If this is in the wrong forum, please move it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V22G_WFjbMM&feature=relmfu Pretty cool video so far about the New York Titans and the early New York Jets. I'm wondering if any of the older fans have something to say about the experience. Figured it'd be nice to break the doom and gloom mentality on here.
fantastic to watch. For me, learning the history of previous sports eras is just as enjoyable as current games. Too bad it's not longer. Wasn't aware of the attention Snell had prior to joining the team. Jets could sure use one of those RB today.
Why is it that the NFL just had to use old names when they brought in the new franchises. Is there any good reason why they could not come up with new names instead of re-using the Titans and Texans names?? seems a bit pathetic really.
I'm pretty sure the NFL had nothing to do with the names of those teams other than to ok them. The owners chose those names.