JP Losman doubters... Read up

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MeanGreenfightingmachine, Sep 20, 2006.

  1. auggystyle

    auggystyle New Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    considering he has only played in 10 games his entire career no. I mean what do you people expect from him. 10 nfl games and you expect him to be passing for 300 yards a game and 3 tds a game? that will come with time, but our coaches will not force him into a passing situation unless nessecery. what is so hard to understand about that?

    he play his rookie year last year, he played in 8 games and had 1600 yards passing and 8 td's and 8 ints, what is so bad with that. Thats 8 games.

    so far he has played 10 total, the potenial is there, i just cant believe you say he sucks after 10 nfl games, come on jets fans i thought you were smarter than this......
  2. auggystyle

    auggystyle New Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    if you think tom brady is not the best qb in the nfl your crazy....
    the guys finds a way to win all of the time, peyton doesnt, when they are down or have to conserve a lead i would take tom brady over peyton any day of the week!!!
  3. auggystyle

    auggystyle New Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    say what you will about culpepper i dont care, i dont even like him. but he led one of the greatest Offense's in nfl history, that has to count for something.....Pennington is not even near that level, i dont even think he is gonna last a whole season, he will be lucky if he makes it out of the ralph alive. dont forget that is where he got layed out and all these shoulder problems began....
  4. jjr62

    jjr62 New Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    OH dont get your panties in a bunch just busting balls. we no hes just a kid but dont come here and put down chad and put Losman on a pedestal and expect no one to say anything. Oh yea I said Ryan Leaf sucks he just reminds me of him.
    #64 jjr62, Sep 20, 2006
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2006
  5. jjr62

    jjr62 New Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    I wonder if Manning was on the pats and lets say brady was on the texans who would be the best QB? Now if you take tomlinsan and put him on any team he is the best back in the game se what I am getting at.:grin:
  6. jjr62

    jjr62 New Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    what does that have to do with anything he could of got hurt in his bathtub does that make his bathtub mean and bad?

    p.s. I hope you get 100 feet of snow up there this year
  7. Jetdic

    Jetdic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2004
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  8. MeanGreenfightingmachine

    Nov 6, 2004
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    I'm not overanalyzing it, thats all from JP and the coaches. It's everything they have been saying
  9. jjr62

    jjr62 New Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    I did say the coaches do that so I guess that is where that came from. anyway they always take the credit even when they dont deserve it. if your recievers dont get open it dont matter how fast or slow you drop you will have happy feet in the beginning.
  10. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    How 'bout if Manning was on the Pats and Brady on the Colts? I think I'd still take Brady (ugh!) because I think he does 2 things: he can adapt to win with whatever he has and he's f$%! clutch. I think that without the OL, WRs, and RB to make that offense go, I think P Manning slips worse than Brady.

    I think we'll see this year since Brady doesn't have much in the way of WRs and Manning doesn't have much in the way of RBs.
  11. jjr62

    jjr62 New Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    He is clutch but I still like Manning. brady couldnt win in indy because Dungy cant win the big games Jinxed I guess. remember Tampa they one the year he left. But I would bet Manning wins with the patriots. I am talking about past years not this year , this year I think they both could be in trouble, but we both should hope the patriots suck. :)
  12. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    This whole thread was about how much "IMPROVED" losman is, compared to last season. No body is saying that he will, or wont be good in the future. Only time can tell that. The problem is that he does "SUCK" as of now. He has not done anything impressive to make anyone think otherwise. He won a game against Miami? Does that make him good, or better? He has not thrown any INT's, or fumbled the ball yet this season, so does this make him better? Yet he has barely been given the go ahead to throw the ball up more then 15 times in a game yet... If he was throwing the ball like an average QB does, I have no doubts that he would have 4 INT's by now. I have not seen anything to change my mind about him from last year. Other than the fact, that he is starting to "calm" down. Maybe mature... Whoo HOO!

    Who cares? IF the coaching staff had more confidence in him (which they clearly do not) then he would have been given that chance to show everyone that he has improven his game. He barely has over 200+ yds in two games, give me a break....


    I hope Pennington has a HUGE field day with your D. You know the JETS are fuming after their rocky start against the Patsies, and are looking for somebody to take it out on. Lucky for us, we will be taking it out on a Rivaled team. It does not get much better then that....
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    You were saying something about reading comprehension? Maybe I should just wait for you to re-read that single, tiny sentence over and over to yourself until it sinks in. Or maybe you could lean your melon against the computer screen and try to comprehend it through osmosis. Nah, let me help...

    Here's what I said, and I was quoting YOU:
    'Holding onto the ball TOO LONG'. And holding onto the ball TOO LONG is always a result of hesitation; lack of hesitation speaks of a composed mind and finds receivers more easily, or gets rid of the ball that much quicker. Not that your CS considers him very composed, or he would have had more than 18 measly attempts against the Phins' weak group of corners. McGahee is the only reason we're even arguing this.

    Yes, they do. But usually a capable QB will be hesitant a few times in about 35 attempts. He's still young and inexperienced, and being so is typically prone to making mistakes, no matter how you personally rationalize it.

    Glad you moved onto your next point, because it would have been embarrassing for you to continue with the last one in such an incompetent fashion.

    The world eagerly awaits your bumbling.

    I agree that his development was stunted due to bad coaching and a bad O-line, but he never should have seen the field last season, except situationally. His development took a hit for that, and now the new CS is forced to baby-step him into being a no-mistakes QB versus a dynamic QB; one who is competently aggressive and maximizes the playmaking ability of his receivers. That is the reverse ideal of how I have always read and seen most QB coaches approach the development of a franchise QB.

    Yes, they work on footwork and work progressions into his drop... but this is common stuff usually taught to a QB before he sees any live snaps, unless he is mentally capable enough to be thrown into the fire. Losman was quite obviously NOT. Part of it was coaching, part of it was that he just wasn't capable enough - it wasn't just the O-line and coaching, so spare me the homer dialogue. You will see this by mid-season (although I can tell already that you will make up excuses for it), when you are avoiding this board like the plague.

    If you have any trouble with anything,

    Just one... what exactly is with the username? Did you intend to troll when you signed up?
  14. auggystyle

    auggystyle New Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    i dont care anymore, say what you want about jp. Bottom line is we dont need a qb to throw for 300 plus yards to win a game. we have an outstanding special teams, number 1 two staight years, and it looks to be 3 after this year, our defense looks way better than last year, and we have a good run game that will only get better.

    we dont need "him" to win games, its a team sport and if everyone does our part we will be fine. Jp will be dominating qb in a couple of years anyway.
  15. jjr62

    jjr62 New Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    if you dont need "him" to win games then why use a quarterback at all just direct snap to mcgahee and add an extra blocker. and how will he be dominant when you dont need him? also the NFL is littered over the years with QBs that were supposed to be dominant. dont be disapointed if it dos'nt happen but if it does it does.If I were you I would be happy with a good solid QB. very very very few are dominant.
  16. auggystyle

    auggystyle New Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    by needing "him" to win, i mean he doesnt have to throw for 300 yards, for example, pennington threw for 300 yards and your team still lost. In fact they never had the lead.
    Take Jp who against NE had 164 yards and we were up 10 pts and almost won the game.
    Also take the miami game, he had 84 yards passing and we won that game too. So we dont need him to win games for us, (yet) and hopefully it stays that way for awhile.
    like i said 10 games in the nfl isnt a whole lot to judge someone on, now if hes was in the nfl 7 years like pennington and looked like this there would be a problem.
    Jp has all the tools to be great, a strong arm, very mobile, and a hard worker, the rest will take game expirience and time.
  17. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Burning Will Allen is like cursing at a deaf person.... not something to be proud of.

    As for Losman, he isnt bad honestly. But please get out of here if you say that you'd rather have a conservative QB rather than a 300 yder guy bombing it out. That must mean you'd take Losman over Peyton Manning....
  18. auggystyle

    auggystyle New Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    losman does air it out, and when he does they are 40+ and usually td's, the point is we dont need him to do that yet. We were never behind in a game, where he need to throw 30+ passes. plain and simple, our coaches have a game plan and they are sticking to it. When losman has to air it out he will, and a lot of people will be suprised when he does....
  19. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    But the D were the ones earning you the field position and scores, not Losman so much....

    And saying a QB doesnt need you to win a game is ludacris at best.

    The reason why Losman gets so much criticism is because not only was he considered a big reach in the 04 draft which included the mortgage of a future 1st rounder, but also the fact that hes in the same draft which included big time QBs like Roethlisberger and Manning.
  20. jjr62

    jjr62 New Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    Like you said "yet" the ravens have had all that for years but no QB you need a decent QB to win for a full season. and like I said there has been plenty of players with"all the tools" that wound up stinking even after experience.

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