NFL Game Day Highlights: NFL Network

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by mezzavo, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    So, I have to get this up here...and I'm going to revisit this on Friday, after the Pats game.

    I almost PUKED at the amount of semi-love....or respect...that the Jets were getting.

    I wish these media assholes HAD to stick with their Jets hate for at LEAST half the season. I would love to be able to throw it in their face(s) every single time they sat to talk about the Jets. It should be every time they go to address the team they have to caveat it with "I picked these "scrubs" to finish 32." Assholes....

    If ANY of the NY Media open their pie holes and say anything other than the Jets suck...I want someone to punch them right in the face. They have not earned nor do they get to say anything nice about the Jets. If I had my way about it...if I were Rex Ryan...I'd do my press conference, take the fine, and not let a single team member speak with the media. Not one single word. I'd shut their nasty asses out.

    They now know, as do I, that Geno Smith is real. How they couldn't figure it out before but, also, now know...the Jets defense is VERY for REAL!

    Media ass hats....I would laugh my ass off if every player just said "no comment."

    It may have been only 1 point but that win was a big "FUCK YOU" to the entire Media contingent.
    #1 mezzavo, Sep 8, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2013
  2. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    I think the standard response for the ass clown media by the players should be...." Sorry I wasn't able to talk to you, I was too busy watching video"
  3. 34miami23

    34miami23 Active Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    lol sounds like this classic

  4. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    What gets me is how they all had this attitude that said the Jets had no talented players, and would maybe win 2 games all year. They were given about a 0% chance to beat the Bucs. NO analyst picked the Jets to win.

    Yet now they're acting un-surprised that the Jets won.

    The media has been talking all this trash for so long (which is not the media's job, why are they taking notes from TMZ? What happened to being objective? Or even covering the home team from fans of that team's perspective?)

    There has to be some transition, something in the middle, where they admit that the Jets are better than they thought. They've already concluded that the Jets were terrible, so they have to address that and act surprised, which would be the closest we could get to an acknowledgement that they were wrong.

    The other alternative would be if they stuck to it, saying that the Jets are terrible but that Tampa Bay must just be a bottom-3 team. (Which Tampa isn't.)

    What makes the media more of a joke is that they'll do a 180 on their narrative that they've had for MONTHS, and then all of a sudden act like it didn't happen. No credibility at all when you do that.

    If the Jets win these next 2 games, even then I don't know if they'll act at all surprised.
  5. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    geno played very well considering the circumstances. im still a bit upset we didnt get to see what mark could do out there in this offense, but im happy with geno so its not really that big a deal.

    the media had their 'jets circus' narrative in full effect early on in the game, including their ridiculously long 'jets drama' graphic... i dont know if anybody here has ever worked in television or anything like that, but somebody spent a long damn time and made a lot of money making that thing up...

    and then the jets fucking win :)

    yeh it was an ugly win, but we wouldnt be in that spot if geno doesnt give up the ball on the 5 anyway, so ill take it. defense held the absolutely loaded bucs team to a lowly 10 points if you take those away, and even if not, 17 points isnt a high scoring day by any means.

    offense is a work in progress at this point, but its already looking better than it has in any of rex's years here.

    looks like the media's script on the jets needs a few rewrites...
  6. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    You guys had to see it coming though.

    According to we were fucking "GIFT WRAPPED" THE WIN!

    Yeah we didn't put up a fight all fucking game. We sure played like shit and they just GAVE US THE FUCKING GAME.

    I'm so fucking sick of this fucking bullshit.
  7. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    The media has a short memory. And it's not just with the Jets.

    That being said, I read Cimini's article about Rex's bravado after the game and I was absolutely shocked that he went in on Tampa Bay like he did. He was all but saying that Schiano was a dirty coach
  8. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    well lets look at the evidence... highly undisciplined team full of headhunters... sounds like a coaching problem...
  9. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Pretty much. He really will not last long in Tampa. I wouldn't be surprised if he was running a bounty program
  10. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Basic pre-game - NFL Network - Jets have no talent, the cupboards are bare, there is no talent on this roster, Geno has no chance because they have no talent.

    Jets win...reaction well just two bad teams playing bad football, Bucs handed the game away, well good luck against the Pats.

    It's what you expect. I said last week that if the Jets were in any other market stories leading up to the season would have been about a young talented front 4, more overall team speed on defense, the maturation of Stephen Hill, the potential of Geno Smith, the solidified offensive line, but in NY all you get is negatives that make for good headlines.
  11. WillBBC

    WillBBC Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    Chris Weinke won an NFL game once.
  12. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I refuse to click on that douche's links / stories, but check the headline on mehta's story:

    Mehta: Bonehead Bucs ruin Revis' return to MetLife

  13. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Wow just wow
  14. ncjetfan

    ncjetfan Member

    Aug 31, 2007
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    I use dvr to match up satellite play by play with the tv due to slight delay. Having serious xm in the house is a great way to avoid listening to the ass clowns.

    You can really appreciate the difference when you rewatch games and have to listen to the idiocy.
  15. Jet Pac

    Jet Pac New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    You guys mad?

    Honestly, why even listen to this BS? Stop letting Mehta create controversy. He's trying to make a name for himself. And you guys are helping him.

    He's another Skip Bayless, desperate for attention. I'm not supporting any media outlet that is bias and/or says something for shock value.

    They don't even dissect the game anymore. Just play Monday Morning Quarterback.

    The Gang Green Message Board is all the JETS news I need..

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