According to Steve Young Sanchez "Accelerates the Down", he can't make this team worse or he is done. [YOUTUBE]YAZ9bSijSlQ[/YOUTUBE]
I don't think there is much chance Sanchez plays next year. The New GM will likely not want to have any connection to a failed pick like Sanchez and will want him out and I am sure Ryan does not want to tie his future to Sanchez anymore than it already is. If Sanchez plays and plays like he did the last 4 years Ryan is almost certainly fired. With a new QB if the jets disappoint he at least has an argument to get another year. Not to emtion I don't think the fans will put up with Sanchez another year. Get rid of Sanchez and the fanbase will be a lot more tolerant if its labeled a rebuilding year. I don't think Sanchez will be on the roster next season. If the Jets want to get rid of him their options are twofold. Either a buyout or trade him and pay part of his salary. Sanchez is owed 8.25 million plus he has a little over 9 million of dead money. Which however they do it means a 17 million cap hit over the next two years. But if they offer him $4-5 million as a buy out that is a 3-4 million cap savings over the next two years. It makes sense for Sanchez as he can recoup the money with a new team and get a chance to play and it makes sense for the Jets. The second option is to trade him. But what team would want to pay him 8.25 million this year. Most likely the Jets would have to eat at least half of his salary. Absent a trade or a buyout its unlikely they cut him. If they cut him they would have to pay his full salary plus there would be no set off if he signs with another team. My guess is the QB situation next year will be: 1. FA QB Tavaris Jackson seems to be the favorite. 2. McElroy 3. A QB drafted in Rounds 2-4.
This is great. Every person on this board should watch this. Those of you who still defend this guy to the death, what say you? Steve Young is on point. As Ive been saying, there's dozens of problems wrong with this team... but if Sanchez IS the future or even wants a shot at it, he cant exponentiate the downward trend.
i hate to blow your spot up but every time the jets are supposed to rebuild they end up doing well (2009, 2006, 1997) and everytime they're supposed to be contenders they implode (1999, 2005, 2011). Just a thought
Difference was before Penny's 2nd surgery he was a good QB, and it's also worth noting he bascially played 1 season for the Dolphins and was done after another injury.
I don't think the NFL has a buyout option, the 8.9M or so on top of the salary is from accelerated bonuses on top of his guaranteed salary for 2013 if they cut him. Here's the fun part, the Jets could pay 6 million of the 8 or so million they owe sanchez as part of a trade and still come out 2 million ahead on cap space compared to if they just cut him.
Excellent commentary by Steve Young. Summed up what many of us were trying to say. Sanchez is NOT the only problem on offense but he's not part of the solution either.
If Steve Young had a cup of coffee he'd explode. Four years into his career Sanchez comes off as if he is a rookie. He doesn't have the will to put a bad team on his shoulders. He only works on an offense that has a balanced attack, run first, play action off of that. Compare him to Manning who came into Denver, told his receivers what he wants, and directed the offense to victory. Mark gets the play from the sideline and when the play breaks down like it so often does, Mark doesn't have the instincts to ad lib. Mark has never taken that next step and made it his team.
Sanchez already had a year full of boos. That was this year. Most fans hate him now. That doesn't mean he can't recover. Hopefully he'll do good in the new system and we won't have to worry about it. That's the ideal situation, but I think they'll bring in a draft pick and cheap FA to compete with Mark this TC, and it won't be like last year where we knew Sanchez was the clear starter going in. It will be a real competition. If Mark wins, he deserves the spot and one last chance to prove his worth. If he can get a hold of the timing in this system, reduce TOs and increase comp% he'll be in a good place. Moneywise that's the best outcome, but we'll see.
This is news how? Sanchez blew it last season and needs a big turn around and quick if MM thinks he can be saved. There is no way the Jets go into next season with all their eggs in sanchez basket
Agreed. Let's see who will be brought in... if it's Tarvaris Jackson I can see Sanchez beating him out, if it's Matt Flynn then I'm not so sure.
We didn't have a viable backup this year. Clearly the CS was not prepared for Tebow or even wanted him. They had no faith in him. And McEloy, well we saw what happened with Greg in SD. I think they wanted to set up McElroy up in a better position than that to start a game.
I think McElroy showed he can be the #2. He may have some upside above that, but nobody knows that right now. But I think the good thing, since we know Tebow is certain to be gone, is that at least the Jets do not have to get THREE new Qb's, so that's at least something. But as for Sanchez, I don't want to see him even on the sidelines anymore. He's done, and should be gone. People talk about his contract, but that money has already been spent. If he stayed on the team he's going to harm the team more than help it going forward from here. His contract is a sunk cost. The Jets best option is to minimize the damage that contract has on the franchise. Keeping him around to lose games is the equivalent of throwing good money after bad. The Jets best option is to do a two stage deal sending him elsewhere. The Jets will have to pay down his contract to a point where some other team is willing to take him, presumably as their backup Qb. This pay down could be as much as $6 million. But that will cost the Jets less than either keeping him (and of course that means having to pay him just to watch him suck some more) or cut him. I am far from an expert on the draft since I mostly do not follow college ball, but everyone says this is not that great a year to be drafting a Qb. Next year might be better. The Jets need a caretaker Qb along the lines of Matt Moore or Kyle Orton, perhaps Alex Smith - don't know about Jackson - to hold the fort, probably for two years. Third Qb? As long as it is not Sanchez, and Tebow is gone, it doesn't much matter who it is. I just can't see a new GM coming in and saying "Hey, I want to see more of Mark Sanchez!" The new GM didn't sign his awful contract, so any move he can make to minimize the damage will be appreciated. Just get this clown off the team.
this is exactly what they shouldn't do. smith is not a franchise qb and ocho is a stop gap that would take away reps from hill and hinder his developement. this band aid approach has got to stop
and MM will not let his one year as Jet OC be wasted on a loser. I doubt Sanchez plays, especially because he cannot handle the negativity of the crowd. He is weak-willed. But if he does play he wiill not only be on a short leash, it will be a choker.
Mark will come out next year throwing 25 TDs to 10 Picks and 4 Fumbles, and add 3 Rushing TDs. He will lead this team to the wildcard Playoff spot. ^ Wish