And you are a troll, there are circumstances much bigger than you can comprehend as to why I will not bring up those posts. Go talk to a moderator, if you were around here in 2010-2011 you would understand.
Guys....get back on topic or you will be leaving TGG . I'm sick and tired of personal attacks and supposedly adults acting like Children. Back on topic, or get lost.
This is a win now buisness with billions on the line,Why should I trust an unproven Gms plan ?How do you know for sure that Idzik knows what he is doing and isn't in over his head?If we have a losing season this year he will be on hot seat for year 3 and Rex might be fired this year with another losing season.Cap space is ment to be spent there's literally zero reasons to save all of it
Idzik is a cap guy. His hard line stance with everyone is getting old. I understand you build with youth, but some free agent pick ups are vital. He was never a gm before and that's what troubles me about so many blind faith in him. He dealt Rez a shitty hand and for 2 seasons he's been dumping contracts. All he's done. To act like he's a genius for not be willing to pay anyone, I think is reach at this point. I'd rather he come out and say, we don't see ourselves as a playoff team at this point and were going to continue to get younger.
Oh its def a reach,its like the blind leading the blind,that's what's happening here.Idzik apologists are popping up all over the placee.I have zero faith in Idzik right now until proven otherwise.
...unless you aren't all that certain the guys available to be spent on are worth it after a certain spending point... and you want some more money to retain players and to try your hand with another lot next year that you might feel differently about. this "have cap space, must spend" mentality works in a bubble, where 2014 is the teams only opportunity to improve via Free Agency, or else when the following season may be the only opportunity to feasibly and handily win a championship (hi denver) Idzik won't commit more than he'd like to, thats fine as theres no reason to go all in on this season with little mind to what may be there next year. there actually is room to be patient as of now, despite Jet's fans insatiable need for instant gratification. we shouldn't put too much stock into 2014 free agency (or hell this year in general) as the only solution to win a championship, there will be other opportunities believe it or not. I know thats hard to tell Jets fans that seeing as how we are always in win now mode, but thats the reality.
Yea well we missed out on all the younger free agents that coulda made a diffrence and been here for some years.All that's really left is stop gaps and veterans.What's the diffrence if you sign a top proven young player in free agency or you draft one?its almost like a shortcut you already know the players not a bust and can contribute asapp
we only missed out on the younger free agent CBs that could have made a difference THIS YEAR. think bigger. opportunities to acquire other talented players either throughout the draft or FA will always arise in the future. theres no need to go all in NOW if you're not sure of a players projected impact or are wary of their overall cap hit and its effect on your ability to get more talent down the road just because you CAN do so. DRC would have been nice, but if the organization wasn't sure of his drive or that he would produce well enough to warrant a longer deal, they're not just gonna go out and do that for the hell of it. we can't act like there won't be a tomorrow, the team shouldn't make desperate moves to improve themselves, theres no need.
Apparently we offered DRC an 11th hour deal that was better then the Giants offer but he made up his mind by that point
I think they're the opposite of overconfident if anything. They know they aren't a contender, and aren't pretending to be one.