The, this off season and next year...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by mezzavo, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Some other time, maybe - but I'd definitely like to hear about it too. Count me in.
  2. agilic

    agilic Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I completely disagree with anybody who says we should blow this thing up and start from scratch. We still have most core pieces in tact from a unit that took us to back-to-back conference championship games with a rookie and 2nd year qb. Rex and Sanchez have proven they can do the job. Yeah, we've struggled bad at times the past few years, but I think the issues have more to do with lack of depth for key injuries, and lack of supporting cast at key positions.

    I don't think we're nearly as far off as a lot may think. We still have the groundwork for a tremendous defense especially the way our defensive line is starting to gel and step up. With a healthy Revis back, that would give us a top-notch D-Line and secondary. D. Davis is stepping up, and by all accounts should provide us a solid starter next year next to Harris. I see our defense as being 2 starting quality linebackers away from being elite again, or at the least very, very, very good.

    The offensive is a different story, but even that isn't as bad as I think it seems it right now. First thing I would do is cut ties with Holmes if at all possible. I'm not well versed on how the NFL salary structure works, and if this would even be feasible, but I think it's pretty important that this happen somehow. The offense has looked really good in spurts since Holmes went down, and I think if we could find a way to bring in one more quality WR who is also a team-first guy to pair with Hill and Kerley who seem to be good citizens, our passing game will be fine. Hill and Kerley are very young and should keep improving throughout the rest of the season and off-season.

    The O-line needs two quality starters on the right side. An upgrade for Slauson would be great, but you can only try to get so much accomplished in one off-season, and Slauson seems like an average offensive guard who has some prime years left. If we can only manage one, I'd rather see us get a really good mauling right guard to replace Moore, and hope the young Hunter improves some with experience and off-season work.

    Summary: I think our team still has too many good pieces in tact to just blow the thing up. These guys have proven to be successful, and if the front office can work some magic this off-season to bring in a few key pieces, we can be tooled up for another few seasons of play-off runs. Two starting quality linebackers, two starting quality offensive linemen, and a quality proven wide receiver will make this team very, very good again in my opinion.

    The front office needs to hit on our two first draft picks to secure two of those pieces while trying to fill the other 3 through trade/FA. If we happen to stumble along a stud RB along the way, all the better, but I think with a better offensive line Greene, Powell, and McKnight can get the job done.
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    No we don't. We're missing RT, LG, RB, WR, TE2 on offense and RG has gotten old in a hurry. Three LB's have gotten old on defense in the last two seasons and the guy the defense was built around is a huge question mark at this point.

    The Jets absolutely are not intact from the 2009/2010 time frame, in fact the Jets have turned over 12 of the 22 starting positions from opening day 2009 to today. That's the most important thing to realize when you look at the Jets right now: whatever the window was in 2009 and 2010 is irrelevant to where the Jets are now because that window slammed shut in the 2011 off-season during the lockout. It's never coming open again.

    The Jets have to build a new window now and that's going to require nearly a total overhaul of the team again minus the defensive line and maybe the defensive backfield if the Jets somehow retain Revis despite the fact that they have no franchise tag ability with him.
    #43 Br4d, Nov 15, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
  4. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    Trade Revis. Fill voids.
  5. agilic

    agilic Member

    May 12, 2004
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    We have two elite offensive linemen who still have some prime years left. If we can find a couple competent starters to put around them, we will have a very good o-line in addition to our excellent d-line. You win games in the trenches. We have a QB, who despite all his question marks, has proven he can win games and make big plays in clutch spots.

    I'm a big believer that you build a team from the inside out. I like the fact that most of our current talent pool is either young or right in their prime (Mangold, Brick, Sanchez, Hill, Kerley, Wilkerson/Ellis/Coples, Harris, Davis, Cromartie, Wilson). I think there is way too much talent to call this group a lost cause. We're a few pieces away in my opinion.
  6. McFreek

    McFreek New Member

    Apr 26, 2012
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    I'd throw in there, bring Chad Pennington in to be the new QB coach
  7. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Trade Holmes. Fill voids.
  8. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    IMHO with what we need in terms of QB, RB, WRs, OLman, DLman, LBers, CBs & Safeties it will be at least 10 years before we are serious contenders again :sad:
  9. Danny@ATL

    Danny@ATL New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    The QB class isn't very good this year and where we are projected to draft me there might be 4QBs drafted before us. Shocking.

    I would kinda love if Notre Dame's Manti Te'o fell into our laps (I'm guessing a top 10 pick like 7 or 8). This isn't the year to draft a new QB as we'll have Sanchez for at least 1 more. But I would also hate it if we took Mingo from LSU.

    The Jets could use rounds 2 and 3 to shore up the OL. Also, trade downs are possible. Could get a mid 1st and 2nd if we trade the 1st and 4th round picks.
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Pieces in place for 4-3/3-4 depending on which way we go:

    LDE - Mo Wilkerson
    3T/RDE - Quinton Coples
    NT - Kenrick Ellis
    RDE in 4-3 - vacant

    LOLB/LILB - DeMario Davis
    MLB/RILB - David Harris
    LOLB in 3-4 - vacant
    ROLB -vacant

    LCB - Darrelle Revis
    SS - Laron Landry
    FS - vacant
    RCB - Antonio Cromartie

    DL Depth - Mike Devito, Damon Harrison
    LB Depth - Garrett McIntyre, Nick Bellore
    DB Depth - Kyle Wilson, Josh Bush, Ellis Lankster

    Offensive pieces in place:

    QB - vacant
    RB - vacant
    3rdB - vacant
    WR - vacant
    WR - vacant
    Slot - Jeremy Kerley
    TE - Dustin Keller
    TE2 - vacant

    LT - D'Brickashaw Ferguson
    LG -vacant
    C- Nick Mangold
    RG - vacant
    RT - vacant

    QB Depth - Mark Sanchez, Greg McElroy
    RB Depth - Shonn Greene, Bilal Powell. Joe McKnight
    WR Depth - Stephen Hill
    OL Depth - Matt Slauson, Caleb Schlauderaff, Jason Smith

    The Jets problem right now is that the LB corps has declined, making them very vulnerable against the run. On offense they are starting a bunch of second stringers and people in decline some of whom would be just fine as depth for a future roster.

    If the Jets fix the linebackers the defense is going to look a lot better. If they find a really good pass rusher the defense will look a lot better. On the offensive side if they find a few key players things will look more professional. They do have a hard build on that side though. They probably need a good half dozen 1st and 2nd round picks there to straighten things out at this point and obviously getting to that critical mass in picks is going to be hard over the next year or few.

    If you had one stud RB in front of the 3 guys we have the Jets would have one of the strongest RB units in the NFL right now. If you had a stud WR who didn't get shut down by attention then Stephen Hill might have a reasonable chance of becoming a solid #2 with upside. If you had an offensive line that didn't have slowing guys all over the place on it maybe everything else would work better.
    #50 Br4d, Nov 15, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
  11. agilic

    agilic Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Good post. I agree on most player opinions other than I think Sanchez is a starting QB. He's not great, he might not even be good, but he's an above average starting QB. They are not easy to come by, just ask the 15+ NFL teams who don't have an above average starting QB on their roster to work with.

    I too think that by next year Hill will surely be ready to step in as the #2 WR if we can somehow find a decent #1 option.

    I think Slauson is serviceable if he is the 4th or 5th best player on the line. Right now he is our third, and our o-line looks pretty average. It's going to take a big off-season to be really good, but even filling some of these holes could easily make us a pretty competitive team next year. I usually respect everybody's views, but any talk of blowing it up right now is complete nonsense in my opinion.
  12. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Must return to 09/10 philosophy. Sanchez is not good but we have already contended with him. Sign two quality OL, draft RB. Tone is back. Draft a TE and OLB.

    Rework LB corps. Pace, Thomas are admirably dismissed, Scott and Harris restructured. Revis comes back. If cap permits resign Landry.

    I'm giving Tannenbaum benefit of the doubt with the cap as that's the one area he excels at. We were supposed to be in cap hell after 08, 09, 10 too and wound up not.
  13. agilic

    agilic Member

    May 12, 2004
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    This is I would view our current talent pool and needs.

    LDE - Mo Wilkerson
    RDE - Quinton Coples
    NT - Kenrick Ellis

    LOLB/LILB - DeMario Davis
    MLB/RILB - David Harris
    LOLB - vacant
    ROLB - vacant

    LCB - Darrelle Revis
    SS - Laron Landry
    FS - Jeremiah Bell
    RCB - Antonio Cromartie

    DL Depth - Mike Devito, Damon Harrison
    LB Depth - Garrett McIntyre, Nick Bellore
    DB Depth - Kyle Wilson, Josh Bush, Ellis Lankster


    QB - Mark Sanchez
    RB - vacant
    3rdB - Bilal Powell
    WR - vacant
    WR - Stephen Hill
    Slot - Jeremy Kerley
    TE - Dustin Keller
    TE2 - vacant

    LT - D'Brickashaw Ferguson
    LG -vacant
    C- Nick Mangold
    RG - vacant
    RT - vacant

    QB Depth - Greg McElroy
    RB Depth - Shonn Greene, Joe McKnight
    WR Depth - Chaz Schillens
    OL Depth - Matt Slauson, Austin Howard, Vladimir Ducasse, Caleb Schlauderaff, Jason Smith

    If you break it down that way, we're not that far off. The big areas that are just absolutely dragging this team right now is the lack of production from our OLBs and the sub-par play from our offensive lineman outside of the two listed. We are pretty set in a lot of tough areas to fill though, like QB, D-Line, and secondary.

    Our defense could just be tremendous with a couple competent, productive OLBs. Our offense is obviously more a work in progress, but if we can find a way to shore up the O-Line and pick up a quality veteran receiver or two, it will look much better. Maybe Ducasse is finally ready to step in at guard next year.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I wish I still thought Sanchez had an opportunity to be an above average starting QB but the evidence against him has mounted to the point that it can't be ignored.

    Whatever happened to Sanchez down the stretch last year really totaled him and greatly limited the contributions he is likely to make moving forward. David Carr still throws a pretty good ball but he is definitely not up to the task of facing a good pass rush as a starting QB any more. Neither is Sanchez.
  15. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Agilic, Isiah Trufant is looking like a long term asset assuming his latest injury isn't career changing or anything I would add him to your DB depth.
  16. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    One of these days I will...unfortunately, more pressing matters at hand. I'm going to be very interested to see the game this Sunday. It's going to tell me a lot about where this team is.

    Will they suck it up and be competitive or will they fold? That will be the question the remaining weeks of the season. As we get closer I'll expand on my ideas. I've had a few other ideas creep in but not enough time to work them out here right now.
  17. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    Get rid of Tone. Get a REAL number one WR. Get a RB, and I'd love love love if Teo fell to where we might draft. If he's our first pick, I say go for it.
  18. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I said this before in another thread. But they must decide whether they want to keep Sanchez around for one more year or if they want to get rid of him after this season.

    If they want to get rid of Sanchez then I would start McElroy next season and see what we have in him. If he's good and I mean REALLY GOOD then we go with him, if he's average at best then we move on. This team has had its fair share of "average at best QB's" it's time to get a stud franchise quality QB.

    If they decide to keep Sanchez and not take the cap hit then they must decide that in order for Sanchez to look competent, they must spend money and give Sanchez some weapons. Go after the two best players on offense (Bowe and Jackson) add some O line depth through the draft and free agency.

    Oh and get rid of Tebow.
  19. Greeny

    Greeny New Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    Some of you must be smoking some good dust. :breakdance:

    Mark Sancheeze , he may not be great. Lol he may not be good......but he's average? That's who you want as your "starting" QB? Quite a fuckin endorsement. And hes nowhere near average. Very much below average. He sux in fact. Stop this nonsense. Throwing for 82 fuckin yards , completing 9-22 is not close to average.

    Everyone will pretend he'll be better next bc everyone knows he's coming back. Hrs back for at least next year bc of the money we guaranteed to him.

    The offense is a walking joke. We couldn't even score last game. An offense that doesn't score a single td in multiple games is miles away from contending. Especially when the pats are putting up 24+ in their sleep. Let's be honest were not beating them anytime soon. It's wild card or nothing the next few years. We need a Rb , Wr , te , 2 oline men and a starting QB. So an entire offense.

    Our defense is hurting as well. I don't like either of our S going into next year. I'm all set with watching LL whiff on anymore tackles. In this this league you need a solid lb corp. We are a long ways away from having one. I don't like any going into next year. I'm not sold on QC either. I need to see more. Right now it looks like the Pats have one up'd us with jones. Kids a freak. Smart , good work ethic , strong , versatile and full of potential. They could have the best backing corp. if they fix that terrible secondary.

    Jets are years away people. Wake up folks. Blow it up. New coach , QB and gm. Only way to go. It would send a huge message to the fans. Get rid of fool of a coach who has no business as a HC. Kick Mark to the curb bc he's a back up. You think Gabbert sux right? Everybody knows it. You can watch him and see. Well that's they way everyone feels about sancheeze. And Tanny is a fuckin moron who can't evaluate for shit.
    #59 Greeny, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2012
  20. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Very optimistic, to say the very least.

    This is what I took so far:

    1. From the track record, it is more than clear that Jets OL is lacking serious talent. Guglielmo has posted very good results both in Giants and in Dolphins - with his guidance, the running attack almost always ranked at 7th or higher. (1st in 2008) with the fluke year coming in 2010, the disaster year in Miami. If the offense is faltering like Jets are, even with the coach of this calibre, that means the talent level is that much devoid. By now I don't even know if Mangold is truly the [best in the league] any more. Ferguson looked very average as of late. The other three? They are donkeys running in stallion's lane.

    2. Where is Henry Ellard? As far as I can remember, with him coaching the WRs, Braylon Edwards did away with his dropping tendencies. It is not like he didn't do the fundamentals badly either - like adjusting to hot routes on blitzs, and watching Sanchez's hand signals on broken plays, etc. He will do wonders to Stephen Hills. And all other receivers for that matter. Sanchez won't be hitting the receivers in the back of their heads.

    3. For the love of God, please can that sack of shit Cavanaugh. Bring in some real QB coach that is well versed in Erhardt/Perkins system. I would prefer Dan Henning first and foremost (but he shouldn't be the OC. Strictly QB Coach) but I wouldn't mind Chad Pennington either, since he has played in that system with considerable successes throughout his career. (His starting season was in that system - and his revival season with Dolphins was again in that system.)

    4. How good is that Anthony Lynn guy as the RB coach? Anybody know?

    5. Bob Sutton as LB Coach. 'Nuff said. Get someone better.

    Since Jets coaching staff is littered with garbages like these above, it is not much a surprise to see the team underperform and do stupid shit over and over again. That should be fixed first and foremost. You can always draft well if your coaches can 1. find the talent and 2. coach them up.

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