I need some good players to team up with in Battlefield for Xbox One... My gamertag is JAY bizniss... send me a request and a message saying you are from TGG... I am a rank 57 and have a lot of hours in so I consider myself above average.
He soxxx, I have it on ps4 as well. I'm still pretty new and usually finish with 15-20 kills and about the same amount of deaths in each round (when I got the game last week it was much worse). If anyone wants to play my PSN is clarkejets
Ill play with anyone, no matter the skill level. This game isnt about K/D, (although ive finally have gotten the hang of it and have been getting a lot of Kills without many deaths). My PSN is: JETS4EVER1992
Yeah I find not many people play as a squad, but when you do, the game is much better and more fun. I'll add you later tonight