Arguably two of the worst OC's of all time somehow ended up on the NYJ's in a span of time not long apart.. Who was better? Who was worse? GO!
I hate them both but I would give the slight edge to Schotty if I had to.. Hackett drove me nuts with those 3rd and 9 draw plays.
Would I rather slit my left wrist or my right wrist? That's the question you are asking me right now. I'm going with Hackett.
Hackett was decent when he was working with Pennington, but clueless with Vinny. Schotty was equally inept whoever was at QB, so Hackett gets my vote.
Good thing I ate lunch before seeing this thread.. Yikes! Although both guys had their faults and dubious successes, Sparano did reset the floor when it comes to Jet OC's so we're looking at a "cream of the crap" scenario. I went with Schotty due to the back to back AFCCG losses.
I'd vote for Sparano. But -> Heimerdinger trying to play offense with Brooks Bollinger 3rd and long = Draw play. And while Schitty was bad (his nickname says it all) - he did get 2 AFCCGs with his inept offense so it had to account for something.
You mean the year we had some guy named tom moore consulting on the red zone offense? The same year we had plax, aka the first big time rz target the jets have had in a long time?
They weren't two of the worst OCs of all time. lets get real. Schottenheimer is/was an average OC just crippled by the destructive whirlwind that was Mark Sanchez. He is/was nothing special but he was definitely handcuffed by Sanchez. However he probably played a role in his selection and definitely in his development or lack thereof so not all blame gets deflected. He was definitely better than his successor though in Sparano. Very average overall though. Hackett was incredibly conservative. How much of that was Herman Edwards overruling him though? Also he had a HOF RB and a QB that was limited in his own right with arm strength so I guess I can't blame him for running the ball and playing conservative in some regard. Would have liked to see more ingenuity though, he got too predictable. He was too old school in an era where the game was changing - he got left behind. I'll say Hackett was worse, but neither were the worst thing ever to walk an NFL sideline or anything. Jets fans have been rough on offensive coordinators in recent years, but really when an organizations invests only in defensive-minded HCs for 20 years and spends over 80% of their 1st round draft picks on defense and not-skill offensive players in that same time frame, what are you expecting of an OC - to walk on water?
Hackett was so frustrating with how conservative he was. frankly i felt Pennington had a better feel for the game, and the defensive formations, but control freak Hackett wouldn't give him any latitude to call his own plays/audible. instead we'd run the predictable draw into a defense ready for the predictable draw. Pennington would often be visibly frustrated with the play calling, and i don't blame him. Schotty was limited, but certainly had success here as well. Sparano had nothing to work with, but really didn't offer anything to the team either. Morningwood is my favorite OC in quite some time.
Hackett was a great teacher of offense, he was an awful play caller. Both did good jobs for us but could be frustrating at times w/ Hackett being too conservative and brian getting trick play happy. Brian was the better OC and was a good OC. Hackett was just so frustrating w/ his predictability.
it was kind of a "be careful what you wish for" type of thing. everyone wanted Hackett out(including me) and we were excited for Dinger and our O was much worse than at any point under Hackett(though injuries crippled us) and everyone(except me) wanted Brian out and our O became much worse than at any time under brian.
I apologize for understanding this game better than most. it's whiny average fans that always blame the OC any time anything goes wrong. I give proper credit and blame, I don't bring out the pitchfork to make certain players and coaches scapegoats.
You just said Schottenheimer was a good OC - that's not understanding the game better then most. I don't blame the coordinator when things go sour, but to say he was a good OC - I gotta say that's something someone on heroine would say. A good OC is the one we have now. Schottenheimer is NOTHING compared to MM.