Keep bringing it Jeff. You are doing a great job as an even keeled reporter. Sad that this guy is a speck of sand on a beach in NY sports media. Click the link anyway because supporting a reporter through a click is the best way as fans to show we want level headed reporting. Green Lantern: Idea Of Jets Being Terrible Has No Basis In Fact — Until It Does
I like the premise of the article, but as much as local writers who do not work for mainstream media say that they do not have an agenda, they all do. They basically are trying to say the opposite of what the mainstream media says.
Level headed wait and see articles have no place in the NY media. It's all about playing up the preconceived notions because that's what sells.
interesting article, but the slant disappeared when he linked objectivity and loyalty. The two, while not completely mutually exclusive, are not compatible. Loyalty requires losing objectivity, objecting requires losing, at least in part, loyalty. Loyalty ALWAYS colors objectivity.
Great article. He is right, people need to step off the fucking ledge and take every game on a week by week basis. Could it possibly be a long season? Yes, but it could possibly be a highly enjoyable season.
It's possible, but if that was the intent then it was poorly written. 51 years on this earth says you can be loyal or you can be objective. You can't be both at the same time. I'm a loyal Jets fan, I've never followed another team and I never will as long as the Jets exist. But I've learned that when evaluating things that loyalty needs to be set aside. Loyalty leads to seeing what you want to see instead of what is really there. I don't expect much from the Jets this year, that's my objective opinion. I set my loyalties aside when making those observations. However, come game objectiveness is gone and I'm loyal and rooting for the best. Till after game day, then it's back to being objective. You can be both Loyal and Objective, just not at the same time.
I think Rex would be well within his rights to refuse to answer any questions from a writer who has designated him as a Dead Man Walking. If everything is pre-ordained, why the questions?
Yes, objectivity is out the door about 10 min. before the game starts or when I am walking into the stadium. Most times I can fool myself, unless it's on the road against the pats or ravens, if not, why watch?
Who said it was pre-ordained? And not really, part of being a HC is dealing with the press. While football is a sport and, to borrow a phrase, you play to win the game, it is also an entertainment business. It's a fine line coaches have to walk with the media, and yes that includes having to deal with stupid questions. But any head coach in Rex's position on ANY team would be viewed basically as a dead man walking this season. I think it was Hank Stramm who said something to the effect of "This is the NFL, you know what that stands for don't you? Not For Long." It's always been the nature of the beast, coaches are hired to be fired.
Last time I checked the players on the Jets were considered professional athletes. Professional athletes usually have a great deal of pride. My hope is that these professional athletes use the all the negativity and that 32 power ranking ESPN slapped on them as motivation to come out and plays as hard as they possibly can. When teams have extra motivation, that is when they are usually most dangerous. If this team doesn't have extra incentive after all that negative shit that has been talked about them, then they never will.....
Also, the league does require coaches to hold press conferences and answer questions. If a coach just refuses to answer questions from certain reporters, they would file a complaint with the league and Rex and the Jets would get fined, and then the papers would start writing all these stories about how the Jets are spiraling out of control and can't handle basic questions from the media, etc. There's no real way to "win" the media battle. The obvious way to shut up the media is just to win. Not sure if that's going to happen this year, though, and if the Jets don't win 2 or 3 of these first 4 games it's going to be a very long season unless they can start pulling off upsets against the likes of the Saints and Falcons. And then the other way to deal with the media is to be circumspect, and answer questions in the least informative, more circular way that you can. Obviously this can be combined with just winning. But, it seems to be the direction Rex is going in- don't give the press extra ammo for their articles, and instead just let them speculate. They're going to write bad stories anyway, so you might as well let them be based on conjecture rather than reality.
Reality is the Jets are a team in transition this year,that usually means a down year.Its better to have a down year when the following draft class is projected to be a strong one.Having a better draft position next year could really be a blessing in disguise.
Bump. Click the link. Do it, even if it's for a brief glance. Stay away from ESPN, the Post, and TDN. You are only rewarding them for their bad behavior.