I certainly am. In fact, I'm calling it right now. The Texans, although looking very much like a juggernaut at this moment, as they have a defense who are in the top 5 of all the major defensive categories right now, to go along with their always potent scoring machine of Shaub, Foster, Johnson, and what seems like an endless array of large tight ends who are all quite capable of doing damage, i profess will look past the Jets as their schedule does get hard following this game coming up, and our beloved jets will surprise us all and sneak out a greasy win, even though Sanchez has absolutely no weapons or support to help his job be any easier, I just feel it coming. The Jets are going to pull off this fucker on monday. Sign here if you're not ready to throw in the towel yet, or worse have already committed cyber suicide and have given up completely already. I know the forecast is dark, bleak, and not very appetizing, but fuck it, they are going to win monday night. Go ahead and assault me now, I welcome it. Jets baby!! 3-2 after monday night. Book it!! And after they win outright, can someone bring me my winnings from my bookie to the mental hospital i am currently residing in? I would greatly appreciate it. I'm not surrendering yet, i just can't do it. Not with the all important 2-0 record in the division. Rally cry here people!!! Get ready for the upset special of week 5.
I agree with you. I've only been here for a month or so, but apparently having a bleak outlook is being called a 'darksider' and having an optimistic one is 'homerism'. In that case, chalk me down for a homer. I will be very, very surprised if we lose like we did on Sunday. I believe we come out ready to win. I also believe (and I may be smoking some metaphorical weed) that Tim Tebow will start this game and lead us to a decisive victory and a number 1 seed. If not, Sanchez will perform out of his mind. Either way, we will win.
i can assure you I'm smoking the most top flight weed i've ever smoked in my life righ tnow, medicinally of course, and legally i might add, but I just wanted to try and have some fun and flip flop the overall "this season is over" mood that seems to outweigh that the jets in reality, are still in it. They're decimated right now, and have maybe as much or more than any other team in the league right now to clean up, and clean up immediately, and they are outmatched, but the NFL is a weird animal, and I'm feeling a Jet surprise here.
I think we'll surprise as well on Monday. I can't explain why and certainly nothing from Sunday is letting me think that. But we have been on the other side of trap games so often that maybe we'll serve it up this time. If Keller is back at least Sanchez has one target that he is comfortable with.
I can't explain it either, I just feel it. I think it's gotta be because of your point of being on the other end of many trap games, that this is going to be one. That and blind hope for my jets. It's a big mountain to climb after last weeks performance. it's in the mail though, it's coming!
Of course they'll win. They've still got 12 more games to toy with our emotions. The mid-season buildup is just about to get underway. :smile: [YOUTUBE]UPw-3e_pzqU[/YOUTUBE]
Dont know how old you are but most of us havent seen the Jets in a Superbowl in our entire lifetime. When the Jets follow the same pattern of having a couple winning seasons straight to rebuild mode/bottom of the barrel your entire life, its kind of hard to be an optimist when it comes to the Jets. They have never shown been able to show consistency like the better run teams and stay on top. This season just seems like the same old vicious cycle Jets fans have seen throughout the years. This team is on its way down.
It wouldn't surprise me if the Jets won. Sanchez is completely inconsistent, he can be good out of nowhere (like vs the Bills) or he can be dogshit. Flip a coin
I'd take an embarrassing loss to SF if it means getting the team serious and getting a win against Houston. I am still expecting the loss, just like I did at the beginning of the season.
Unfortunately I have been thinking this for 2 seasons now. Thinking we can get out with a big win against a great team. We all have to be honest here with ourselves we haven't got a huge win since the Patriots in the playoffs. Lets go Jets! Were long overdue for a big win
The NFL overall is very evenly talented. Very often teams follow a lopsided win with a lopsided loss and vice versa. Everything looks hopeless after you lose 34-0. A month after we lost 45-3 we went back to the same place and beat the same team.
Sanchez will, as usual, hold on to the ball too long early and take a Theisman like hit that will knock him out of the game. Tebow will ride in on his magic carpet and proceed to win the game. The rest is history..
my whole point is the jets love to surprise us, unfortunately it's both ways and not just in the more preferable winning ways, but your post is undeniably right on the mark. It's in the mail i tell you, they're going to win.
I think the Jets will lose monday night. However, they will not be blown out. I also believe they will make the playoffs by going 9-7.
Normally I would think we had a shot but when you lose your best offensive and defensive players in successive weeks there is no bright spot to fall back on.