Moving to PA... East Stroudsburg

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by ThunderbirdJet, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    It's been a long time since I owned a house that was entirely my own. I close on a chalet 1/31. To say I'm stoked would be an understatement.

    Any TGGers live in East Stroudsburg, or Stroudsburg? Any opinions? The chalet is in the Penn Estates development, a gated community. Got an incredible deal at 80.5k, two car garage on over an acre. Needs some work, like new carpeting and a new front door, but it's clean and in move in condition. Central air an vacuum, dishwasher, nice screened sun room in the back, nice deck out front, during the summer I won't be able to see the neighbor's houses.

    Now I can sell my lawn mower, don't have a lawn. Blowers. A leaf blower and a snow blower is all I'll need. By the time I'm done, this might look more like an Irish pub than a home...LOL. I got a transfer but will be semi-retired, working part time.

    Freakin deer all over the place. I'm not a hunter, but they have 3 lakes there, no idea if the fishing is any good though. I've had a 10' solid cherry wood bar which I built that I can finally get set up and working with a 4 tap ceramic beer tower and three leather/cherry bar stools that cost me $600 a peice a number of years ago.

    Seems the clubhouse has a dart league, and a horse shoe league in the summer. I have two sisters who will be moving into the area in the next 12 months sometime, but I'll need to establish a social network.

    At times life has not been easy, but finally... at long last, things have come together for me. I don't mind the snow. In fact, all I need is a Walter Mathau neighbor, an ice fishing hut and an Ann Margaret living across the way and I'm set.

    Anyone live in or near Penn Estates? :metal::drunk:
  2. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I might be the closest guy to you Tbird. I live in York, PA which is roughly 30miles west of where you will be moving to. Not sure how far you are east of Lancaster, PA but I'm about 20 miles west straight out Lincoln Hwy. Rte 30.

    I would advise you to get some nose plugs for this upcoming spring as Lancaster Co. gets really ripe when the spring fertilization begins. You might think you've been stepping in something and tracked it into your house. You will have a lot of rural scenery and being on the outskirts of Lancaster, traffic won't be your problem.

    Snow won't be an issue either as Lancaster Co. doesn't really get a lot of it. Due to climate change, it really doesn't get as cold as it did not that long ago during the winter. The fishing will dissapoint you unless you can get to the Susquehana Rvr. Not sure what your favorite species is but you just moved to bass country.

    Lastly, if you're trying to lose weight, you moved to the wrong area of the US. The food here is great no matter where you buy it and you'll be amazed with all the roadside farmer's carts and such. Fresh produce and locally cured meats are obtainable even in the chain markets. If you get a chance, take you and your sis's up to the Shady Maple Smorgasbord in East Earl, PA. They are famous for good reason.

    I've been living out here since 2008. It will take some getting used to and I find some of the customs a bit strange still.

    Welcome to South Central PA!
  3. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    CMan, I'm in Monroe county, just across the Delaware. It's like the second exit in PA off of Rte 80, then just a few miles north.

    LMB... yup, my fave target. I've managed to catch 4 trophy fish on LI believe it or not all over 21", and one smally that was 19.5".

    Lancaster would be a culture shock me thinks. Looking forward to exploring the Amish lands. Stroudsburg has a Polish contingent from what I gather. This community has some NYC commuters in it. Only a 1.5 hour bus ride to Manhattan.

    Still... I'd love to hook up with you somewhere down the road. Us old guys (I turn 58 on Friday) can still reminice about Joe Willy, Maynard, Grantham and the rest of them! As Jets fans, at least we can remember a Supe win. But, memory is the second thing to go ya'know. I don't remember what the first thing is.

    So, I'm in the foothills of the Poconos, and there is snow aplenty, near Shawnee. I might have to strap some sticks on my feet and see if I can still slide down a hill without killing myself.

    So... how far are you from Stroudsburg?
  4. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Roughly 30 miles west if you go straight out Rte.30 (Lincoln Hwy). I'm all for hooking up somewhere in Lancaster. I just turned 57 so we can definetly reminise about the good old days. Definetly get up to the Shady Maple and bring your appetite with ya! Man, that food cannot be topped anywhere in Lancaster Co. Perhaps the best Smorgasbord in all of Pa. Dutch country as they actually have tour busses that make stops there just to chow down. Since you're gonna be living in Stroudsburg, you might want take a ride on the Stroudsburg Railroad. Its quaint, fun, and they even throw in a history lesson along with the giant Rail museum accross from the train station.
  5. roboz08

    roboz08 Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    I grew up and currently live in Stroudsburg. I've lived in Penn EStates before as a kid and still have a few friends that live in that community. The one thing you'll notice about Penn Estates is that its HUGE, and houses are very close together. there's also deer EVERYWHERE. Most of the people that live in that community are Newyorkers that commute to the city for work. I still play basketball on those courts every once in a while. I think you'll like living there, although after living here my entire life i'm ready to get a job and move out lol
  6. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Some of the houses are pretty close together. My place has 1.1 acre, at the end of a cul-de-sac with a green belt behind it. I can see the neighbor's houses now, but they are all pretty far away and I won't be able to see them during the summer when the leaves return. The house is set back from the road a good 100 feet, so even the houses on either side are not very close. My property is pie shaped. I could party naked in my sun room in the back and no one would ever know it.

    I'm in the Highlands section. Sort of at the top of a hill. That is pretty much walking distance to the club house and the pools. Growing up there as you have, I can see why you would want a less remote area to live in now. I've had enough of the over crowded LI suburbs, the traffic, the taxes and stinkin NY state and it's crooked politians.

    More than half of the houses on my street are vacation homes, not year round residences. When I was at the house last week, after some snow had fallen, I only saw one deer. The time before that I saw 5 of them in my front yard. They had no fear of me. In fact, they seemed to be looking for a handout. Ten feet away from me, they just didn't seem to care. I guess some people do feed them. I haven't seen any bucks, but lots of adult does and thier fawns.

    I can't wait to fire up the wood stove. The house is only a 2 bedroom, so that one wood stove can heat the entire house given the layout. The two car attached garage is huge though. Room for two large cars and some work benches and a work shop.

    The only drawback... no place to plant a veggie garden. I'll look into clearing a few trees and installing a small green house. Some of the houses around me do have small lawns in the backyard, so maybe clearing a few trees will be allowed by the HOA. With all the deer, only a green house would work.
  7. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Cman... you are confusing Strasburg with Stroudsburg. I'm way north of Strasburg. Draw a line straight east from NYC. Delaware Water Gap area.
  8. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh at one end, Philly at the other and Alabama in between.
  9. RPOZ51

    RPOZ51 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Oh, okay. That's it.

    I thought I was the one who was confused, because I was thinking that East Stroudsburg is a good hundred miles from Lancaster/York.

    Good luck with the new place!
  10. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Tanx for the clarification Tbird. Good luck with the new place. :)
  11. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    LOL... I've heard that before. From what I know, the Stroudburg area has a lot of New Yorkers, some who still commute to Manhattan. There is a small university in town, and the downtown area still holds some small town country charm. A little trendy, but still quaint. No shortage of fast food joints on Rte 611 I think it is.

    So, while way north of Philly, it's hardly redneck country. In fact the real estate brokers I worked with are all originally from LI. There is a section downtown (away from the bars and shops) that is pretty ratty. Easy to avoid.

    Close to skiing (Shawnee), some casinos, other touristy stuff, and a few Irish Pubs that look interesting. My broker named one of them as being very good, great food and swill. Saime or something like that, a gaelic name. Saw some Polish delis. What the heck do pollacks eat besides kielbasa anyway? I guess I'll find out.

    No more LIE. No more Old Coutry Rd at 5pm. I guess I'll miss the pizza though.
  12. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    You are definitely going to miss the pizza. Followed very closely by the bagels. And the service. I'm assuming you've already made your peace with the beaches. After that, good fucking riddance.

    BIG COUNTRY Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    I grew up in yonkers but my parents have a house in bushkill and ill actually be there this weekend snowboarding. Siamsa is the name of the Irish pub T-bird and yes it is a nice place used to be a bank. Theres other bars in town but i believe they cater more to the local college crowd. Lots of deer where u are as mentioned before but its certainly a nice area and although only 2 hours removed from NYC the people are much friendlier. As mentioned the pizza and bagels do suck however there is a lot of good food out there in some of the restaurants around. Beautiful scenery and if ur not the crazy going out and partying type youll love the peaceful atmosphere in that area.
  14. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Fuckin beaches... I have the fuckin beaches to thank for several skin cancer operations. Fuck the beaches too.

    At least with a good piza stone I can make a very good pie, as long as I can find the dough. My grill heats up to 700 degrees. While I do like bagels, I don't eat them very often. I saw a sushi bar, those freakin things are all over the place now. Fresh fish in PA? I have my doubts.

    One thing I'm looking forward to is buying a telescope. Can't see shit on LI, but PA... should be a pretty night sky.

    Can't freakin believe this... cable TV, HD internet etc is no cheaper than LI. That sucks. Maybe 10% less after the introductory 12 month price. I'll have to cut back on the movie channels to just HBO. They do give you a wireless router though no extra charge for a laptop.

    Wonder how long before I hit a deer.
  15. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Siamsa, that's it. I still like to go out, but I curtail my heavy drinking to when I'm at home LOL... one DWI 25 years ago was one too many for me.

    I looked at some houses in Bushkill. Liked the area, but my sis is buying a townhouse in Eburg and we didn't want to be too far apart. She is my best friend as well as my sister. Some trips to Siamsa are definitely going to happen. I'll make her drive. Her husband is pretty lame, so I'll be around to help her out, new construction town homes by Toll Bros.

    A second sister is house shopping there now too. I think over time, most of my clan is going to end up moving there. However NOW is the time to buy. My realtor and others are telling me how the economy is finally rebounding, and homes are likely to start going back up. They are ridiculously cheap right now, Half of the homes for sale are foreclosures or short sales. They have hit rock bottom. Only one way to go... up.

    Case in point... this townhouse my sister is buying were originally 350k. They now start at 180. One of the 4 models just had a price increase Dec 1. I'm sure the other models will go up shortly.
  16. msldythNYJ

    msldythNYJ Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    I live about 10 minutes from Stroudsburg in Henryville. Siamsa is a cool place for the most part. Check out Floods too, it's a couple doors up on Main St from Siamsa. Always a really good beer selection on tap, and more in bottles. The food is pretty good. It's a good option if you're looking to go out for a few drinks while avoiding there being a DJ so loud you can't hear yourself think.

    Had some friends who lived in Penn Estates, never heard any complaints. You'll probably hit a deer faster than you think. Welcome to the area!
  17. roboz08

    roboz08 Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Floods is great. 25cent wings on tuesdays and over 150 beers to choose from that come from all over the world. Beer is inexpensive as well, $2 for domestic pints and about $5 for the better stuff like Dogfishhead.

    Siamsa aint too shabby either, a good friend of mine plays guitar there every once in awhile, his name's Jimmy Brown, if he's ever there then definitely go check him out, because he's one of the best guitar players in the country, and thats fact not just my opinion, he's an editor for GuitarWorld magazine.
  18. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    I currently go to school there. The wing specials are great at all the bars on Main Street. I personally love Teddy's Tavern on 2nd street, especially their wings on Thursday night.
  19. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I looked at Siamsa's web site, and the DJ thing was an immediate turn off. Floods sounds like it might be more of my style. I can't stand DJ's. The brunch lookis pretty good though.

    Jimmy Brown, eh? I'll be sure to check Siamsa out when he's booked. You won't catch me dead in there when a DJ is pretending to be the center of attention. God, I hope they don't have a karioke nite too.

    Henryville was a place I was looking at... seems that one development at the ski area went bankrupt? The realtors wouldn't tell me what the deal was. I was considering a lot there and having a modular log cabin built, but it was a bit too pricey compared to existing homes in the Poconos right now.

    As far as hitting a deer goes... my real estate agent was driving way too fast for my taste while I tried to follow her around, but even with my slow old man driving style, I hear the freakin deer can sometimes just jump out of the woods right into you windshield. Strange that auto insurance is so much cheaper in the Poconos vs. LI.
  20. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Floods is great too. Marita's Cantina has an acoustic night on Fridays. During the week at Siamsa you will have an acoustic guitar guy playing, but when it comes to the weekends it will be all about the DJ.

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