Last Super Bowl losers 49ers Patriots Steelers - Hasnt won since Colts - Hasnt won since Cardinals - Hasnt won since Patriots - Hasnt won since Bears - Hasnt won since Seahawks - Won Eagles - Hasnt won since Panthers - Hasnt won since Raiders - Hasnt won since Rams - Hast won since Bye Bye Broncos, you window has CLOSED.
LOB would have shut down the whities easily taking away the short routes, and the running game would have had no chance. Would have been even worse.
WOuld agree- Seattle was just that good. Don't see the game being much different with Brady as Denver's QB either. He was skittish when facing Denver's pass rush- imagine Seattle?
:rofl2::rofl2: when young? 41-0 loss in prime 20-3 loss aging 43-8 loss if yopu add up the totals in his 3 lowest scoring games then add 2 pts you will get to the lowest scoring game for a Brady led O in postseason w/ half the weapons. It doesn't matter. he had the greatest reg season of all time and was having a great postseason, don't give me the pathetic age excuse.
I still think Manning would have 3 rings with Bruschi, Harrison, Law, McGjnest, etc playing on the other side. He did himself no favors last night though.
yep, those guys that tried to blow 2 of 3 SB wins and blew one of the SB losses surely would have helped Peyton overcome his habit of coming up small in big spots.
I hope it's closed forever, they had a team that shouldn't made the playoffs and yet Brady led them to a conf title game. I have never seen Peyton do that.
Go re-examine 2006. The Colts gave up 2768 yards rushing for a 5.3 yards per carry average and won a Super Bowl. A terrible rushing defense like that has never won a Super Bowl before and likely will never win one again.
When they focused in on Eli in the owner's box I kept imagining him doing a mental twirl as he watched the destruction, with a little tune running in his head: "I got two super bowls and you only got one..." Just imagine the decades of epeening that he has coming at this point. The little brother's ultimate revenge.
Manning is definitely ONE of the greatest to ever play. To call him THE greatest, as an absolute, is just not possible anymore. When you say the greatest, their can be no doubts - like their are no doubts for the following: Phelps, Jordan, Pele... BUT, I don't think ANY QB, past or present was going to beat the Seahawks, not yesterday, not with the way they were rolling, the bounces, the hits, the speed at which they played.
who cares what they gave up in the reg season? they were up big in most games, check out what they did in postseason: allowed 51 pts in 4 games, 12.8 PPG BY FAR better than any postseason year w/ the "great" Pats Ds Let's not forget Bob Sanders missed most of the reg season. so those quirky stats look nice on paper but they aren't reality. Manning thre 3 TDs and 7 INts in that run, only 1 game did he lead his O to more than 22 pts but he willed them to that SB w/ a terrible D:rofl2: you may want to re-examine 2006
Peyton is better than Brady. I'm sorry. Superbowl rings aren't the be all end all stat to QB success. Tom Brady against the Seahawks yesterday would have been slaughtered as well. Peyton already broke Brady's records. He might still win a superbowl next year. Losing this game doesn't tarnish his legacy in the least... and lets be real. A lot of it was not his fault. The high snap, the oline being dominated most of the game, the Moreno fumble, the special teams TD. One of the picks he was hit while throwing, the fumble was an oline fail. Denver's defense played like crap. Manning is light years ahead of Brady.
Brady has never had weapons like Manning this year, the fact that NE made a title game this year w/ the garbage around him was miraculous. Peyton wouldn't make the playoffs w/ Brady's 2013 NE team. Would Denver have won yesterday w/ Brady? Probably not as they were outplayed in all phases but would they have been humiliated? I guarantee it wouldn't have been 43-8. I don't judge based solely on SBs, whether Den won yesterday or not he wouldn't have caught Brady but now he's done in this discussion even if he is great next year and has a GW SB drive he's still not in it. Maybe 2 GW SB drives in the next 3 years can get him back. Of course it wasn't his fault, it never is. It's only on him when his teams win. Whenever Indy lost w/ him it was everyone else's fault same thing for Denver.:lol:
Peytons legacy is not in question but personally for me, I cannot look at Peyton the same way I did 24 hours ago. If you can, props to you, but personally his stock dropped a little bit after last night. I said Peyton could afford to lose the game but he not only lost it, he was one of the reasons why they lost. You can make an argument he was the worst player on the field last night. What do you guys think? who was the worst player on the field last night?
Can I pick John Fox? The guy was completely out coached and out classed. Horrible challenge (in what looked to be desperation), going for it on 4th down, the pooch kick which resulted in the Harvin TD. The guy looked lost, and it showed in the way his team performed.
Average points for Super Bowl winning teams (not counting yesterday): 28 points per game Average points for Super Bowl losing teams: 15 points even using a margin of error of 1 TD, scoring 21 points or more is what you need to win a Super Bowl, but 22 points or less usually loses it for you. Brady in three Super Bowl games has scored 20 points or less. that is three Super Bowl caliber losing performances by Brady, he just happened to win one of those games because his defense held the best offense in the league to 17 points, which has nothing to do with Brady other than the fact that he benefited from it. Brady has two Super Bowls he can claim he was a difference maker (Eagles and Panthers), other than that he shit the bed in three of them and needed his defense to win the other. Brady has more post season wet beds than not. He and Manning are in the same category. and Brady is only 1-2 vs Manning in the most important games.
The offensive line as whole. The linebackers looked pretty bad as well, they couldn't contain the run at all. Manning made mistakes, but a lot were not his fault. I know Seattle has a tremendous front line on their D, but Denver's oline was taken to school.