Pinkston is just an average receiver, we have a few of them already. Branch has a lot more talent, and we need a star, not Pinkston.
pinkston will be a viking by tonight.. in fact he is taking a physical for them as we speak. atleast thats what reports say.
I'll say. He's Tom Brady's main target. He had 10 & 11 catches in two Superbowls AND was a Superbowl MVP. The man was a Superbowl MVP and played as the main WR on one of the better teams in NFL History. The talent, playmaking ability and overall experience he would bring to this team would be HUGE.
No way we dont need that much help at WR I dont know what the hell this talk is with trading mccareins and all this other bullshit. Besides Mccareins is a physical receiver which Pinkson is the complete oppopsite. He never goes over the middle.
Ok editing post cause I just woke up and did not see a 17 page thread about possibly getting Branch..
Pinkston? what a joke...let him go to Minny and team up with BB. Hall 'o fame combo right there folks.
No....who would want Stinkston....I've got family members who are Philadelphia fans and they were sooooo happy when he was cut. Eagle fans always called him Mr. Alligator arms!!!!too scared to catch the ball and get hit!
I think Pinkston is a decent nice sized bad we already have 2 guys just like that with ALOT more upside and speed.(Cotchery 6'0 and Smith 6'2) Not to mention a pair of grapefruits which Pinkston surly lacks on our roster. I'm sure either one of our guys would have made that catch on the youtube link. I gotta say WOW! to that vid right there. If i was making half as much as Pinkston makes i would have dove for that ball hit and all. Gimme the Super Bowl MVP or leave me with Coles, Cotchery, and Smith as my wideouts.
I didn't think Childress would let him go somewhere else. Pinkston's agent probably was on the phone with him when Pinkston was cut.
Hahaha nice point man. I am definately against him... i think hes probably only had one good game, the superbowl a couple years ago. Hes overrated because of that one game and way too injury prone