This is a true story... He also says, the cure is by performing cunnilingus again............
Well if I was eating Catherine Zeta Jones's treat I'd probably get throat cancer because I'd be tearing it up every night.
Haha, that's awesome. Oh come on baby, go down on me... sorry bitch. Don't want to get Michael Douglas Aids.
Isn't he about 30 years older than her, she could due alot better than him...maybe she should have married Kirk?
Not that I believe or care that this is what caused his particular case of cancer, but I looked online for a minute yesterday and many cases of HPV have been attributed to oral and cervical cancer. Wasn't hard to find at all, actually.
his cancer MAY have been caused by an HPV subtype but i find it next to impossible that his wife's genital juice carried the same HPV particles to a spot in his thoat where they could in turn infect his cells. that would be a quite a case report.
Hahaha. I'd take cancer in a second for a chance with her! :rofl: I guess it goes without saying that Douglas swallows.