Jets to try to trade Tim Tebow

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Dennis, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Oh, that is just PERFECT!! 49ers finally find their guy, go to the Superbowl with him, and then they bring in Tebowmania!! Anyone see what is wrong with that picture?

    (When did the 49ers join the rumor mill, anyway?)

    Here's a hint:

    Sanchez and Orton had their statistically worst years with the press constantly in their faces about the backup QB the last couple seasons.

    Plenty of reasons for the 49ers to believe it can't happen there, right? Nice, a QB controversy! Gotta love it. I wonder how fast a Superbowl team can get ripped in half?

    My prediction: He goes to the Edmonton Eskimoes.
    #181 Concerned_Citizen, Mar 7, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Actually, after browsing a couple of boards on some of the teams rumored to be in the running for Tebow, I'd say most of them would react the same way. I don't get the sense that too many fans are interrested in inheriting Tebow's fanbase.
  3. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    As a lifelong 9ers fan (that's what the SF in my name stands for), I would be very upset with our FO if we took on the circus that comes with aqcuiring the league's most overrated player. His fans would love this though; Kaep has still not hit his 16th start and he will absolutely turn the ball over next year and have a rough game or two. I can already guess which Tebots will be screaming for their boy to come in and save the season for the woeful 9ers. We don't need Tim, can't use him and have no use for his fan boys. The 49ers offense is more complicated than it looks by the way, it looks like Tebow could run it because Alex and Kaep executed so smoothly. He will be overmatched.
  4. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    You mean to tell me there is actually a game plan there and it won't work if they plug Tebow in and simply let Tebow be Tebow?

    I wouldn't worry about it, Iput the odds of him ending up a niner at pretty close to nothing.

    Tebow is only overrated by his fanbase. The fact that very few teams appear to be interrested in him or his circus clowns pretty much tells you the league has his pretty much where he belongs... in Canada.
  5. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Tebow in Chicago is a disaster similar to what it's been in NY.

    That team is good. Bringing in a huge distraction with no upside like Tebow could be disasterous... especially since it's a big market spotlight like Chicago. Add in the evangelical freaks in the mid-west rallying around their towel boy hero and you have a circus like we saw in NY.

    There isn't a chance New England picks him up, that's just laughable.
    I also doubt Harbaugh picks him up in San Fran. He knows QB play when he sees it. It would take him 5 mins of film to realize he's not an NFL QB.
    Philly might possibly be a fit, but they have so many QBs that he wouldn't make it out of T.C... Kelly is new, he doesn't need the circus that comes with Tebow in TC and cutting him.

    Idk if he's got much NFL options left...NFL teams would just assume take a chance on a drafting a younger QB that comes with less baggage and more upside. We see this throughout the league at many positions.

    Maybe Carolina I guess. He could settle in behind Newton, sell tickets and be beloved on the bench. I don't know if they would want him though and mess with Newton as he doesn't appear to be too mentally strong. Maybe Green Bay as a benchwarmer.. but again why would they want him? no real upside and a distraction... they aren't going play the wildcat and take the ball out of Rodgers hands. Maybe they want him for special teams. He needs to go to a small market team and give up the QB thing - I think- if he wants to stay in the league.

    Very possible that he's an ESPN College Football Broadcaster and part time preacher this time next year though.
  6. sunbeam

    sunbeam Banned

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Aaahh, I can tell by the way you dismiss people that have religious beliefs you don't approve of that...

    I am in the presence of a G*D*&N GENIUS!

    Because otherwise it'd be kind of stupid for you to write things like that. And just saying, we both know that's not true, right?

    So, what's your field, genius? Quantum Electrodynamics? You got your degree in a hard science right? Faculty spot at MIT? Caltech? Gonna change the world right? Make a difference? IQ certified and documented? Not some cheesy Wall Street bastard smoozing into the gravy train, you're someone who actually deserves the money they are taking a bath in...

    Ah crap, I hope you recognize sarcasm when you hear it.
  7. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Man these guys are breaking weak and getting pwned by mods left and right...that's obnoxious but I couldn't help myself :)
  8. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    The weakest statement I read tonight was from you . You called Tebow over rated , that's ridicoulous since he's not even rated and most analyst say he can't throw.

    The only one breaking weak is you .
    #188 CowboysFan, Mar 7, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  9. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    NFL players voted him most overrated. I wasn't stating my opinion. I thought it was ok to cite the opinions of NFL players since they know more about the game than you or I.
  10. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Yeah, but only comments saying positive things about Tebow count. the rest can't be true because they don't paint Tebow in a positive light.

    Most can only speak out against him publically under the condition of anonymity. Or they get labeled as a non-team player, and get a public backlash. Generally frowned upon to talk about team players negatively whether it is deserved or not.

    Definately the most overexposed. His fans overrate him though.
  11. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    They also voted him into the top 100 before last season.

  12. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    That made him overrated. They fixed that the following year.
  13. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Jim Brown, Troy Aikman, Kurt Warner and many others were also among the top players in the league once too, so what. That is how awful Tim is. He went from top 100 to most overrated without even having to start a game. You accidentally helped make my point so thank you.
  14. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Overrated story
    Updated: October 26, 2012, 10:42 AM ET
    By Rich Cimini |

    Updated 2012-04-29 1:11

    Less then 2 months into the season the overrated story comes out. (so in 2 months, of not starting, and playing in the abomination that was the jets wildcat he was "uncovered" as a fraud and overrated.)

    The point... Is that opinions don't make fact.

    Both stories were opinion pieces....

    Both aren't fact of Tebow's skill or lack there-in.

    The overrated story has even less weight because its from Cimini , who's rex's lapdog, in the continuing effort to quiet fans anger over how AWFUL Sanchez was playing.
    #194 Potzer, Mar 8, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2013
  15. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    I am not sure what there is to dispute. 180 NFL players were polled and 34% of them believed Tim Tebow was the most overrated player in the league "by a landslide." That is the fact I was citing. Deciding who has the journalistic seal of approval from the Tebow contingency has nothing to do with my point.
    FACT: A large number of NFL players believe he is the most overrated player. Doesn't matter who reports it, the result is what it is.
  16. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    To be fair, Timmy does have endorsements from other high character individuals like cop killer Christopher Dorner and anti-drug/domestic violence spokesperson, Bill Romanowski
  17. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Much like Fans across the nation, players are divided on him too. Fans and players alike really love what goes on in Tebow's head. He's a very likeable guy, works his ass off, and is a genuine tryhard in a league that has plenty of lazy Albert Haynesworth types. The league could use more of that type a personality. His skillset for QB is another matter though.

    But the Teboners kind of have an advantage here where the unwritten rules are kind of stacked in their favor. I'm talking about when it comes to finding people that will openly say nice things than there are that say bad things. There is that unwritten code of ethics thing where players aren't aloud to talk negatively to the media about other players, especially those that are teammates. Those that do make the headlines and are blasted for it and demonized whether they were speaking the truth or not. Rightfully so. It costs nothing to say nice things though.

    Had it been an even playing field, I think a lot more players would be coming out of the woodwork calling Tebow overrated and stuff like that. if a nice comment from any of these players means Tebow is actually a good QB. It would be a lot more apparent if he was. At least, somone would want him.

    If you are one of those people that thing Tebow either single handedly turned a 1-4 team around... or if he deserved 30% of the credit all by his lonesome, then you SERIOUSLY overrate him. Had it actually been the truth, teams would be lining up to offer their first born to get Tebow on their team rather than trading for a used jock strap.
  18. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Poor old Timmy...

    Jets phone never rang for Tebow, and now word is they might actually keep him.

    Seems like they are investing what they can in Sanchez still, and word is coaches are actually talking with Timmy and looking for ways to use him. You'd think quarterback would have been apparent if you were to believe all these teboners, but it looks like more gimmiks, special teams, and bench time for him.

    Think this is good for Timmy, Teboner fans? Maybe, it means he's still in the NFL rather than Canada. So there is that.
  19. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    If Tebow stays then it proves that Woody is running this ship and Idzik has no power here.
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    ...and if THAT is the case, then we have another year of Tebow in New York, being forced on a coach that doesn't seem to be a big believer in him.

    Is there any way you see this ending well for Tebow next year? Or the Jets? Because I find it hard to believe the surviving coaches (few of which were big fans of Tebow to begin with) will suddenly have it dawn on them that Tebow is actually a pretty good QB and will start him at QB.

    It is one thing to find uses for him, but what his fans and Tebow himself have entirely different ideas. Tebow thinks he's a regular QB and voiced that to Rex toward the end of the season. I have a feeling much of that converation with Tebow recently on how to use him had a lot to do with Tebow wanting time as a regular QB.

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