Really? My feeling has been he has been properly rated overall. There are outliers like this thread starter, but I think the overall opinion is that people hope he improves, but don't know if he can improve, and there is a shot he doesn't improve and isn't a quality starting QB in the NFL.
I just think I just saw too many negative things last season as well as his college years to really believe he has much of a high to mid level QB ceiling. Of course, I'm hoping he proves me wrong and becomes a great QB but I think too many people have this belief that him being a quality starter is viable.
Fair enough. I could see how that would be overrated considering what you saw. Hopefully for the first time in years, we have a viable backup in case our starter has trouble.
Man, this pathetic twat is playing right from the Pats halfhead playbook. If our moderators weren't so obsessed with banning the trolls that pretend to like the team, this piece of maggot shit would be gone in a minute. Especially since his registration IP is in BOSTON. What a pathetic fail that shitbag is.
C, I have wanted to reach out to you, but I know you're good. I also know it's the dead part of the season so it's frustrating... but thanks all the same.
Be frustrated all you want. This, however, is totally uncalled for and has nothing to do with the Jets or frustration about the team. Why this crap is permitted to continue is absolutely disgusting and I'm not sure Petro would be happy to read it. I know it's late but maybe you can look into this in the am? Is this stuff ok? _
hey pick6, as a Jets fan, how does it feel to know that every other Jets fan, alive or dead, thinks you're a mentally deficient half wit that secretly inserts tom brady signed football's up your ass? just wondering.
The hateful and sarcastic undertone that is blatantly obvious in all of your posts is comparable to a high school female's... Furthermore, the fact that you have nothing positive to say about The Jets gives away the fact that you are a Tom Brady beanflicker.