I'll reply to this here since this thread actually has something to do with the argument. "Absorbing the Idzik stories in their totality". Yeah, bullshit. You're absorbing only the Idzik stories that you feel like taking into account, and dismissing everything else. Your posts are a pathetic joke, man, you are so obvious about it too, while lying about the opposite. You say that you "have to make nice" to get ahead, but you constantly say that he begs and kisses ass. That's probably your personal, experience, and I'm sure you can bury your face into an executive's ass with the best of them, but not everyone has to suck hind tit like a cabana boy to get ahead in corporate America. Mostly it's just the weasels that assume that's the only way. Maybe you should stop projecting your own misgivings onto people who you obviously have agenda against and be real for just a half a minute. I'm not sold on the guy, especially with his plodding methodology, so anybody that wants to call me an "Idzik Lover" can go right ahead and blow me, but your posts are absolutely dripping with venom for a guy that you (unconvincingly) claim to be rooting for. Almost makes me wonder if you're a Jets fan at all. It's one thing to have reservations about the guy, another to constantly demean him based on one article written by Gary Fucking Myers.
So his college degree is what matters and the rest of his previous football experience (prior to NFL), including being a scout, is meaningless?
Idzik. Does rock,,,I know it to be fact,,,,I have seen him play the drums,,,,he rules ! Just sayin,,,,,
This coming draft will tell us a lot about Idzik. He says he wants to build through the draft, so let's see him do it. People who want to judge him based on free agency have no idea what they're talking about.
Then you need glasses and do some reading so you better understand the cap and how it works, because you're dead wrong regarding Tanny. Tanny did a great job with the cap until he became GM. Then, slowly but surely, players stopped getting signed and into camp on time, and he started making questionable deals that complicated the cap and created problems. Towards the end, he was pretty horrible with his cap dealings. Due to his cap maneuverings, the Jets wound up having to hold onto Scott, Thomas, Pace, Holmes and maybe another player or two because the Jets couldn't cut them, because he had gotten them to restructure so he could sign other players, and kicked their cap hits down the road to when they were older and less productive. He over paid for players. He was too aggressive. Trading away all those draft picks where the players would have been cheaper for longer, and instead having to pay more to the higher picks and to the older vet FAs he brought in also hurt the cap. Idzik came in last year and had no money to spend on quality FAs to try to fix all the holes on the roster. He had to go with all the bottom of the barrell cheap FAs and those coming off of major injuries, hoping they could return to health and contribute. Your comments on Idzik are spot on.
Didnt we just go through this a few days ago? You're trolling made you look dumb last time, why not give it a rest.
Idzik has a football background. As a college player plus his father was Jets OC and he grew up in a football household. Similar to Belichick. So it's not like he doesn't know the game and is only a business type like Tanny. He is unproven. And hasn't accomplished anything yet. But he's shown me he has patience and intelligence and seems to be able to work with people well. And so far deal with a meddling owner. I'd much rather have a guy who knows how to build a team than someone only going for big stars who often don't produce. The media says he's slow as molasses and can't make decisions. He just hasn't made any catastrophic bad decisions that can tie up your cap and fill your roster with unproductive players.
When you can't re-sign the best player on your team, who is a once-in-a-generation talent, because you threw all that money away in overpaying mediocre talent(Cro, Sanchez, Harris, Holmes), your cap is broken. You never want to let go of the best player on your team, especially if he's home-grown, in the prime of his career and fits very well into your coaching/schemes.
Anybody who see's Idzik as "just a cap guy" is clearly pushing an agenda, the man has plenty of experience as it pertains to player evaluation. I love how flexible we are right now heading into the draft with 12 picks and plenty of cap room to start negotiations with players like Wilkerson and Kerley. I haven't been this excited for a draft in a long time, a little pissed that they moved the draft to a later date.
Posting it again because it got lost in stupid cap stuff. No GM should only be given one year to prove his worth. 1. He came into a shitty situation with a Superstar player that he had to deal with. It sucks that Revis ended up in New England this year, but I'd still say we won that trade. 2. He came into a shitty cap situation, he's in the process of cleaning that up, despite the fans being all over him for it. 3. He had to nail the draft. I really like what he did last year, but the jury is still out. It could either be awful, awesome or somewhere in between. So my opinion is that we have to let him see his plan through to the end. One year is much too soon to call for a GM's head.
all last season we were told jets had no money and had to get fa guys at the bottom---but not to worry as idzik has maneuvered the jets to be 40m under the cap as the season ended on such a high note couldn't wait for start of fa march 11--------I figured we were going to pick up 5 fa and pencil them in as starters 1 or 2 wr 1 te 1 ol 1db and use the draft for development guys--2wr 2ol 1 rb 2 db etc when fa started we moved so slowly---we got dyker wr and vick qb but no db---lost to giants for drc and cant remember the rest----so many internet sources has us trading for djax warning us about his gang ties-----have you noticed the gang stories have stopped also these stories had us up for cj----the rb from the titans----those stories dried up idzik should have spent his 40m or so to get 4 or 5 good fa---starters who have had good careers and are still going he didn't do that----instead he is trying to hit 12 homeruns in the draft----he may get one or two as the jets slip further behind the pats Denver colts kc sd pitt balt-------don't know how jets will line up for opening day----but unless he gets cj and others in fa and draft----we will be facing another poor year far away from a SB
And starting over with a new coach, new defense, new offense and maybe a new GM as well..another 5 years away from any chance of getting to a superbowl.
You know what bothers me? I get it not everyone is gonna be sold on Idzik. But for God's sakes at least give the man a year or 2 before you really judge him.
The CJ story didn't dry up, he hasn't even visited any teams yet. As far as Jackson, there were rumors that the Jets were trying to work a trade for him and those rumors stopped the moment he was released - which to me means that the Jets weren't interested in getting into a bidding war with stupid teams like the Redskins for a guy that had some serious question marks off the field and in the classroom. Idzik should have spent his 40 million in cap space on 5 free agents? I know this is a wasted question, but do you even comprehend, just a tiny little bit, how stupid that sounds? The Jets aren't even close to competing with Denver and New England deep in the playoffs and signing 5 cast-off journeymen (which is what most of this FA class was, it was mostly a shit FA class aside from Revis and maybe Jackson who were both released a while after the FA period began) isn't going to change that. It might have let the Jets overachieve to the tune of a couple of extra wins, but it wouldn't have made them serious contenders and it would have put them right back into the same situation they were in when Tannenbaum was dog-fucking our cap situation. The NFL has decided to turn every facet of the game into a spectator sport, including FA, so fans like you are sitting here thinking their team is losing a game when they don't run out and score some points in the headlines, all the while Idzik is apparently being patient. I will admit that I would have liked it if he had signed a safety to fill that hole, but I'm not going to shit all over the guy for not acting like Scrooge McDuck and diving into a giant bin of gold coins in his first full season as Jets GM. Give the guy a chance to prove himself. He's not going to build a Super Bowl team in a year and a half.
If the Jackson trade rumors were legitimate, why did Philly cut him instead of salvaging a pick or two at least?
I don't know that they were legitimate, but I do know that any "Jets interested in Djax" rumors went bye-bye the second he was released, so that is the hypothetical I settled on. The timing of the gang stuff and his release were a bit curious, though, so I would assume that trade talks, if there were any, cooled off at that moment.
Idzik clearly deserves the benefit of the doubt. In his first year, he made the best of a bad situation with Revis, had a solid first draft, and the team over-performed on the field record wise.
Revis was a very bad situation, but I guess he went for the most draft currency he could get. I remember saying a year ago that I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up with the Pats this year (although I think I said he'd be traded not cut and signed). I hated that deal that Tampa gave him and now the best of a bad situation just became a bad situation again.
1. Rome was built overnight. That man is clueless. Admit it. 2. Superbowl run is always won by the first week of free agency. Jets failed to land big-name CB or any other 'big fish', so you know this season is busted. ================================================= In all seriousness, Jets fans deserve a clueless moron like T-Bomb for a reason.