Hills just happened so it is what it is but Keller has been down for a fucking month with a hamstring. This shits getting crazy now.
We need all the help we can get. I don't think we can pull off a win this week without Keller. This season has been rough with injuries already.
I meant his injury just happened so I'm not gonna bitch him out for that. As for his play, he hasn't done shit since week 1. 6'4 with 4.3 speed and you can't catch a pass ? Wtf.
the rest of us are no less pissed off. if you keep doing the same dumb thing and expect different results, that is the definition of insanity. so, we are all insane. but, not as much as the owner. he has control over the front office and the scouting operation.
So you guys don't care for Fireman Ed? What's the beef about him, other than no one can watch a Jets game without his mug getting air time? And I thought it was just me.