We sucked, the get played millions, we pay a lot of money to see them, and I think they can take crap from a bunch of people for playing like shit
Because they make more money than you, and because you pay money to see them, that gives you the right to throw some verbally abusive insults? You better hope that you never make any money in your life and that you never screw up. Because by what you are saying, you would deserve to have a mob of people taunting you just like that.
a lot of us fans make huge sacrifices in term of finance, time, relationship with loved ones, health etc to support our team. I'm not condoning what they did. But I'm saying I understand the pllace that the anger comes from.
Exactly what I'm saying. If I'm making millions and I screw up, come taunt me. I dont give a dam, im making millions
That was a disgrace. This is a game and is entertainment and those players are people with families. No sporting event means that much to result in so much hate directed at those players. What's next? Shooting them like Columbian soccer players? Horrible. All of this vitriol is way over the top. And if you agree with those fans and would have joined in, you need another way to pass the time besides pro football. Boo if you are unhappy with a team or player, but that was just awful. Are we Eagles fans now?
I am having a really hard time feeling sorry for those players. In fact, this video was strangely therapeutic.
Disgraceful.......boo all you want, but yelling at men that are 10 times more athletic than the drunken fatass bums in the stands is just ridiculous......I think the team is bad, but that treatment is totally insane..... I for one will completely destroy the team and players on this board, but to yell at them as they are coming off the field is taking it to another level...it's more personal
I thought it was pretty funny, but it's also why I wouldn't take my family to a Jets game (been to plenty of them). I felt bad for most of the players, it's not like they all played that bad, it was just a few shitty turnovers. I found the "Tebow Save Us!" line the most amusing, along with the drunk guy calling everyone garbage. At least there is one group of people not coddling Sanchez...or anyone for that matter.
Guess what? Pains me to say it but Fatcesa may be right. Jet fans are classless. Booing and yelling you suck from 100 yards away is one thing but screaming the most hateful shit possible to their faces is really disgusting.
I know it "wrong" as a human, verbally assaulting people that are playing a kids game for which NOTHING in reality is at stake.......It's not life or death nor will a fans life change from another pathetic Jet loss.... But I did feel the things in my mind that were being said (at the time) so I did feel mixed emotions while watching it Overall though, it s a sad commentary on the human race