ASOIAF: Game of Thrones Books (Contains SPOILERS!!)

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by abyzmul, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Oh yah, lol.
    Plus I don't think Mance was prepared for an attack coming from his flank, since he probably figured he had no more enemies that far north. You are right though, they did half ass some important things just to include more "exciting" things such as hound/brienne fight.
  2. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    So if you wish to spoil yourself read below:

    There might be some MAJOR shifts from the books regarding the Dorne storyline. It is pure speculation at the moment, but look up the casting videos for actors trying to get roles next season. Some major script spoilers in it. I don't want to say since it is speculation and it could be a spoiler.


    Also, did Varys get on the ship with Tyrion? We don't hear from him, but they can use Varys as a passage for all the historical stuff or details we need to know except he's explaining it to Tyrion. Varys could be come a focal point of a story as he kind of disappears. Briene and Pod are still there.

    The show can pull it off but in my opinion they can't have Dorne or Iron Islands dominate an episode. If they do that viewers will get upset. The show has the benefit that they can run story lines at the same time from books 4 and 5 since those timelines are the same
  3. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Varys didn't get on the ship with Tyrion in the books, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to kill Kevan Lannister at the end of Dance.

    As far as the spoiler, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! This show just graduated from curious interest to badly made horror movie that's good for laughs.

    Dear GRRM, thanks for postponing your writing to facilitate this absolute piece of television shit, and also have fun working on that dung chunk Wild Cards that nobody cared about 30 years ago, maybe you can get some gullible asswipes to pay attention to it now.

    What a dick.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I know in the books he didn't, but in the show it looked like he was leaving. That could be something for the show.

    Yeah I'm really hoping that spoiler is just a fake script to test potential actors on
  5. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    That actually sounds like the typical way these guys try to drum up interest with certain storylines. If they were smart they'd get a few blue chip actors to play the Dorne arc, but they aren't smart. Jaime is going to Dorne, LOL. I'll be surprised if he doesn't.
  6. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Just watched the episode and have to say it was a mix of pretty good and very disappointing.

    My thoughts:
    - Stannis arriving was well done given that they obviously didn't want to spend the money on another expensive battle
    - Bran vs Skeletons was kind of random and weird but that story line is so boring they have to punch it up a little so I can live with it
    - Dany's story is generally pretty boring at this point and for the next while. That being said I thought the dragons looked pretty bad ass
    - Hound and Brienne battle, while it shouldn't have happened was pretty well done
    - Arya's story line is back on track but this whole sidebar was just stupid and unnecessary. I also don't understand why she wouldn't go with Brienne. Likely she could have had Brienne bring her to the wall to see John. I get that maybe she doesn't trust her but that still kind of bothered me. Worst of all is that they wouldn't let her in to the Eyrie. That makes NO SENSE AT ALL. Her aunt died 3 days ago so they just completely disregard her? At this point the Eyrie has two ways to align themselves: with the Lannisters or against them. If they want to be with them handing the Lannisters Arya wins them huge favor, if against them having a Stark and for all they know the last living heir to Winterfell (as Sansa's existence is only known to a select few) would be a huge boon to their cause. There is no feasible scenario that when she announced herself as Arya Stark that they wouldn't allow her entrance. Absolutely idiotic.
    - Tyrion's story was butchered as well and pissed me off. The omitting of the Tysha information is absolutely unforgiveable in my opinion. There was zero reason to omit it, they already mentioned that it happened how hard would have it for them to send a quick reminder, they did a brief mention-reminder with the Children of the Forest which TV viewers were probably pretty detached from

    Overall I don't like how they got to where they are but things are relatively all where they should be at this point. I'm not really sure how they are going to handle the Dorne and Iron Island story lines as I don't think TV viewers will be particularly interested.
  7. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    The Hound was the only part of that episode that didn't fucking suck, the low point probably being the pirates of the caribbean skeletons and the child of the forest throwing fireballs, the whole first half or so was pretty terrible though. Again the Tyrion stuff was okay but unnecessarily cut down in favor of other bullshit. What's his motivation to go kill his father when his conversation with Jaime is 'lol luv u k bye'?

    I do think they're in pretty big trouble as they've run out of "moments" from when the books were good, but the show is so popular at this point they'll get a couple seasons of grace before the show only viewers realize how much it sucks.
  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I don't mind skipping the Tysha stuff. They haven't talked about it in depth and Tyrion telling Jamie he killed Joffrey could confused everyone in the show. It was too late at this point to slide it in. I thought maybe they were going to turn Shae into that type of character and just merge the two, but they didn't do that either.

    I completely agree with Arya just walking away from the Eyrie. They set that up and said, oh well don't worry about it. I do think Arya would not have joined Brienne. She would have been suspicious that here is someone who the Hound just called out as having a Lannister sword, I'm fine with Arya wanting to go solo.

    I think we all agree on next year. It is going to be really tricky to do and keep viewership.
  9. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    At this point I think it is one year of Dorne/Iron Islands and then the show will start passing the books and we will find out what happens in KL, what happens in the North, and eventually the ending. That's how t he show will stay afloat if it can survive next seasons shift in story and setting
  10. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Lol you think the show is going to pass the books? Haven't heard that theory yet. And if those two retards making the show are writing the new source material, there is no way the show stays afloat.
  11. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Cannot tell if you are sarcastic or not. It has been widely speculated that it will happen

    They have said GRRM told them the summary of how it ends and last year he told them non detailed arcs/endings for all "major" characters in the show. GRRM needs to get this next book out before next season of TV ends/season 6 starts filming. But even then, who knows how much time that buys him until his next book. The show would really need to stretch things out but with TV contracts and the child/teenage actors, they just cannot do that.

    I thought it was common knowledge that this has been a worry?
  12. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Why would it be confusing? They already explicitly showed who was responsible for killing Joffrey. What was confusing was why Tyrion would go to his fathers room in the first place without feeling betrayed by the only real family he thought he had. Plus we would've been spared Tyrion doing his Jules from Pulp Fiction. Why did the word whore set him off? Shae was a whore.
  13. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Because it's one character completely going against what it is told to the viewers. It would take viewers out of the moment because while viewers know, they don't know that Jamie doesn't know. That is hanging over the scene like it was in the books. If I remember correctly, we are still in the dark when reading the books about if Tyrion actually killed Joffrey.

    It's a suspenseful moment in the show too. They didn't develop the Tysha story enough to bring it up in passing here. I think it would have taken too much time and taken the moment out of Tyrion's escape.

    If they spent the beetle scene reminiscing about Tysha or something and built it up more recently, I think they could have slid it in without taking the suspense out of the story. But at this point, they've ignored it for so long, you don't have time to introduce it. The way the show was set up, finding out who killed Joffrey isn't a big deal anymore because the viewers know.

    A lot of their omissions come from just not developing it well enough. At this point, I don't think the show could have successfully done the Tysha/Tyrion killed Joff scene. So I'm not annoyed they just glossed over it in the scene.
  14. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    It's never been explicitly stated in the books who killed Joffrey. It's clear that Tyrion's "confession" was only meant to hurt Jaime though. As far as developing it, Tyrion already told the story back in Season 1, it didn't need to be developed, it was already shown on screen. Put it as a clip in the "previously on" montage like they did with Arya getting her coin and you don't even have to spend any of the actual episode time on it.
  15. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I can see some minimal reason for him going to Tywin because he sentenced him to death for a crime he didn't commit. The difference is in the book he was going because he was in a rage and just not thinking, even if he wasn't going specifically to kill Tywin in the books (debateable) in the show there was no reason for him to be in a rage and Tyrion is known for his strategic thinking and self-preservation. Why would he go just to have a chat with his dad who, for all he knows, has guards in the room with him or nearby and he could possibly miss his one chance at escape, gambling his life on a chat with his father for no real purpose? It makes no sense.

    I don't buy the argument that it would be too hard for the TV viewers to follow or remember the Tysha story. They don't exactly bring up the Children of the Forest a whole lot but they just had that girl say "they called us the Children but we were here before them" which was kind of a puzzling way to bring it up and that's something that people have far less of a recollection of because it doesn't connect to any one particular character. Plus it would take ten seconds for Jamie to have said "you remember how I told you that your first wife, Tysha, was a whore that I hired for you? Yeah, that was a lie that dad made me pull. She actually loved you. My bad." If they didn't want Tyrion to confess to say he killed Joffrey that's fine but at least that puts Tyrion in a rage and gives a good reason for him to kill Tywin outside of Tywin saying an actual whore is a whore.

    I do agree that they should have brought it up again more recently to keep it fresh in people's minds. That's just further evidence of the poor handling of the story though. I have been pretty lienient with the show in some regards (even above I noted the ridiculous skeleton bombing by one of the Children of the Forest is understandable as it at least brings something interesting to Bran's storyline) but I think omitting the fact that Tywin did that to Tyrion and worst of all that Jamie participated is just an unforgiveable omission and there is literally no reason to have omitted it. They can put in meaningless garbage like the beetle story or have the Brienne and Hound fight for like 8 minutes but not add this one additional detail that completely rounds out the entire Tyrion - Tywin dynamic and gives an entirely new element to Jamie and Tyrion's relationship?
  16. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Nope, hadn't read it. That's pathetic. Looks like this is my last season watching this tripe.
  17. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Heh, is calling Bloodraven Dumbledore now.
  18. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    People were flipping out after the finally, it's a lot to cram into one season I guess. I am thinking Catelyn Stark will play a big role in the next season, I can't remember what happened to Beric after he fights the hound? I don't remember seeing him at all after. It's been awhile since I read the books.
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Beric is actually the one that brought Catelyn Stark back when they found her in the river, he gave her the Breath of Life and died.
  20. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I know, when she becomes lady Stone Heart. But, I am saying I don't remember seeing it in the show. Unless I missed an episode?

    I am thinking Lady Stone Heart leading the un-bannered will be a big part of the next season.

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