The more I look at this picture the more it looks like something made of wax outside Madam Teauseaud's(?)
Oh no you didn't! LOLOLOLOL! Which came first - the episode one where Cartman became a Ginger or the clip of the Kid saying the same things? Except ... I did feel kinda sorry for that kid, until he yelled at me. I guess nobody but Gingers get picked on any more, so the rest of us "Four Eyes", Nerds, Geeks, Dumb Blondes and Dumb Jocks are safe. All that's left are the Gingers. ..... OH NO:breakdance:
I agree, but the reason people are grasping for alternatives is that it appears our starter has third string talent as well.
I don't believe it is an obsession with McElroy as much as it is moving away from Sanchez. Sanchez is in his 4th year making the same mistakes he made his previous three years. Tebow is not a QB, and should maintain his current role with the team as a package player.
ditto for sanchez! he can't even throw as accurately as mcelroy can. and they say tebow cant pass- at least he doesn't throw to the OTHER team as often as sanchise does.
really? you sound like 2000-era pats fan who saw guy drafted in the 6th round named brady. not saying mcelroy is brady, but he can't be any worse than our fumbling, interception machine named sanchise. a more ironic nickname is not possible. there are guys in the UFL that could play rings around him right now.
There is not a doubt in my mind that he would play better then Sanchez. Shame most of you Sanchez ball garglers couldn't see that he was a bust from day 1 with no business being selected that high.