Jets need one profession to salvage their season, actually. Do you guys know what that is? They need an ALCHEMIST. Maybe he can turn turds into golds.
Good to read something positive, thank you for posting. Numbers aren't given but the impression is that most Jets showed up. Doesn't make sense for players who don't give a damn or quitters to come in after coach approved off-day. Is it strange that I've feeling very optimistic and hopeful about the entire season knowing the players just genuinely give a damn?? Let's go Jets.
This is great to hear. Hopefully this can light a fire for Monday's game and they come out much stronger.
with this group, i'm guessing it's some image rehab here. they were called out publicly for giving they're trying to patch up their reps a bit. i won't believe this team gives a fuck until they prove otherwise. i believe they gave up in pittsburgh, though it just looked like they got the piss knocked out of them. i was fine with giving them a do-over. but the way this team folded last sunday...
This is good to hear, and actually gives me some semblance of hope. It's going to take serious heart to get through this season.
"The attendance was high at the facility, with nearly the entire roster present for treatment or workouts. Players watched film and spent time running on the treadmill. Just the only thing different was that there was no organized team meetings or film study with the coaching staff at the helm, that was up to the individual." I'm curious as to who was not present... or is that whom. :jets:
I'm glad they went to work like usual and are focused on watching film and improving. Some of the players actually DO care.