I can't believe Rex let this happen. As bad as we need an #1 DB Tanny and Rex should be fired for letting her slip right through their hands.
Manish was inevitable. He started out trying to be objective but he is becoming a product of his employer, like Cimini did. Don't get me wrong, Cimini is a Dick, but he actually shows that he possesses writing and investigative prowess, it just goes to waste when he writes about the Jets in a media market like NY. Most people in the mass demographic that reads their swill and takes it for truth are too busy to think about things like football in an in-depth fashion and prefer to knee jerk. The people that want to delve into the intricacies of the sport seek out forums to discuss it and mainly laugh at the beat writers. Because we aren't their primary demographic.
If you ask me, Cimini is just a SOJF like the rest of us. Deep down he probably wants the Jets to win a Super Bowl but can't help but be skeptical or critical when things aren't perfect.
She is of no use as a positive beat writer for a team that can't get out of it's own way in a snake den of negativity like the NY Jets beat writing corps. Just stop reading them. They offer zero insight as it is, even when she was there.
I totally agree with this. He's a darksider, i take his stuff with a grain of salt, but Cimini is a decent reporter/writer.
This is true? I believe so. Well played I wonder this too. His writing style and content remind me of SOJF. He wants to be optimistic, but the team has (to take a Charlie Brown thing) pulled the ball away from him everytime. That doesn't excuse the fact of letting that appear in articles and writing. He does a really good job of covering everything that is going on around the Jets, but it he has the SOJF slant which I get enough on here. And I think ESPN promotes this type of writing for views so he has to go along even if he doesn't want to
same old jets fan from the expression "same old jets" where every time something goes wrong for the Jets (which it pretty much always does) people say things like "what a surprise that XXXXXX is a bust, same old jets" or "what a surprise we missed that game winning chip shop, same old jets always screwing up" etc etc and so SOJF refers to fans who are constantly down on the team and saying "same old jets" type comments (which happens a lot when you have been a fan for a long time as they pretty much always mess things up in some way).
that doesn't leave much... :lol: a lot of his writing when we're winning is still backhand compliments. never seen a writer hate/disparage the team he writes about as much as cimini.
In comparison to the rest, Cimini is one of the better Jet writers at this point. My issue has always been his negative perspective, like a SOJF, though he's experienced the bad Jets than any of us by actually being there for so long.
i always thought vrentas was kinda cute. ines is just hot as shit though :breakdance: i just thought vrentas was much more professional and didnt go into the sensationalist territory as often. probly why they took her off the jets beat haha really its just cause i logged into twitter and saw her posting a bunch of giants shit and was like wtf? haha i think i like basset better than cimini but hes still kinda 'meh' whatever