I think you are very wrong. Idzik does not mind Rex here. He took the job knowing he was going to stay and has said multiple times that he loves Rex's mindset. The fact is, those 2 AFCG's did not happen 10 years ago, they happen 2 and 3 years ago. He has been an awesome coach and the talent he has been given has been sub par these past 2 years. Give Rex talent and we have all seen what he can do. The problem is, you people have nothing else to bitch about now that Tanny is gone. Before it was "Tanny is a joke". Now it's "Rex is a pansy". Man up and accept that we were dealt terrible cards by our ex GM and owner. Rex could do nothing but coach his way out of it. Even with the lack of talent, he put a top defense on the field. Yet he'll be gone? I laugh at the fact that you people believe he will be fired LOL The guy will be here for the next couple years, guaranteed. Ignorance is bliss man
+1 the guy is still the man that got two major playoff runs out of the team, if he can produce the best out of his team this year to a good degree of success, then he should stay. if they really wanted to start fresh they would have let him go, 2013 is a test, and to be honest I'd rather a stable head coach then constant flux of untested new guys.
This is me crying over the release of these OLD AND SLOW guys with the exception of Landry even though he was a liability in space
It is a win win situation for Idzik. If after the roster purge, Ryan does well fine. If the Jets do poorly, Idzik gets to bring in his man who isn't tainted by a poor record during the purge season. You can also attract a better coach when the cap situation is better, high draft position if season is bad, and likely extra compensatory picks and possible Revis picks or a settled Revis on the roster.
It's Rex'es fault old players were slow ? How so ? The GM signed them.. Rex just coached to the best of his abilities. Yes Rex didn't pay attention to offense but it also our old GM who signed bad ones not posting all the blame on Toney S. but running on 3rd and 12(especially with Shonn Greene) isn't going to win a thing. Rex did some wrong. But blaming him for slow players IS NOT his fault.
Those two AFCCG LOSSES only matter to Rex Ryan diehards. Nobody else really gives a shit that we LOST back to back AFCCG's. I'm not bitching about anything. In fact, I was an advocate of the "blow it up" pov from the last day of the season so get your facts straight. I'm loving every minute of the purge. Rex got dealt a bad hand. Shit happens. His defensive schemes worked when he had the talent to run them. Unfortunately, his feel for the other two units on the team left much to be desired. You can't win when you don't score. His teams these last 2 years weren't the best. One team imploded and the other simply couldn't get out of its own way. Hardly the stuff of legend. Before you go blaming his assistants, remember that Rex Ryan is the HC and the buck stops there. In theory at least. If he can master all facets of the game and can show he can lead a team of young developing talent, then he'll be a part of the rebuild. If Rex Ryan can be a complete HC instead of a glorified DC, he'll stand a chance. Those 2 AFCCG Losses don't mean shit anymore except to folks that cling to near misses as if they're victories. It obviously wasn't enough for Woody to mandate more than one year under Idzik.
I would call Rex a ruptured duck, actually. This roster could wind up being a real kick in the balls. We shall see what Idzik can do.
Decent as in what? Jets didn't have a pass rusher back then. Ryan didn't get to touch one. Jets still don't have one. Remember how Jets lost the first AFCCG - if it wasn't painfully obvious to you as to what that defense was lacking, I don't know what to tell you. How about safety? Sherry? Eric fucking Smith? Leonhard was brought in for a reason. After Revis, and Kris Jenkins - who else was up for the challenge? Never mind that, Kris Jenkins was mostly non-factor anyway. Jets defense did exceptionally well in terms of stats during 2009 and 2010 season - that does NOT mean that defense had decent amount of players to work with. Jets didn't have anything with half semblance of a pass rusher back then. Jets still don't have one yet. Just why do you think Ryan had to resort to plethora of exotic secondary blitzes in the first place? And Sanchez - that had to happen one way or the other. You know that. Favre tanked the last few games then walked. Who were you going to start at QB spot? Kellen Clemens? Really? Give a master chef a bucket full of chicken shit - see if he can make a chicken salad out of it. Or, in other words: you just do not win the Kentucky Derby on a fucking donkey. Did Jets address the safety spot? Yeah. They used their glorious 6th and 7th round picks for safety spots. Are you expecting THEM to turn into solid starters? Back to the replacements - so who is there in place to step up anyway? Who did Jets draft for it? Oh, right. They traded up so they don't even have enough young guys in the pen. That's the fault of Ryan as well, I suppose? Bart Scott was ILB. Jets still didn't have sufficient pressure package from the front seven. Bryan Thomas played a role of DL in 2 point stance more or less - because that was what he was. A DL. Not an OLB. To create these blitz scenarios, Jets overloaded the strong side a lot, which meant the weak side run was going to be weak if the LB there couldn't seal the run. That's where Thomas was in for. (And in some cases, that was what Jason Taylor was penciled in for.) Does that mean the likes of Bryan Thomases and Calvin Paces were adequate OLBs? Hell no. Jets defense still had to resort to secondary blitzes to create pressure. And when you cannot generate pressure with 4-5 men up front, in passing situation, you're in for a LONG day. Idzik would have to be very careful in assessing the pros and cons of releasing Ryan. If he can have equally competent defensive mind calling the shot at DC, then I wouldn't mind seeing Ryan fired.
What we need is a very good draft next month, the first 3, maybe 4 picks gotta be starters!....linebackers, safteys......Damn, wish we could afford to get Elvis in here too!.....Garrard will beat out sanchez, God, i hope so!.......and with Rex in charge......and i think he will be on a mission to prove something...........this really could come together, and we can be a pretty good team..........I also wanted Landry and Devito back, but hey, not the end of the world....with a few good pieces, we can hold our own.......call me crazy, but i think Revis will be here till he retires.....you just cant trade away one of the best and have it come back and haunt you...I know its happened before, but i dont think we trade him............Keep the defense up to par, we know the offense cant be any worse, and we have a shot to at least be competitive.....miami signs wallace, you think the Jets wanna get burnt by his ass twice a year......REVIS STAYS PUT...........GO DEFENSE!!!!..........oh, and by the way.........fuck kevin kolb.....c'mon.........why is tebow still here?.....draft day goner i hope......Go Jets
Yeah, one of my least favorites. You couldnt understand what i was saying, or my punctuation is a mess? heheh
If Rex has us looking competitive every week, he stays. It's that simple. That being said, I think he's up to the task. The offense can't possibly get any worse, and the defense will be average. Assuming everything is average-ish, we win 7 games.
All this Rex love is sickening. Rex kept Sanchez in as the starter for Christ sake. Whenever Woody loses his woody for Rex, then we truly will start the rebuilding process.
You speak like Jets had Tom Brady waiting in the wing when Sanchez was fouling up with the ass fumble and whatnot. Do you really want to see Tebow fucking things up? Did it ever occurred to you that Tebow was not up to the standard even in the eyes of defensive HC that knows jack shit about offense? If you are talking about McElroy, see how he did in his lone start.
With the loss of Landry, Bell, Eric Smith, Revis, Mike DeVito, and Sione Pou'ha - our defense is castrated. Rex's defense relies on a complex secondary scheme. Yet the only starter returning in the secondary is Cromartie. If we had mananged to keep most of the defense intact I would have been fine with it. But with the loss of all these players we will be lucky to have a winning season and as a result Rex will get fired. Its unfortunate because I think Rex is an awesome coach and wish he could be around for many years.