He should have been fired when we got a new GM. Woody just didn't want to have to pay Rex and a new HC. He went with the economy package.
Need for speed on offense becomes more glaring every week. No QB would be successful with this group.
Yeah, drafting the "other" Alabama guy (OG Chance Warmack) and Richardson might've been a nice 1-2 punch... ...but of course you don't draft an OG in the top 10, even if he is a once-in-a-decade talent.... the position alone trumps talent ... however talented ... How could this team's OL WITH AN EXTRA WEEK'S REST, get so thoroughly outplayed? Maybe they suck? Isn't there a thread on this board titled: "Is the OL Top 10?" Please...
During the offseason the mods should get together and figure out a way to ban the OP and the rest of his SOJ buddys. Return TGG to the glory days.
If the Jets could get the offensive line from those days, it'd be nice too. Overall, I agree with most of the previous posts -- the Jets need a lot more talent on the offensive side of the ball. I also think that Murray could be a stud, but he'll need time on the bench -- could easily see a situation like the Chargers, where one young QB plays while developing while another young prospect sits. Still, after today's game, it's clear that the Jets need an upgrade at RT -- running right and edge protection on that side is really hit or miss. Don't get me wrong, Howard's certainly played far beyond his talent level. It's just that level is not as high. In any event, including injuries, this team's offensive talent level could be on par with Jaguars, if not worse. Being in the hunt is a complete coaching win, and that's a fact. Can't wait to see what happens when more talent and maturity get injected into the program.
Sure. Because we all know that ignoring problems just makes them go away. Participation awards for all and a chorus of Kumbaya, please.
Right because our owner has a track record of being cheap right? Were in cap hell right now because our owner doesn't like to pay people right? Do you even think before you say shit like this?
For some reason every time I think about Manziel in a Jets uniform I think about the Charlie Sheen character hitting on Jennifer Grey while cuffed to the chair in the police station in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Murray is probably going to be a 2nd to 4th round pick. Depending on how the sophomores choose he is going to be the 4th to 7th QB selected. He has the physical attributes of a marginal NFL starter or a career backup. The question is where does his head take him?
I like your thinking! That and go and get Jimmy Graham. The FA WRs this year aren't worth the risk. Graham on the other hand is a game changer on offense.