I agree with you, but for a player to come out of the closet publicly changes everything. It's equivalent to asking for attention like a child would. "Look at me everyone, I'm a homosexual!" Besides, most people find that behavior to be either a) immoral and/or b) disgusting. If you're homosexual, keep it to yourself. TMI!
Kind of like the same thing, did anyone give a shit the Lawence Taylor was taking drugs and sleeping with under age hookers. NO, as long as he got to the QB no one cared until he was done with football. Why should we care is a person is gay or not
You guys are too much. Revis is a God while he's a Jet, but within hours of him not being here any more, someone wonders if he's gay. BTW, who else thought it sucked (I mean, "stinks") seeing him throw the first pitch at the Rays Yankees game last night?
clearly you dont agree, at all, because you dont think that a gay person has the right to live freely without worrying about what others might think about his sexual orientation. this was an homophobic remark, whether you think so or not. such attention whores, wanting to not have to keep hiding a significant part of their lives from the world :breakdance:
This argument is so last year. When will trans-gender necrophiles like Isaiah Trufant* and myself get equality? * = possibly not true.
Dude get in your time machine and head back to the 1960"s.......Modern society doesn't give two shits about alternative lifestyles......which hard core catholic started this thread??????? Must have priest issues!
Yeah, that post was bigoted. Almost as much as, well, yours. Here you go, you bigot yourself, enjoy: Q: How did Cardinal Spellman die? A: Somebody slipped him a poison alter boy.
I think the correct punchline is, " he ate an alter boy" . Many variations of the joke I suppose......
Let's see if I can successfully offend everyone that reads this post: It's fine to be gay....but many gay guys are so annoyingly flamboyant. Do what you want with your life but I would prefer it if you didn't need to get up in everybody's face wearing eyeliner and a tank top doing your best impression of Bette Midler talking. It's annoying whether it happens when you go out or see it on t.v. People that hate homos because it's disgusting or an abomination are also painful human beings. Holes are holes, just because some dude is retarded and thinks that pussy isn't by far the best hole it shouldn't really creep you out as long as you aren't forced to watch the act take place. Gay guys are just misguided imo, (lesbians are very well guided however) but they should certainly be allowed to be incorrect. Also this whole "modern" open-minded world view that people seem to think is "possible" now is laughably absurd. Thousands of years ago at the pinnacle of western civilization Spartan guys were boning each other and then going off to be dominant warriors. 1 of about 10,000 examples throughout history. It's the modern world that caused this public tension about the subject, not some guys plowing each other. So there you have it. Homos, homophobes, and pro-homos you're all culpable and wrong. Also, Revis probably isn't gay.
Post of the year. I can't add anything to it but I will try. I don't love them or hate them. Anybody who shoves his gayness into my throat bothers me as well as anybody who hates gays. Who cares who fucks who as long as they don't shove their choices down my throat. PS: Mark Saanchez is gay. I hate him. Not because he is gay because he is a fucking retard.
Seriously...Who gives a shit. It's 2013. Gays are in the military, they can play sports as well. Silly arguments.