Woody Johnson changing his tune on QBs

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by CowboysFan, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Woody changing his tune on QBs


    A few days after the Tim Tebow trade, Woody Johnson sat in a shaded courtyard at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Fla. -- site of the NFL spring meetings -- and calmly explained the thinking behind the move. When pressed on the possibility of a quarterback controversy, the mild-mannered New York Jets owner got a little snippy.

    "I'm going to be very clear: Mark Sanchez is our starting quarterback. Period," he said sharply. "That's it. He's our starting quarterback."

    Now let's fast-forward to Johnson's interview Monday morning on Bloomberg TV, where he showed up to stump for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The conversation got around to the quarterbacks, and Johnson, clearly still galled by Sunday's disgraceful loss, sounded as though he was wearing a No. 15 jersey under his navy blue suit and Jets green tie.

    Tim Tebow hasn't seen much action so far this season -- but that could change shortly.
    Johnson said the prospect of Tebow starting is "a question that will be asked more frequently if this progresses because this is unacceptable playing." His first reference to Sanchez wasn't by name; he called him "this quarterback."

    Oh, Johnson gave the obligatory "he can get the job done" line, but Johnson didn't sound nearly as confident in Sanchez as he did that sunny day in March, when the Grand Tebow Plan was only a blueprint, not reality.

    Reality is here, folks, and what we have is yet another dimension to the Jets' multilayered quarterback controversy: the owner.

    Don't underestimate Johnson's role in this. Two people who know Johnson, and know how he runs his football operation, believe he will push his football people to start Tebow. Let's be clear: There's no evidence to suggest this is happening, but only a naïve person would think this owner won't get involved if the product on the field continues to disappoint.

    Johnson did it in 2008, instructing general manager Mike Tannenbaum and then-coach Eric Mangini to trade for Brett Favre. The Jets were coming off a bad year, and Johnson wanted to create some buzz. Well, he got plenty of buzz, but the idea ultimately failed and he fired Mangini.

    A similar scenario unfolded this year, with the Jets trying to rebound from a disappointing season while competing in the same market as the defending Super Bowl champs. They already had secured their backup quarterback, Drew Stanton, but they dropped everything -- including Stanton -- as soon as Tebow became available.

    Tebow is good for business because he's one of the most popular athletes in the country. Johnson, speaking last month from the Republican National Convention, told a national TV audience, "You can never have too much Tebow." Sanchez, in perhaps his most candid comment ever, said of Johnson's remark, "Trying to sell tickets, man, trying to sell tickets."

    Johnson is sensitive to the perception that he acquired Tebow for non-football reasons -- "a publicity stunt," as Joe Namath called it -- but where is the evidence to make us believe otherwise? As each week passes, it becomes more obvious that the coaching staff has no idea how to use Tebow in the Wildcat.

    Tebow has played only 32 snaps on offense, including just 15 at quarterback. They have him blocking and they have him running pass routes. The Wildcat has made zero impact on the offense.

    Even Rex Ryan acknowledged Monday that "we haven't been as successful at running the Wildcat as I thought we would." Two weeks ago, offensive coordinator Tony Sparano -- supposedly The Godfather of the Wildcat -- admitted he's navigating uncharted waters because of Tebow's unique skill set.

    Namath is looking smarter every week.

    Now there's talk that Tebow might not be happy, with ESPN's Ed Werder suggesting Tuesday that Tebow is frustrated and bewildered by his lack of involvement. Werder, expressing informed opinion, said Tebow believes the Jets haven't lived up to their promises.

    This is a mess, a mess the Jets created. And it will get worse, at least behind the scenes, if/when Johnson starts exerting his influence. After all, he's the boss. Don't think for a second that scene Sunday in the fourth quarter -- an empty stadium, except for loud and delirious San Francisco 49ers fans -- didn't resonate with him.

    If the same nightmare plays out Monday night against the Houston Texans -- in prime time, no less -- it will infuriate Johnson. How many fans would show up the following week to see a 2-3 team play the Indianapolis Colts?

    The fan base already is riled up -- especially after Johnson admitted Monday that, if he had a choice, he'd rather have Romney win the White House than see the Jets have a winning season. It was a foot-in-mouth moment. He should've talked around the question, saying he'd like the best of both worlds -- Romney hosting the Super Bowl champion Jets in the Rose Garden.

    If Johnson thinks Tebow will satisfy the masses, he'll push for it, you can bet on that. Publicly, his coach remains behind Sanchez -- the smart move. To change quarterbacks now would be a panic move, but don't be surprised if Tebow's role starts growing significantly. If the losing continues, he might grow into the starter.

    The man who signs the checks has the ultimate final say. Yes, he wants to win, badly. But he also wants to keep the customers coming.
  2. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Maybe ur Cowboys should get Tebow after that great game he Monday night.
  3. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Yup, maybe, would love to trade Dez to you actually. Put in a call to woody.
  4. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Tebow for Dez? I'll call Woody and u call Jerry to make it happen.
  5. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Now about ur thread. Take ur Tebow glasses off and re-read it.
  6. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I did, what did I miss, I just posted the title of the article.
  7. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    I don't see where he changing his tune. The media just trying to make nothing into something.
    #7 #1 Jets Fan, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2012
  8. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Well this was a lot harsher

    Johnson said the prospect of Tebow starting is "a question that will be asked more frequently if this progresses because this is unacceptable playing." His first reference to Sanchez wasn't by name; he called him "this quarterback."

    Than this

    "I'm going to be very clear: Mark Sanchez is our starting quarterback. Period," he said sharply. "That's it. He's our starting quarterback."
  9. joeblamath

    joeblamath New Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Johnson will call for the switch when Sanchez blows chow for the 4th straight game. This dude is completing under 50% in three straight games. At least Tebow wins games when he sucks that bad.
  10. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    he sure does. those two wins vs the patriots were friggin awesome! and that ass kicking he gave the chiefs, the bills and the lions! Boy howdy! all he ever does is win. its all those intangibles he has.
  11. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    The fact you were only able to name 5 sort of proves his point you know.
  12. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    no it doesn't. he lost 5 games. he doesn't just win games when he plays that badly. none of you tebow lovers ever says that. its all he does is win. thats bullshit. because it isnt true. 1/2 in his first three starts, where he actually played ok... he didn't just win those 2 did he? 1-4 in his last 5 starts... where was the winning at?

    the way you guys talk he lead a bunch of cripple kids from orphanages to a 16-0 undefeated regular season and a SB win while single-handedly carrying the team on his back.
  13. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    You're obviously very loyal to Sanchez, and I can respect that. I wish you were able to read and understand what Tebow's fans on this forum actually SAY instead of what you think we MEANT.

    Look thru some of your posts and replace "Tebow" with "Sanchez", for example. Don't you realize that you sound like the fanboy as much as you claim we are? Most of Tebow's fans on this board want Sanchez to start and Tebow to do WC and improve as Backup QB. But it's hard not to defend Tebow when you make outrageous statements like this. Crippled kids, you douchebag?

    Give the underdog a chance instead of condemning him on the basis of a shorter playing time than you allowed Sanchez. That's all, so quit frothing at the mouth before we give you a binky.
  14. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    "Don't underestimate Johnson's role in this. Two people who know Johnson, and know how he runs his football operation, believe he will push his football people to start Tebow. Let's be clear: There's no evidence to suggest this is happening, but only a naïve person would think this owner won't get involved if the product on the field continues to disappoint."

    Clever line from Cimini. It says nothing is going on, but he then uses that as a springboard to speculate and he can fall back on the statement and say nothing is happening. Smart move, and he must know a lot of people believe Woody pushed for Tebow so he plays that angle in the next line saying Woody will get involved.
  15. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And then today on NFL 32 (on ESPN) they discussed this "report from Cimini" as if it was news, so that the ESPN guys could "tsk tsk" about it.

    The never ending ESPN cycle --create news (and hits) by creating a story about Tebow, then tsk-tsk the Tebow circus, then report on it again.
  16. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    Yeah, just like the 24 hour news channels rehash and argue.
  17. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I'm not a Tebow lover by a long shot..I am also not a Tebow hater like you are.
  18. SDI_Gator

    SDI_Gator New Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    And people think the fans create this atmosphere.. Its BS like this that does it. Sickening.

    As far as the "report" is concerned, I'm not sure it would matter much if Sanchez keeps playing like he has. He is throwing as poorly as Tebow, and can't run to save himself either.

    Tebow won't be able to do much with this offense though, probably less that Sanchez honestly. He may up the run game enough to keep the shoddy D from getting gassed though, which in turn could help the Jets squeak out a win here and there.

    Unless they have a big turn around, I expect the Jets to go 6-10. They could go 8-8 still, but something is going to have to give here.

    @Don: See? We get lumped together with ALL the Tebots just for correcting an omission. Try and say something thats not related to Tebow sucking and magically you're one of us.
    #18 SDI_Gator, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  19. Jim-Jet

    Jim-Jet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    No but he did take a team that was 4-14 let me repeat in case you are covering your ears! 4-14 (with him on the bench) and went 8-5 last year when he started. They traded their best receiver the same week (he playing for the Pats now) and started DT for the first time the same week. He didn't have the benefit of working with the first unit before he started. I know you don't like him but there aren't many QB in the NFL that have pulled that off. BTW - I don't even think he's ready to start myself. Two of those five loses were to the Pats. The team swept the division on the road in a six game winning streak that Denver hadn't seen in over two years.

    You might want to check the records of other young QBs in their first 16 games - I know most of them are undefeated right?
  20. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    was he suppose to go undefeated? of all the arguments against Tebow this by far is the weakest the "he did not win EVERY game" argument.

    Bring your game up a little if your gonna post in here.

    But if he went 1-4 how can you ignore the 7-1 previously? you can not cherry pick .

    No one is saying the garbage you are saying (and its garbage) all anyone says in here is that he has potential and can help win games. I am offering $100 via paypal if you find one post by any member of this forum that says he won the games single handedly. You come in this section of the forum with made up crap and then argue against your own made up crap.
    #20 CowboysFan, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012

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