Sorry I just saw this but thanks. I've been trying to post more but as usual I get sidetracked. And just as I opened my mouth I missed a week of picks!
agree - the giants will eventually sang one in here, i have no idea about the vikings game, ravens game, and the saints/pats game. i picked the jets but this is one of those games that historically has given them problems.
I played a stupid strategy this week. Lots os two sided matchups. I picked home teams for all the matchups. Total 14 games. If I get 9, I will be happy. So as long as no more than 5 teams win on the road I will be golden. I know stupid but in the end it is a strategy.
Wow. That's brutal man. That was my week last week. I just have the Texans, Jets, and Saints losses off so far...looks like I'll get Dallas, and probably Indy too. It's about time.
I gotta admit I'm quite disappointed. I thought no questions asked I'd be on page one finally, but I'm just barely off in 21st. ARGH another good week is needed it looks like. That's what I get for picking like shit to start the year.
Got 3 wrong so far. Rest of the games I picked 49ers, Packers, Chiefs ,Ravens, Broncos and Giants. I expect 2 more wrong and total 5 wrongs this week.