Any other NY Jets Season Ticket Holders out there upset over the change thsi upcomong NFL, from hard copy Jets tickets, to this new - "Jets Rewards Card"? I have been a Season Ticket Holder of the Jets since the 1980's, and I have saved every single game-stub. Alot of my friends bailed out after the PSLs came-about, but I payed thousands to remain in my seats out of loyalty. Are they telling us they can't afford to print tickets for the amount they demand?! It's not "Going Green" if you save the ticket stubs as a collection, like I have. The tickets have gotten smaller and less-cool every year, and now they're gone altogether. This Jets Reward Card is corperate-crap, and I for one, don't like it. We PSL owners should recieve these "Rewards" included in this new Reward's concept, while still having the option to recieve HARD COPY TICKETS if we so please... If any one else feels the same, post it & spread the word!
Doubt that it has anything to do with the environment. Sounds like a way to get greater control over how the tickets are handled. Does it make it harder for them to be resold or passed out to friends?
They also reward fans for entering 15 minutes before Kickoff, and for stuff like false start penalties by the opposing Offense. It's gimmicky, but if it's an attempt to make the building louder (I'm aware there are other purposes and intentions behind it), then that's a pretty good thing.
The tickets have actually gotten larger in size since the old stadium. They use to be much smaller, the tickets from the new stadium are comparable to the size of parking passes.
Maybe you can get a Jets decoder ring with your rewards points to replace your 30 years of ticket stubs! Seriously, do you really need to collect all the ticket stubs? I think it's a novel idea. The only problem I have is splitting tickets just became harder.
they should always give hard copy tickets. I no longer am a STH, but if I was, I would be super pissed. I use to collect my stubs as well. Have since sold most of them. Still hold a few somewhere for resale in the future. I guess this new concept is good for me since I have some classic stubs and just holding them for a bit in the hopes they`ll be worth more and I recoup some of the money I spent on this team. The Jets will come up with some dumbass reason for this. Like to avoid "scalpers", when they themselves are scalping singles on stubhub and other sites. I really feel good I got out when I did. Sports has become a moneygrab for the millionaire players and billionaire owners, along with the trillionaire league. They can have it all, but they ain`t gettin mines.
Well if they want to go digital they should start handing out iphones for every season ticket holder.
I was actually a fan of this the day I read about it. Even more of a fan now that we have gotten our season ticket packet. There's something to be said about having a hard ticket in hand, especially if it's a special night that you want to remember 20 years down the road. But this is a smart business decision. You eliminate a lot of fraud possibilities, it's more convenient for the fan and you also reward the fan for doing something that helps your business. Welcome to 2014.
I like the idea, but as someone who collects many of his ticket stubs, I think they should offer complimentary paper tickets for season ticket holders, even if they're just for show.
If it's good for the earth I'm all for it. We live in the digital era, saving paper is important.. We can save things from games like hundreds of time stamped digital camera pictures instead of tiny pieces of paper with the date and opponent on them. In fact, if I were a ticket stub collector, I'd scan them all to immortalize them. The times they are a-changing, adapt or get left in the past. I don't get the anger about this. In another decade or so, paper will be near obsolete. Take lots of pictures. They will bring back far more memories than a ticket stub.
Wait a sec, you're taking a shot at them for trying to save money on paper, but you are selling the stubs anyway? hmmmmm.
Im not a season ticket holder but it just comes across as cheap and disrespectful imo. I dont mind my Amtrak tickets going digital (which they already have), but I would prefer my 8 Jet tickets to be paper. Its all about the money for these owners, im sure they are saving some significant amount by going digitial.
I received my ticket package on Wednesday and I was impressed. I also keep all my stubs and I have to say I feel like this was an upgrade. I went through the package and there was tons of cool items, I would say that the jets are keeping with the times. I installed the new jets desktop video browser which I really like. You get videos sent directly to your computer and you can watch games, breakdown film, even use slow motion. On top of that I just printed out tickets for the colts game Thursday I am giving to a friend and it was easy to do the game automatically comes off your card andyou even get to keep it as a stub. So if you feel cheated by the fact there are no more nice paper tickets go ahead and print you're season out. Is the quality going to be as good probably not, at least you can keep your collection going. I think the biggest perk to this system is the ease of entry. I'm all for avoiding lines and this is going to make a huge difference! If you rather print your tickets and stand in line by all means, but I'll be in my seats or getting a cold beer while you wait. Lastly all with the click of a button you can sell, transfer, or donate tickets, but if your giving the seats to a friend do yourselves a favor and print them and give them to them. Don't transfer them or you won't receive your rewards points. Enjoy the season fellas!
Really? So if you were looking through a box of old paperwork and found four stubs from an NFL game played 1/12/69, you'd just throw them in the trash?
I believe his point was about why anybody would waste their money on something as silly as an old ticket stub. If someone's dumb enough to buy it, you can't really blame somebody for selling it. Dumb rich people buy all kinds of useless things.
there is only one true reason they did this and i dont believe anyone has mentioned it. to force everyone to use the ticket exchange. think about it. all the other stuff here is trivial, and the cost of the tickets vs the cost of these cards (banking on the fact that you will get a new card every year) cant be that much of a difference. but when you take that ticket, and sell it through stubhub or CL, you cut out the jets, and the league's cut of the money. using the ticket exchange helps them with this. the plus is that there is no worry about authenticity, the minus is that you cant set the price the way you want, and have to use ticketmaster/the jets official site. and also yes, its a bit more of a pain in the ass to share tickets.
As usual , the Jets screw up everything . They should give the season ticket holders an option for the program , not make it automatic . There still will be paper tickets for non-season ticket holders . Who gives a crap about going green ? How about worrying about getting a home playoff game instead ?