We have no idea why Caldwell went with Jacksonville. It could have nothing to do with the Jets. Did the Jets even make an offer? I don't think so. It didn't go well according to who? If Cohen is hired I'll be as pissed as everyone else. For all we know the Jets could be floating that as a negotiating tactic.
Good for him, why would he take a job where he will be told who to hire and have to put up with the QB circus.
I wasn't aware of anything the LA group is looking for. Frankly I don't care. I'm just really annoyed that we missed on this guy.
Kahn is willing to spend money, Caldwell gets to pick his own coach, and doesn't have the cap situation we have. He'll get to mold that team how he sees fit, rather than be handcuffed from the get-go with most of those decisions already made for him. Good for him.
or perhaps it didn't go well from the Jets perspective and they aren't interested in him any longer. this is just stupid. there are probably more reasons why he would go to Jacksonville because of what Jacksonville offered him (money, total decision making authority, country club membership, who the fuck knows) that has nothing to do with the Jets or any insecure claims of dysfunction. your knee jerk reaction to blame his going to the Jags on the Jets shortcomings reveals more about your dysfunction than the Jets.
No state income tax in FL...... cost of living in JAX is WAAAAAAAY cheaper than the tri-state area, expectations/pressure is low, the team doesn't get butchered by the local media? :shit:
Honestly, I think we get Ross. Good challenge for him, doesn't have to move at all, has to be somewhat familiar with the Jets situation being in the same stadium and all.
We have no idea why Caldwell chose Jacksonville but if these listed reasons are it then perhaps its for the best he went there. For all of the shit reasons to not GM for the NYJ, I don't believe all that's been made about a real GM not wanting to come here due to Rex being the coach. The fact is, if any group of people leading the Jets were to pull off winning a Super Bowl, they'd be legends, rock stars, the cream of the NFL crop. Any competitive person has to dream of being that guy in this city. Just look to Jerry Reese as an example. For guys who are competitive and want to be the best, the Jets are as good a place to do it as any.
Thanks for the jab buddy! :up: Ill highlight that part for ya. I mean I thought it was pretty obvious Im just speculating from what it looks like from the outside and from someone who knows nothing about whats going on in those interviews and talks. I dont see how unprecedented (for a reason) things like not having the GM, but the HC coach have a say on the coaches in place here and also having the HC, who's reputation cant be great within the NFL to say the least, pick the GM can sway a person's decision about a GM job. Its pretty clear that Woody is going to let Rex have a ton of control, and maybe Caldwell didnt like that? Maybe Gamble didnt like that? Im not saying its definite that Rex or the way this organization is doing things caused Caldwell to choose Jax, but it sure as hell isnt that farfetched. I appreciate you calling me dysfunctional, though. Thanks.
Yes, of course we have no idea and its just speculation. It seems like the Jets were making a run at him though and he chose Jax. Whatever his reasons were, its not very good for us- one less seemingly good candidate off the market. Someone had quoted PFT on the last page above my post. Also just checked PFT and they wrote this- "New York Jets: 49ers director of player personnel Tom Gamble was believed to be the leading candidate, but some say his interview didn’t go well. Other candidates include Giants director of college scouting Marc Ross and Falcons director of player personnel Dave Caldwell, who is getting a second interview."
I don't blame this guy for not wanting to be Rex Ryan's puppet. Woody should stop jerking everyone's chain and just name Rex the GM.
I heard it from an unnamed source that Caldwell has always had this lifelong dream to work for a middle eastern tony Orlando look-a-like. This same source said that Caldwell's contract stipulates that he is to be paid by the pound in bumpers.
Ok. I do not know the authenticity of this rumor, but my friend heard that Jets are contacting Tom Gamble again. Again, I emphasize that this is ONLY a rumor.
Caldwell Is Gone Signed on to be the Jaguars GM. I'm getting a feeling the Jets are gonna mess this up. I was coming around to this guy cause of the offense that the Falcons had and with Rex on the defense finally we might have a nice balance. Started souring on Gamble because he goes back to a dark time in Jets land the Kottite error. Nothing good could ever come out of that. Dorsey was another guy I liked had all the experience and coming from a solid organization.
And he's off to the jaguar's, which says loads about the Jets situation...he was just using the Jets to leverage his position.
I'm getting the feeling no help is coming. We will probably get Fucked by every quality GM and end up having to go with Tanny's assistant. Someone who is pretty much just like him.
Those are just non football possibilities....... he may just think Woody is a clueless dweeb, Rex is a jackass, and that Shaka Khan was a smooth dude........ No one knows :shit: