AFC Divisional Round Playoff CHAMPIONS... 2 years in a row

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by alleycat9, Dec 6, 2012.


Does it matter that we were AFC Divisional Round Playoff CHAMPIONS in 09 and 10

  1. Yes

    44 vote(s)
  2. No

    70 vote(s)
  3. WTF is the AFC Divisional Round Playoff Championship?

    34 vote(s)
  1. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Does it matter anymore that we were the mighty AFC divisional round champions in 09 and 10.

    lets all remember its now 2012 going on 2013.
  2. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Thank you for this absolutely terrible thread. 2 teams win divisonal round games in both leagues.

    Does it matter that the Giants won the superbowl last year? Does it effect this season? What the fuck is your point.
  3. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    You can't be champion of a game four teams play.

    And no, it doesn't matter much anymore. Those good vibes are long gone. A lot of teams would enjoy success if they abandoned long-term for the short-term. Combine that with poop drafting and an apparent failure to comprehend offense starts with protection/push...and you have a drowning regime.
  4. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i keep hearing people talk about how we went to the afc championship game 2 years in a row. that means we were afc divisional round playoff CHAMPIONS. which like you said means absolutely NOTHING.

    so lets all stop worrying about what happened 2 and 3 years ago and start dealing with the reality of what is going on today. and today we are a poor football team playing poorly that has amassed poor talent and have a coach who seems to have lost all sense of control.

    like going4green said that wonderful feeling is gone.

    and please please everyone stop saying everything is ok because we were afc divisional round playoff champions 2 years ago. cause that is exactly what we were.

    what they did in 09 and 10 doesnt matter anymore
  5. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Four playoff wins for this franchise is actually a pretty big deal.
  6. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    No AFC East, Conference or Super Bowl titles in '09 or '10. They were really fun years if you are a longtime Jets fan, but ultimately neither amounted to anything.

    It's almost 2013 and the Jets are going the other way.
  7. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Jets Coaches Playoff Wins in my Lifetime:
    -Rex Ryan: 4
    -Eric Mangini: 0
    -Herm Edwards: 2
    -Al Groh: 0
    -Bill Parcells: 1
    -Rich Kotite: 0 (Had as many regular season wins as Rex does playoff wins)
    -Bruce Coslett: 0

    So yeah........
  8. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Define 'matter'...answer to your poll depends on the definition of this extremely subjective word
  9. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Toss Joe Walton and Walt Michaels in for me.

    It's really sad that winning a few playoff games and no championships is a relatively big deal for this organization.
  10. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    It's not a big deal, not if you can't win it all with the tools you have.

    ChampionJet or whatever his name his, is going to have a field day with this thread.
  11. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    It's important to Junc in his defense of the now below average Rex Ryan and now horrible Sanchez...
  12. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    I do think the playoff success is a straw in Rex's hat moreso than Sanchez. I don't accept those WC/Divisional round games as reasons why Sanchez will come out of it.

    They were supposed to be one of the reasons Sanchez would become good. Playoff experience/wins. He has not become good. Making it far in a team game is not attributable to Sanchez.

    Use your eyes, Sanchez is bad.

    With Rex, it's harder to tell because he doesn't "perform" anything, but going on track record...if he has a team with good talent, he can be successful. Playoff appearances are more attributable to the coach than any one player, since he coaches the entirety of the operation.

    The main thing I don't like about Rex is the team will come out with a weird defeatist or 'we can't hang' attitude. That may be a trickle down effect of having Sanchez though. It's probably hard for the players to be inspired to go out and play against Tom Brady or Ben Roethlisberger and the 6 ring Steelers when they know their guy is Sanchez. You saw it Sunday, they replaced him, the line went nuts and blew Arizona's d-line off the ball, Greene was crashing through guys and even bouncing off.

    Rex thought (like most Jets fans) that Sanchez would be good. He thought that the departures of the entire offense besides Mangold, Moore, Brick and Keller would be okay because he knows QBs can compensate. He was wrong about his.

    Unfortunately Rex has been handicapped by Tannenbaum and Woody. Rex has also made some shit decisions in drafting and during the various free agency periods. That's why he needs a real GM. I hope he gets a chance here.
  13. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    no it doesn't, dummy. there can only be one champion at any level. at the Super Bowl level there is one Champion. for the AFC Championship there is only one champion. NFC Championship there is only champion.

    For the divisional round, two teams win in the AFC and two teams win in the NFC, and then they face in for the conference championship. but none of them are champions of the division round because there is still another team that also won the divisional round in both conferences.
  14. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Means nothing is as relevant to this disgusting sitioation now as kititoe 1/15 team. Noone cares, no moral victories. Glad we went deep in the playiffs. But still lost, so didn't matter to much.
  15. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Excellent post, and I agree. By all rights, Rex is an above average coach. In the two years following Jets football (I guess I'm spoiled) I haven't seen him lose to any really below average teams. In 2010, with the talent, he gave some upper echelon teams a good game.

    Hell, this year with all the injuries, we were in with both the Houston and first New England game. That says a lot about the coaching.

    Sometimes I think he's loyal to a fault and it's going to drive him out of town sooner or later.

    I think Tannenbaum and Sanchez are more damaging to the organization than Rex is.
  16. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    it is a straw in his hat but that and a bag of doo doo leaves you with... well nothing. i think it does speak more for rex than any particular player but it also speaks to how he let the team fall into shambles around him. he was standing right there as the head coach when they decided to make the moves they did and he has to hold some responsibility for those moves.

    my problem with rex is he has turned into what appears to be a bumbling idiot who just refuses to admit when he is wrong and he has allowed the inmates to run the place for too long and in a way i think he is now losing hte respect of hte players.

    i dont think rex is a terrible coach and i give him credit for past success but i dont want to hear how he can do no wrong now at this point because of what he did 2 years ago with talent he has since let get drop.
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    what those guys did has even less to do with today than what the current regime did 2 and 3 years ago. its irrelevant.
  18. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i guess you missed the sarcasm in the poll.

    i made this poll to try and help those who keep saying over and over and over and over again about how rex or sanchez or mangold or whoever else they decide to be talking about led us to the afc championship game to see how absurd it is to use that as your stance.

    your right, its not a big deal. its such a little deal that i would imagine many franchises wouldnt ever even talk about. but we have a decent sized group of posters who just cant get over the fact we went to the afc championship game 2 years in a row aka we won the divisional round playoff championship.

    we didnt win shit, so lets stop talking about it like we won the vlt.

    and jesus h christ is champ going to have a field day with this one... i didnt even think about that! fml
  19. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I don't understand the question. Does it matter in terms of what, exactly?
  20. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    If we were champions, then why were we playing on the road a week later?

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