He said “It’s like the old saying, what goes around comes around,” to me that's another example of what karma is. You do know what karma means right? It means what goes around comes around. (Some days I'm in less of a mood for semantic games than others.)
what a douchebag what goes around comes around? damn right, reggie....see you on the IR soon. i cant believe im going to say this, but after his comments I hope the Jets shred his knee up next time the Jets and Dolphins play. I wouldn't be upset in the least.
“They talked about all week about putting hot sauce and this and that, and they ended up losing their best player for the rest of the season." Your Field Goal Kicker faked being hit and you ended up getting hurt.
"what goes around comes around" He would know...he's the draft bust, bribe taking, NCAA scandal ridden, over hyped 3rd down running back who got the clap from a kardashian
Before the start of last season I would have agreed but he is definitely not a bust or a 3rd down RB. He said a stupid thing but don't get carried away. What you said more accurately describes Joe McKnight if you take away the kardashian part
hahahah jet fans are the biggest hypocrites of any fan base in all of sports!!! If it were Reggie that was out for the rest of the season you'd be cheering. Bunch of a holes... You can cry all you want about Reggies comments its not gonna bring Revis back!
Find one single quote on this site where anybody said that they were glad when Bush got hurt. Bush is just a liar because all of our hits were clean. And you are a moron. Nobody roots for injuries on here. Bush is going to have a double dose of hot sauce on him next game. Believe that.
Why even justify his post with a response. He only came on here to troll and he won't ever post again LOL
dont let facts get in the way of trolling. You could have immediately discounted it after you saw the word "FinHeaven"
i ain't no bush man but I don't think he was giddy that darelle was injured at all. to me it sounds like he's saying that wishing ppl get injured is a bad route to go down because it can happen to ur team too, what goes around comes around. I think he falsely interpreted what hot sauce meant cause i don't think rex wanted him hurt but i don't think he was happy revis was hurt. the TS over reached and instigated a hate fest unnecessarily
I cant respect a man with Ray Js dick on his breath (or any mans dick for that matter). He can go fuck himself with a dry spiked dildo. Even if Landry was clappin for his injury, which he wasnt, wtf does that have to do with Revis? I have no problems hating your opponents but wishing theyd have an injury that could threaten their livelihood is classless. Bush is a bitch made gay shark.
This all goes back to what Pace and Rex said. Next time just stfu. Don't put yourself in a situation where you even have to clarify your comments in the future. They didn't think that with all the bounty shit going on that there wouldn't be extra attention to the comments they made, especially if Reggie actually got hurt? Dumb. Rex knows damn well what the hot sauce comment meant, and Pace is just plain stupid. We had to put him on out, what a fool. If the Dolphins came out and said they were targeting one of our players to injure, and then one of their players got injured, you know what I'd say? What goes around comes around. Just play football and shit like this wont happen.