If Sunday Ticket existed in the 1980s and my family had it I am almost certain I would be a Broncos fan. My favorite player as a youth was John Elway, I loved the uniforms and thought Mile High Stadium was cool. RFK and Mile High are my two all-time favorite NFL stadiums.
Obviously you guys know I'm a Pats fan. My second team has always been the Cowboys. When I was a youngster, there was the AFL and the NFL (separate leagues). as far as the AFC goes, everyone in my neighborhood was a Pats fan (except for one asshole front runner Raider fan and one asshole Chiefs fan). We all had our own NFL team. I picked the Cowboys because the Giants were on TV alot and the team with the cool silver helmets with the star beat them on a regular basis, which was good enough for me. One best friend had the Packers, the other the Steelers (because they wore black and gold like the Bruins), another had the Vikings, my cousin and his dad were big Giant fans (Lots of them up here until the the 80's) etc.... The Cowboys were moving on from Meredith to Morton and Staubach when I really started watching, and were like the bills of the 90's. Always good, but not good enough to get past the Browns or Packers to win the big one. It gave me something to root for, because my Pats teams would always win between 2 and 6 games back then, rolling through the Mike Toliaferro's and Joe Kapps. We had one year of hope with Plunkett, but that didn't last... I still root for the Cowboys on the side, but would never root for them over the Pats. I do remember my dad and I rooting on the Jets in SB 3 and the Chiefs in SB 4! EDIT: I will admit that I did root for the raiders during the Lamonica/Blanda period. I got my hate on for the Raiders when Ben Dreith handed them a playoff win over the Pats in 76 with the worst roughing the passer call in NFL history. I think it is one of the reasons I never felt even a little bad about the tuck rule call.
I like the Niners - I only have one mate that is big into the NFL and he has been a niners fan since the mid-80s the same as me with the Jets Clearly he picked better than I did Anyway, I always chat to him about NFL stuff and clearly we focus on our own teams but I know quite a bit about them as well.
That's pretty wild your hate for the Giants goes back that far, and really cool that you got to see that era.
My dad started me on the anti NY path early. Yankees, Giants, and Rangers were #1 enemies. Surprisingly, my dad kind of liked the Jets and Namath. Probably because the Pats were really no threat to beat them back then. We did hate Shula and the Dolphins back then.
I like to root for the Packers since they are my secondary favorite and will root for them, unless they play against the Jets since Jets are number one to me. I also root for whoever plays against the Bills, Pats, or Phins.
First team New York Jets !!!! 2nd Team Detroit ! My family moved to Detroit after I left for college. Watching them from the season after their 0-16 debacle, till now has been a lot of fun. I feel like they may be the Jets of the NFC haha. And you all will kill me for this, but Ive never hated the Bills, and actually really like how their offense is set up. CJ Spiller and Fred Jackson is a treat of a backfield to watch and playing as them in madden out of the pistol formation, is basically more fun than anything you can do with the jets this year... I was born in Pokipsy, and moved to queens at the age of one. Please forgive me !!!
I'm 100% a Jets fan. I like the Panthers next. Then the Chiefs, but only because of Brandon Flowers lol.
Seahawks are my west coast team, just like the pacific northwest and I always thought their native american logo was really cool looking. Seahawks is also a pretty cool name. Chargers are probably my thrid favorite team. I really like most of the old AFL teams just for the history even our rivals, cause withouth them what would we hate.
Maybe a little soft spot for the lions because they just used to get killed every single week also the fact Detroit isn't the most prosperous city and it becomes hard to hate them Oh and also the rams now that they have Schotty - we feel your pain..
Just the Jets. There are a lot of other teams I root against. I root for other players/teams in certain situations, usually if they are underdogs.
Rg3 Over the 50+ years I've been a football fan there were a variety of teams I liked. The Browns with Jim Brown, The Bengals when Paul Brown was there, the Purple People Eaters, the Raiders when they had Blanda, and so on. I guess you can say I've been kind of fickle as far as a 2nd team goes. Hating though tends to be more consistent. I've always hated the Chargers and the Giants. The Giants go way back - I hated them because I had an uncle who I didn't particularly like living in Connecticut who was a big Giants fan. The Redskins have always been interesting to me, and after watching RG3 last night I'd say right now they are my 2nd favorite.
I'm a Jets fan, but have been following the Seahawks a bit since I now go there every year to visit family and attend a game.