Do you want Michael Vick wearing Jets green'n'white?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Aewhistory, Mar 19, 2014.


Do you want Michael Vick on the New York Jets this season.

  1. Yes, he will make a good starter for us!

    13 vote(s)
  2. Yes, he can compete with Geno for starting QB.

    53 vote(s)
  3. Sure, he can mentor Geno.

    28 vote(s)
  4. No.

    82 vote(s)
  1. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Honest question: do you want Michael Vick to wear our beloved green and white and join the NYJets roster? If so, why? What do you think he brings to the team? If not then why not?

    I'm turning this into a poll but I am interested in where people stand. To be fair I should disclose that I despise Vick. I desperately hope that he never is on any jets team. I think he is/was a mediocre QB who happened to be a really good and evasive runner. He is also injury prone. Most importantly, however, is that as much as I want to win, I don't want it this bad. I don't want thugs, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, etc. on my teams. Vick is (was) a brutal, animal torturing, sadistic, thug--I don't care that he has paid his "due" to society. I have never been convinced about his so-called reform and I don't believe paying your debt to society, in fact, erases your bad deeds. If that were true then ex cons would be able to vote, but they can't. He took his punishment and he is entitled to earn a living, but I am not obligated to hire him or pay his wages, nor do I want to.

    Now pardon me while I put on my flame retardant gear....

    EDIT: I forgot to include that apparently it is rumored the Jets are having Vick visit. I guess the contact of this thread might have been useful. :)

    EDIT2: "context" not "contact". Damn this ipad.
    #1 Aewhistory, Mar 19, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  2. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    He probably would help us. As stupid as this sound I can't forgive him for what he did. I just think he's such a piece of shit, it would drive me nuts to have to root or him. Anyone that huts animals is fucking garbage.
  3. heartpumpsgreen

    heartpumpsgreen Active Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Not sure. Im conflicted.
    I think it can be a major distraction to Geno and his development.
    The other part of me wants him in case Geno stumbles badly.
    If Geno is a real man he should thrive with competition.
    But he's a young pup who may get silenced and shaken in Vick's shadow.
    Tough call. Good luck to Idzik on this one, I have no advice for him and would not want to make this decision lol.
  4. heartpumpsgreen

    heartpumpsgreen Active Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I hope you have never sinned or hurt anyone ever in your life.
    It seems like the guy has redeemed himself give him a break ... or don't.
    Our gov't kills thousands of women and children a year and we forgive them.

    Anyway I have no prob with Vick's past.
    NYJetsMan7 and seanofthedead like this.
  5. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I don't like those poll options but abso-fucking-lutley I'd want Vick as a Jet.
    NYJetsMan7 likes this.
  6. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    I agree, just for me I can't get past it. I know he's done what he suppose to do etc.. I'm far from perfect like most, I just would never abuse animals. Takes a special kind of scumbag to do that. I personally can't forgive him.
    heartpumpsgreen likes this.
  7. BleedJetsGreen1981

    BleedJetsGreen1981 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
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    I don't want Vick on the team either. The cruelty to animal thing stings, but, more so there will be so much media frenzy. Didn't they go through enough nonsense with Tebow. It would be nice for once if the Jets got press because the best team was in town and not the circus is in town.
  8. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I'm OK with it. Not 100% blown away by how amazing he will be nor planning to burn all my Jets merch if we sign him. I don't buy it would create a QB controversy or that he would be bad in the dressing room.

    I think he could compete to start, if he is the better QB then let him start. If nothing else he will give Geno some competition and might be able to give him a pointer or two.
  9. heartpumpsgreen

    heartpumpsgreen Active Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I understand you.
  10. june19

    june19 Active Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Sure why not.
  11. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    I would have selected the option of being unsure, but since it was not there, I picked the sure why not I don't care one.
  12. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Damn, I thought about putting in an "unsure" option but decided against it. I'll know for next time.
  13. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    It's no biggie man. IMO, it would just be a no-brainer since Vick comes with so much baggage/so many question marks. I'd be ok with him, but would rather have Hill, or Fitz.
  14. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    It ain't the dog things or me ,,,,,it's more that he just ain't that good,,,and he is made of glass,,,,,,not to mention the immediate qb controversy
    NYJalltheway likes this.
  15. rico college

    rico college Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    You do know that animals hurt each other in the wild right? and we slaughter animals all day, everyday for food. So if you really hate people who hurt or hunt animals, (not sure what you were trying to spell) then you hate almost everyone including yourself. Vic didn't do anything wrong and should have never gone to jail. What? do you thing food magically appears at the supermarket? Get over yourself, in other parts of the world they eat dogs. Unless your a vegetarian, I don't want to hear it.

    Back on topic, He would make a fine back up and would push Geno to be a better QB.
    #15 rico college, Mar 19, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  16. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    I can't forgive him either, that implies Im okay with what he did, and I am not... but I won't bemoan the man for the simple act of living.

    To me getting angry at his continued NFL career is not just a means of saying his negative actions are unacceptable, but that his current positive actions, him being a good teammate and giving his all in a game he knows or any other works he does off the field as result of his detainment, are as well.

    My problem with this line of thinking is not the part where one hates him for his participation in abusing animals, I won't tell people how to feel about that either way, but the part where I have to decry somebody for doing positive actions too. Mind you when you say you won't support Vick if he's a Jet that os exactly what you're doing, rejecting the good that resulted as much as the bad that caused it.

    I won't do that, ever. I don't care where a positive action comes from only that it is done. Even if its only because something horrible has been committed. ESPECIALLY because something horrible has been committed.

    It feels just wrong to me to look at Vick and tell him he shouldn't be doing anything in life ever because he did something awful in the past. in fact that seems deathly unproductive, I'd rather he continue what he's doing than be told he can't use his continued presence on this earth to try to make things better.

    what kind of world is it where one can't be proactive about trying to fix a bad deed? one step back at least two steps forward I say, give me a man who's committed an atrocity that lives to help solve issues and be a better presence in his own society than one who isn't allowed to do anything about it.

    The phrase "paid his due" means that he was in prison for the allotted time he was designated, and if you don't think he has payed enough penance I can't tell what to believe but I can put it in terms that might make you think: Isn't being a productive member of society better penance than not being able to try to be one at all? Isn't that better than having him do nothing and leaving things where they were?

    I can't bring myself to denigrate him for GOOD behavior, I just can't. I'll have my thoughts on his potential on field presence soon, but I thought I'd get that perspective out of the way, gorilla in a room in all.
  17. freemantoon

    freemantoon Active Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I'm kinda split on having him. Though if he does come here of course i'm rootin for him to do well. Also i strongly think he beats out Geno to start.
  18. genu

    genu New Member

    Nov 30, 2010
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    Hell no. He is scum.
    chris5533 likes this.
  19. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Can't vote on my phone right now, but HELL YES!!!!
  20. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Your talking personal choice... The fact I eat steak or animals kill each other in the wild for survival purposes has no comparasin to taking a domesticated animal, that's hard wired for love affection and loyalty and raising it for the sole purpose of sadistic pleasure. So you think abusing, killing and training a dog to harm and kill other dogs for recreation is ok? Not even in the same stratosphere. Your comparasin is silly. No offense.

    I get it you probably have no value for a dogs life. I do. Like I said its just a personal choice. To me anyone who slams a dog on concrete to kill it, drowns it. It's a piece of shit. These are 2 examples of the many things he did. I'm glad he went to jail, and he 100 percent deserved to be there. I wish he was still there. Lol

    Could he help the jets? Probably. I just think he's a dirtbag and I would prefer for selfish personal reasons he's not become a jet
    FlaJet likes this.

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