I also predict Mo Wilk Will have 14 sacks,Hill won't have more then 12 catches all year,Amaro will lead the team in catches the second half of the season,Geno won't throw more then 9 interceptions,Vick will never see the field,Millner will play good but always be week to week with injurys annoying all of Jets fans,Our Specialal teams won't be anything special yet again
The two dreaded monster will Ground N Pound for slightly over 1000+ rushing yards... EACH! Powell & Richardson will combine for another 450 yards which will lead the NFL around 2500 yards! Now thats Jets football baby! *Rex Voice*
I predict Rex will have at least 1 sideways press conference. Cimini will have something douchey to write.
One of our WR draft picks, Saunders, Evans, or Enunwa, emerges as a clear long-term solution at WR by the end of the season.
I predict the Idzik honeymoon period ends at the end of this season and posters will be able to be critical of Idzik, a player drafted by or signed by Idzik without getting jumped on by the Idzik secret service.
-Aboushi will be starting on the line before the year's up -Allen becomes the bonafide #2 CB -Pryor wins DROY -The passing defense becomes a strength, rather than a weakness. -The Jets have a top 15 offense with Hill becoming Geno's go to guy
Quincy Enunwa will make the team and will have more yards and touchdowns than Stephen Hill has had in 2 years with the Jets
Jace Amaro knew how to block all along, he was just waiting for the right time. An invisible, tasteless, and odorless substance that increases grip and dexterity in human hands is invented by a Jets fan and promptly applied to Stephen Hill's hands. Geno rips off his jersey revealing himself to be an actual robot with new rocket arm upgrade and targeting sensors. The Patriots make the most of the new drone technology available to the civilian population. It's not used for spying purposes. A player on any NFL team headbutts the shit out of another player. Jets go 16-0, everyone bitches about how we won't have a good draft in 2015.