Leberfeld : " Jets' roster moves don't add up " ~ ~ ~

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by kelly, Sep 29, 2006.

  1. Ambrose

    Ambrose New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Can you please name for me an NFL Inside Linebacker who is capable of always covering RBs and TEs out of the backfield? So far I've seen passes completed in front of Vilma and behind Barton. The truth is that it is rare for an ILB to be in single coverage with an RB or a TE streaking down the field. Ususally they have coverage responsibilities underneath and across the middle and then their main responsibility is to keep the play in front of them and make the tackle after a short gain. Schlegel has done this well in college and is more than capable of doing it in the pros. On the rare occasions when he will have to cover a TE streaking up the middle of the field his responsibility will be to provide underneath coverage while a safety comes over the top. Admittedly, this will be a challenge, but then it is for most Linebackers.

    My problem with most people who claim to have watched a specific player is that they really mean they have watched games in which that player has played, not the player himself. This means that their opinion is based on a general impression and not on actual study of the player -- or in other words that for the most part they are talking out of their ace.
  2. GreenGiant 32

    GreenGiant 32 New Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    Man, I remember way back when I use to have a little respect for Dan Leberfeld. And it wasn't solely because he suckled on Herm's teat and wrote nothing but fluff pieces. He was actually fairly objective... well at least some of the time. Now he just comes across like a scorned prostitute.
  3. JetsFan58

    JetsFan58 New Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    Indeed most linebackers, whether they be inside or outside LBs, are not as skilled as DBs on coverage. But I think you'll agree that some do better than others at it. He was somewhat protected here by having two very fast outside LBs to help contain anything lateral. There was a reason he got beaten out both years at OSU by Mike D'Andrea, only to have D'Andrea go down to injury. I'm saying this as a Buckeye fan who wants to see good Buckeyes end up with the Jets and do well. But I was a Jets fan before I became a Bucks fan. Schlegs wouldn't have been my pick.

    As for his pro experience so far, we saw in the Washington game where he got torched on a pass play and followed it up with a pass interference call. As I said, he may develop, but it's hard to overcome the dreaded "stiff hips" assesment--one that Mangini himself has laid on him. It's hard to react and flow from side to side if you have to take time to get your body pointed in the right direction and then don't have a ton of make up speed either. Guys who tend to succeed and excel in the role tend to be more fluid than Schlegel is. Better anticipation and solid coaching will help and maybe he'll develop into a playmaker some day. He looked better against the Eagles 2nd teamers. We'll see.

    And, sure, sometimes you're going to get guys saying they don't like a guy without much basis for that opinion. But to tell posters not to post an opinion until the player has proven himself kind of takes away a lot of the debate that these boards provide.

    There seems to be a lot of effort by some posters to quiet anyone who's not totally in agreement with everything team management does. I realize that's pretty much a reflection of society the last 6 years, but I'd hoped for more from Jets fans. I can understand disagreeing with a post, but I struggle with the people who're saying "Don't question this" and "Don't post that if it's negative." I'd rather debate the merits of a posted opinion than just see a series of posts praising every move and questioning nothing.
  4. Ambrose

    Ambrose New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    For the record, Mike D'Andrea was the starter the first 4 games in 04, but he and Schlegle split time about 60/40. D'Andrea did not beat Schlegel out in 05. D'Andrea didnt play a down in 05 and Schlegel was the sole starter on opening day. In 03 Schlegel had to sit out a year after transfering

    Schlegel's pass coverage skill definitely need work. There are some techniques and skills he needs to work on. On the pass play where he got "torched" for a TD he had underneath coverage in cover 2 with a safety coming over the top. He got a spike hung and fell down. That was why the guy was open. On the exact play a few downs earlier his coverage on the TE was good and the pass was not completed. The PI penalty was a bonehead play because he didnt turn his head. If he had turned his head to look for the ball he would probably have batted it away or caught it and lots of people would be saying how underated his coverage skills are.
  5. JetsFan58

    JetsFan58 New Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    D'Andrea didn't play a down in 05 because, as I stated, he got hurt. It is my recollection that he was practicing with the first team until he got injured. Though I suppose that would have been subject to change if he'd remained healthy.
  6. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Was trying to think how to reply, but you said it perfect. He's reaching.
  7. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    A 3-4 defense needs a large, nasty (read: Ted Johnson) LB to stuff the run. I think the Jets believe Schlegel is that guy. He may not be ready for major minutes but he will get some. And please, don't tell me that Johnson ever really covered anybody out of the backfield. I frankly am tired of reading that drivel from the NY writers.
  8. Ambrose

    Ambrose New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    I'm afraid your recollection is incorrect. MDA was not full go when the season started. Schlegel took all the first team reps. MDA was still rehabbing until about the Indiana game in which he got reinjured on a special teams play.
  9. jetsrule128

    jetsrule128 Banned

    Aug 2, 2005
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    do i feel bad for the 3 who got cut(myers johnson thomas) hell yeah

    but this is a busniss and

    busniss people lay off people all the time
  10. jetsrule128

    jetsrule128 Banned

    Aug 2, 2005
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    .This Jets-Colts game should be a fun game to watch.But three viewers named Norm, Ryan and Trevor won't likely enjoy it.

    norm will he is techniclly still on the team

    it should read

    .But three viewers named Sloan, Ryan and Trevor won't likely enjoy it.
  11. JetsFan58

    JetsFan58 New Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    Going back and looking at D'Andrea's bio, I see that you're correct about him not being ready when the season started. He played a total of 4 minutes combined against Michigan State, Indiana and Minnesota (in that order), before he pulled the plug. The bio writer seemed to think his discomfort was still from the previous injury. I'll let you two decide that point.

    He had been the starter the prior year until he got hurt during the bye week after the NC State game. I didn't bother to look up the number of plays he and Schlegs had participated in. You say it was 60-40, I'll take your word for it.
  12. Rictor33

    Rictor33 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    Tell you what though.. I have always been very impressed with Jamar Martin, ever since Ohio State and the Dallas Cowboy training camp show (in which he blew out his knee) He's a beast, tireless worker and is very humble.. Hodgins getting old and this is supposed to be a young team.. I don't like this move..

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