Was it that bad of an incident that they are going to get a 1 game suspension? We need them for the Bills...I dont know if it is that flagrant. I've seen people throw punches in games and not get suspensions the next game.
Who threw a punch? That person might get 1 game. I just love how BOTH teams are in that "Scuffle" and ONLY Jet players are at fault. 3 Jet players no less. Expect a definite fine to Mangold for that low hit though.
The Refs got it wrong a lot in last nights game. I'm not making excuses, the Jets did their fair share to lose the game but the Refs were clearly watching a different game at crucial parts of the game. I could not believe that the Jets were the only penalized team at the end of that game during that scuffle. How is that even possible? Then BB wants to be a complete asshole and halt the game just to make some stupid ass point that those two players that were ejected needed to get off the bench and go to the locker room. Considering all those faggots had to do was kneel down and win the game, why was it such a big deal? Pissed me off.
Belichick is a douchebag but you don't want those guys on the sideline in case they want to continue the crap after the game is over.
refs only penalizing the jets there was bullshit.... but if colon did in fact touch a ref he will be suspended.
Because they all did things beyond a normal scuffle. Mangold got called for the dirty hit out of bounds as he should. Brick got tossed as he was the only guy who threw a punch (auto ejection no officials discretion on that), and Colon hit an official like a moron (same thing, auto ejection). If they hadn't done that the refs wouldn't have called anything on either team during the scrum since the game was over.
It looked to me like Brick was throwing multiple punches so it wouldn't surprise me if he gets a 1 game suspension
If they didn't suspend Suh, no way these guys should be suspended. I like that Brick showed a mean streak in him. BTW Vlad was a beast last night
Mangold ....He might get suspended, that hit was outside of the playing field and by a long-shot. It seemed like he was frustrated and took it out on his knees.
Mangold isn't, and shouldn't, be suspended. Suspensions usually only come for those type of plays well after the play is done; Haynesworth/Suh. Colon is the only one who might get dinged a game because the NFL doesn't dick around with referee safety. Figure a large fine for Colon and around half of that for the other two.
Dennis Waszak Jr. @DWAZ73 2m Told that the league has not yet begun to review/investigate the skirmish at the end of the #Jets-#Pats game.
my money is on: 20g for mangold 20g for brick 1 game for colon ftr i don't think mangold meant to do what it looked like he did. he started his dive before talib went out of bounds and slid into him on the wet turf.
That was such BS. Not a single Patriot was throw out. Mangold's momentum carried him into the guy because he was dancing on the sidelines like an idiot. It wasn't really his fault. The Patriots retaliated and of course they don't get a single flag during the skirmish despite doing the same things the Jets were doing. Then Bullychick has the nerve to stop the game just to make sure they leave when the game is already over and they could have just taken a knee. What a jackass.
I don't thtink there is any chance Mangold or Brick gets suspended, Mangold's hit wasn't that bad. He went low and he was on his w ay out before he launched, but worse hits have not garnered suspensions and Mangold has no history. Punches is an ejection and that's it usually. Striking an official is the only one a suspension could happen on, but I kind of doubt it. I'd say fines all around is what they end up doing.