really? I didn't know that. I can totally see Champ as the rhythm guitarist for a psychedelic alt-couhtry punk/mariachi band.
Central Texas is my home at the present moment. If U R taking a poll so far when I am out & about here I have not seen anybody wearing NYJ gear so for sure based on that we are not America's team like the boys. Blame it all on Woody for hiring inept employees since he owned the team
what are you talking about? The entire new fan base are those you pray you never have. All the old school fans are pretty much gone now. What you have now are those back-to-back AFCCG bandwagon jumpers supporting at the new Giants Stadium. Thats why Jets games have become the lamest NFL games to attend. Woody didn`t want fans who would bring their own food, cook it in the lot, then eat it. He also doesn`t want those fans who pack their own coolers with drinks, and drink them in the parking lots. He wanted fans who could buy their way in with money, get the "up front" parking with more money, get the best seats with lots of their money, then go inside early and spend even more of their money on overpriced beer, soda, water, martinis and pretty crappy food. Jets games = yawnfest I wonder what the real reason for a tailgating time limit is? Eventually, there will be no tailgating permitted. Just wait for 1 incident to happen and they will try to ban it. Less time to tailgate means people will not get their fill as they would`ve liked and could possibly lead to money being spent inside. Thats my thought on the time limit. just my opinion with some facts stated.
Yea there's lots of cowboy fans here. Feels like there's as many cowboy fans as redskin fans. Kinda funny to watch them fight with each other all the time.
That's obvious, but in my experience, living in north New Jersey 30 minutes from the stadium, I know a vast amount of Giants fans, while Jets fans are much more few and far between. Hell, I know more eagle and cowboy fans than Jets fans. That's my own experience. Seeing other Jets fans is kind of exciting because its almost like a rarity for me.
I have to agree with most of this unfortunately. Woody has weeded out most of the old school fans and catered to yuppys who usually end up selling their tickets to visiting teams anyway. I don't think however, that Jets games are the lamest games to attend. Ever been to a Giants game?
Lol i think that's so that flaked just BC we haven't wont in a long time. i'm only 23 i been a jets fan since Keyshawn and i don't plan on going anywhere. I barely even like any other teams. Fuck them old grumpy jets fans that hate everything about the jets now compared to "back in their day". But i had alot of fun at the saints game and pats game last year at metlife...esp. the tailgate. I wasnt even aware of a time limit lol.
Come on bro... we back it up... sometimes. Were starting to build that team that can back it up again too! i love it. Our squad matches the personnel of our coach.. and our fan base does too! Were gonna remain infamous! ^_^
Hey I don't mind being the bad guys or the pariahs a la the old Raiders. But you gotta WIN. Otherwise you're just a punch line, and that's what the Jets are right now.
the old fans didn`t flake out because they weren`t winning. Those old "flaky" fans as you call them, were the ones who stuck it out during the leanest of times. No matter how bad the team was/is/going to be, they were there NOT because they were winning, or made it to an AFCCG. The old fans were basically weeded out with the PSL crap. No more "blue collar" Jets football anymore. It`s basically white collar corporate crap now in a very stale atmosphere and even more stale stadium.
Destroying? No. Destroyed? 100%. Aside from the few who refuse to throw in the towel, it`s a new fan base. We had well over 25 people tailgating throughout the years every home game. I think there are less than 10 who still might be going(I haven`t been there since the first season the stadium opened). But most fans are starting to realize that owning Jets season tickets isn`t any kind of investment/big deal anymore. You were once able to sell the games you couldn`t go to. I hear there are no more hard tickets anymore. Some sort of credit card system now? Makes it much harder to sell/transfer tickets to someone. It use to be great selling on eBay. People were willing to pay over face value by quite a bit. Now? Just go to the Jets directly and buy them on gameday for face without any PSL agreement if you want. There are thousands available every game. How about those 3 game packages they are selling now? You can get the Steelers, Patriots and Dolphins in the $10,000 PSL locations WITHOUT having to buy the PSLs. How do the fans feel about this who DID pay for the PSLs in those sections? It was the biggest scam the Jets ever did to their fans. Thankfully most of us opted for UD for the first season, then said screw that shit. Keep`em Woody. I was going to Jets games for about 30 years. At one point I hadn`t missed a home game in 143 consecutive games. It was that much fun to go and it was one of the cheapest NFL tickets in the league. It was affordable for everyone. No more though.