NYDN agenda with the Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by maynardsmyhero-uk, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Will-I-Am-Not

    Will-I-Am-Not Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    You reap what you sow. We all loved Rex's in your face cockiness
    in 09 and 10, now that we've failed to win a Super Bowl, the
    proverbial chickens are coming home to roost, and they're dumping
    all over the franchise.
  2. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    It's gone beyond that. Some of us may be overly touchy (myself included) with the criticism of the franchise after two piss poor seasons but nothing factual has come out of any news story since Idzik arrived and beat journalists are now up their ass enough to do their own conference calls with 'fans' (Cimini WTF?).

    And when the fuck did the NFL.com site, official mouthpiece for the league, morph into some horrid Frankenstein hybrid of TMZ and ESPN and use lazy-ass "around the league" journalists to spout shit from their 38-BMI, baconnaise-laden asses?
  3. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    What I find so ironic is asa the JETS do something like keep them waiting at a PC, they start crying like a bunch of dry twats...

    These guys think that because they are reporters from NY they are the cream of the crop and write with these huge chips on their shoulders...

  4. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    it pisses me off that as a jets fan there are so few sources that i can look to for real information about my team. turn on the jets is great, but what else is there? gang green nation does a good job as well, but is that really it? its to the point that i browse this board much more than i should just so i can get any snippets of real information without having to contribute to those assholes page views

    i dont care that they trash the team, thats to be expected from the media, but at this point its just so easy to be a beat writer for the jets. hell i could write these articles they are so baseless

    Jets Planning to Deal Cromartie instead?

    According to an nfc source, the jets are 'likely to get better value on the dollar' in a deal for cornerback Antonio Cromartie. Coming off of a career season leading the leagues second ranked pass defense the market for the cornerback is at an all time high. With trade talks cooling off on the Revis front, the Jets could be looking to come away with picks from their other starting cornerback.

    insert cromarties latest season stat line with some teams that have a need at corner and you got yourself an article baby!
  5. JETS2013

    JETS2013 Banned

    Feb 17, 2013
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    See, this guy gets it! This right here is exactly what I'm talking about. Thiss is "reporting"
  6. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    It's a toxic atmosphere, but it reflects the fan base buying the papers and clicking the links. Look at some of the idiotic drivel that gets burped up in this forum - it's the same shit.
  7. Win4ever

    Win4ever New Member

    May 24, 2012
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    We are in a weird situation.

    Usually, the local media hypes up the team, because their readership consists of the fanbase. They can't just take shot after shot, and expect fans to follow their news outlet. Unfortunately for us, in a 2 team town, the Giants fans will keep readership high, and they can rile up Jets fans. The Giants had bigger expectations last year than we did, and they didn't make the playoffs either, yet you hear nary a peep about it. And on top of it, you have fans that have cross over hate, so Giants fans can relish in the misery of Jets fans, sort of how Yankees fans do the same with Mets fans.

    Throw in the fact that the national media has an east coast bias to begin with when it comes to coverage. And where are the major media markets on the East Coast? Boston? We all know, why they would have incentive to knock down the Jets. New York? Discussed above. D.C.? The Rex connection hurts us here, because they can compare their success to Ryan, after he was critical of them. Miami? Another rivalry that we have, thus they can take shots as well. We're essentially the team with no media backing at all, because there is no consequence to bash on us. Each of the major east coast media outlets have incentives to bash us.

    All these papers have to do is appease one team, and they get free shots at the other. They have their base covered with Giants. So when all of them gang up on the Jets, we're really left with nowhere to go. And it snowballs into what it is right now, where every sort of media takes a shot at us. I saw reports on random free agents that picked a team over many others, yet Rotoworld took shots at us in their little blurb.

    It doesn't help that we were a brash team in the past I guess, with a loud mouth coach, but the pendulum has swung too much with the media criticizing this team. But you move on, you take the lumps, and you follow the team. When we win, it'll be worth it, and you can enjoy them backtracking. But until then, it's going to be insufferable.
  8. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    It's entirely a New York and Boston construct. Outside of NYC and Boston, the local beat reporters are either fairly neutral (65%) or complete homers (35%); this is true everywhere, but NYC and Boston. I've lived all over the country - nowhere else do they attack the local teams like they do in NYC.

    Right now, I live in Houston. Every media story is about how as soon as the Texans sign Ed Reed, they are the favorites to win the Super Bowl. They are convinced they are winning a Super Bowl. This has been true every year since they traded for Schaub. Houston has the worst baseball team in MLB; you never hear a peep about how bad they are run in the local media. The Rockets are average; everyone thinks their GM is the best in the NBA.

    And it's not just a "Jets" thing either - it's a Northeast-thing. Rutgers has a good football team for the first time in 150 years; the Star Ledger beat reporters shit on them in a non-stop basis. The Yankees have won a world series every four years (on average) since they started playing - nobody is ever happy in the media. They tried to run Coughlin and Eli out of town (right up until the day they won their second upset Super Bowl). It's just a pervasive attitude where most of the media are frustrated they couldn't get a job in the actual sports they cover and hate themselves because of it.
  9. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    I feel far smarter having read these posts than I have with most of the coverage the jets get.

    so many factors go into it, but it all ends with the Jets being every bodies favorite punching bag.

    this is what its like to be the second team in a rather malicious news market with the most spotlight.

    Add in an outspoken coach, an adored one hit wonder, and a large enough group to support dumping on them and the vultures feast well every night.

    we can only be responsible for what we do as individuals, but maybe if we put our foot down hard enough (or hell the team starts to succeed) it'll send enough shack waves to at least tone down this farce (lets face it its always going to exist, we can at least stop it from being so common)
  10. Will-I-Am-Not

    Will-I-Am-Not Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    The Jets do get a lot of seemingly biased coverage; particularly from
    the beat writers. The local writers have become very comfortable disparaging
    the team, and interjecting a sarcastic tone to what should be objective reporting.
    The team has certainly made it easy for them to criticize. The only remedy is to
    run a tighter ship, and win. Hopefully, Idzik will help to rectify this.
  11. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Sorta related, but Idzik and Woody were both giving non-answers at the owner's meeting.

    Gary Myers will now write an article about how the Jets don't care about their fans
  12. Bill Belichdouche

    Bill Belichdouche Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
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    its cool to hate the jets, nowadays

    soon we'll be back to being irrelevant.... im sure of it. these last few years have taught me a very valuable lesson.

    its better to be not cared about than made fun of.
  13. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    A lot of people on this board realize what the last few posters have pointed out.
    The Jets are no better than the favorite team of 50% of the population here, at any given time. Certain beat reporters ( e.g., Myers) are documented Giant fans. Some (Serby) have made a living of trashing ( and literally being trashed by) the Jets. Others are young punk types (Mehta, Cimini) who are trained in a new type of You Tube journalism.

    Bottom line...win and tell'em to go fuck themselves.

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