We get the game handed to us on a platter and what do we do??? A bad Snap, Kicked by the RB and recovered by the Defense. I remember these JETS...
Sadly, this is true and we long time fans have seen this movie a lot of times over the years. Now we get to look forward to Rexy's wonderful presser.
Its funny how some people thought this team could actually make the playoffs... I mean mathematically yes, but this is not a playoff team. Just watch them... Its pathetic.
They never left. The MO of the SOJ is to disappear just long enough to make you believe they're gone, and then they reappear - stronger ever time. But they started to creep back in last year and they've been there all season this year. A joke.
I filled up my sink with cold water. Screamed into it hoping that I would stop getting literally heated. We suck.
Now all these "fans" that were talking sh!t all week about how we are going to the playoffs can go away. Hopefully forever.
It's not even upsetting. Just so disappointing and oddly hilarious this team of ours. It's amazing the amount of ways they just let you down.
I remember a lot of you were like this in the playoff thread... Many of you were mentioning that you are the Jets when faced with 3 easy opponents...
Remember. Jets didn't need to be in that situation in the first place. 1st and 10 in the red zone - and that nacho of a QB throws a pick. It is not his first pick in the red zone - nor his last. He just SUCKS. Jets must offload him if they plan to move forward. The ONLY thing he did better than Alex Smith before Harbaugh intervention in his career is his few comeback wins. In other words, Sanchez at this point in his career is worse than Alex Smith when he sucked. That's really hard to accomplish, my friends.
I honestly believe this ... Every other team in the NFL, after getting that unbelievable season saving break, puts the ball in the endzone. 23 yards to cover in 48 seconds. EVERY other team wins that game tonight.
i saw this coming all game...when that snap got fumbled i got mad then just starting laughing because as you've said, I've seen this so many times before.