Who gives two shits if he was provoked? He's a fucking grown man who is chased and beaten on by other huge ass grown men for a living. So a chick less than half your size slaps you. So fucking what? Can't take it? And even if you get mad, your go-to response is to fucking cold cock her like she's some 200 pound dude at a bar fight? Twice? Really?? Not to mention you're a fucking public figure who has a shit ton to lose if you act like a complete fucking retard, as demonstrated. He deserves exactly what he got. He should have gotten it sooner.
Just a thought but I think we should see if they would trade a corner for a RB. I know our corners had a good game this week but the competition is going to be much better going forward. I believe the ravens still run a similar system so a corner from them should adapt to Rex's system quickly.
Are you fucking retarded. Attacked? Seriously. A 120 pound skinny ass women slapped him once and tried to push him away. Then Ray Rice who is a 200+ pound NFL running back cocks back and Mike Tyson punches her so hard that she is knocked out cold. With how hard he hit her and then her hitting her head on the metal railing in the elevator he is lucky he didn't kill her. I have had women much smaller then I am hit me before and you know what you do... you walk away. If they are attacking you that badly you wrestle them to the ground. People like you have some fucked up wiring in your head. Your so conditioned to think that everything in the world now is a liberal / conservative thing and can't use common sense worth a shit to just look at a situation and analyze it. Decent human beings don't do what Ray Rice did whether you are an Alabama Redneck or a San Francisco Gay. If you want to be the one of the few that still think it's ok to hit women, go ahead but just know your part of a dying breed.
If there is such a clause, and I'm not sure either way, it would only apply if the league ordered it and not the team. Every cap expert so far has said the Ravens are on the hook for 9 million in dead money next season and I'm taking them at their word at this point since cap requires a PHD to figure out
Chances the NFL saw this video? Let's give them the benefit of the doubt they didn't, wouldn't the first thing you do is contact where it happened and see if there are cameras in the elevator and if the tape is available? Then you can use that when you speak to Rice and levy a punishment?
I'm not going to speak for Irvington, NJ, but 1985 is just one of those people now that is reverse-conditioned. They believe EVERYTHING the media says is created for the sole purpose of making everyone more liberal and a pussy. Like I said living in Florida I see it all the time. I remember after Sandy Hook hearing my girlfriend's family talk about how the entire thing was a hoax designed by the government to convince people to turn in their firearms and that is not the only time I have heard people say that here. Knocking out a 120 pound women, EVEN IF she slapped you is despicable. It just is. If that means I am a faggot liberal then I guess I get to go about being a faggot liberal. I would much rather be that then a scumbag who rationalized beating women, and then when he is proven to be dead wrong get's pissed at everyone else for it.
The NFL was former FBI working for them on these types of things. I have no doubt they saw the video. I also have no doubt the video was supposed to be destroyed and never seen again and somehow TMZ got ahold of it. On a separate note, this may be the craziest thing I have ever said, but TMZ has been the best thing to happen to sports in a LONG time. 1st they get the tape of Donald Sterling being a racist scumbag. Then they get this video of Ray Rice nearly killing his girlfriend. It makes you wonder what other things are hidden out there waiting to get dug up.
This isn't abut Ray Rice anymore. Its about the Ravens and Goodell We now know that if you admit you knocked your girl friend, you only get two games, but if there's a video of it, you get released and suspended indefinitely. BTW, if you plea out in a murder case, they let you off scott-free.
the issue with addressing the fact that she provoked him has to do with the fact that the media wanted to argue that she did not, as if the word provoke does not have a definition that fits this situation to a tee. the argument was that you don't blame the victim. if being struck makes you a victim absolutely, which of the two does the video show was hit by the other first? Did Ray Rice hit her first, or did she hit him first? doesn't that make him just as much a victim of domestic violence as she is? the only difference is he hits harder. whether he is a scumbag for knocking her out is a separate argument. clearly he is, nobody would defend him for such.
I just don't understand the all-powerful media boogie-man argument, and quite honestly fail to see what the media has to do with this at all. Millions of people have seen the video. Millions have seen that she might have started it. Millions of people don't give two shits. Nobody needs to be told by the all-powerful boogie man media that it's all kinds of fucked up. And what do people expect the media to do about it anyway? The media is a business. A very public business. Who exactly do you think is going to be the one to put themselves in the spotlight and say in front of millions of people "Yeah but she totally started it."? You don't even have to be in the media to get fired for that. Any public figure who said that probably would (CEO, politician, whatever). Even if they believe it's justified, who is going to be so fucking stupid as to risk their entire career to defend a piece of dogshit for the sake of media fairness? I'd bet anything that you wouldn't either.
NFL really failed by first giving him a 2 game bs slap on the wrist suspension and now going back and suspending him indefinitely; NFL=failure. Rice fucked up, but now I think it's even more fucked up he's getting a double whammy punishment. The whole situation is totally and completely fucked and the NFL looks like the biggest loser in all of this. We all knew what happened in the first place, what did you think she fell down?
super hippy? case in point...kill yourself. you're everything wrong with this country. JB is the only guy on this thread with an ounce of common sense
Maybe if your name's Novak Djokovic, but it ends there. Forehand, backhand, open hand, closed hand…there's no reason to even think about doing it. Knocking a woman unconscious is unconscionable.
Sorry but I'm getting tired of people saying this as it is a lie that keeps getting repeated by the media: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.co...-to-agents-statement-regarding-robert-mathis/
given the direction America has gone in the last decade its hard to argue otherwise...why do you think Michael Sam, a 7th rounder, got more attention than all the first round choices combined?