I forgot about that play, that was pretty awful. I don't buy the Wilson should not have been flagged because he did commit a penalty but they did fuck up that call. Ryan was livid about it too.
Ok...I get that the Jets dropped a wide open pass, fumbled in OT, failed to get a first down that would have won it in regulation but THAT DOES NOT GIVE THE REFS THE RIGHT TO MAKE UP A PHANTOM CALL TO GIVE THE GAME TO NEW ENGLAND. I'm sorry...but it doesn't. It was rigged...that ref would have needed binoculars to even see the play. There was no PI...that ref probably bet on the game. Could have the Jets done some things better to win? Of course....the refs call was still appalling. Period. I'm going to complain to the NFL...I am that mad.
Simms mentioned it, but then he said that since Jones didn't make contact then it wasn't a penalty? I don't know how that one works.
That was a bullshit call and decided the game and screwed us as usual. BUT all I'm saying is if fucking Stephen Fucking Hill catches the god damn ball on 3rd down, we score a TD and this fucking game never goes into fucking over time. I'm so pissed, I'm sick.
Whats funny about that is Moore never really grabbed the defenders jersey but they called the penalty based on intent at least how Simms described it.
Here is the entire sequence of events: [YOUTUBE]BUR_MAFv8zE[/YOUTUBE] a) The announcers never say it was a "good non-call". b) The official reaches for the flag almost immediately. He doesn't wait for the reaction of the players/coaches/fans; it just takes a second for him to grab it and throw it 20 yards to where the penalty was committed. c) It was clearly interference. It wasn't "hand-checking" either. In my first video you can clearly see Wilson grab then lean back as though he is in a game of tug-a-war. He is pulling on Hernandez's jersey, and it isn't a gently pull. d) I agree that there were some questionable PI and holding calls throughout the game on both sides. A lot of really quick pulls and pushes that don't usually get called, but did tonight. e) Good game. It was a lot closer than I expected, and very easily could have gone the other way.
The ref is fucking 25 yards away. Never did they say it was a good call, never did they say it was a bad call. Jim Nantz is a Patriots homer anyways so it doesn't really matter what he says. Wilson grabs Hernandez, Hernandez pushes off. Thats a no call on ever other sequence of football.
I understand the bias or green goggles by Jet fans but it was a good call, the thing that pisses me off about that play is that if Wilson doesn't interfere and lets Hernandez catch the ball he is in position to make the tackle and assuming the tackle isn't broken he stops him short of the marker. Now the Pats probably go for it on 4th down anyway but the issue is Wilson is dumb.