to not be able to stomach the Giants anymore. Could anyone even imagine the 24/7 hysteria that would encompass New York if the Jets went out and played an opener like this? Or a preseason like the Giants 1's did? But the Giants get off relatively blemish free. It's got to totally cave in on them before they have to deal with the same nonsense the Jets do.