Jets: vs SF vs Houston vs Indy @ NE Pats: @ Buffalo vs Denver @ Seattle vs Jets Bills: vs NE @ SF @ Arizona vs Tennessee The Jets probably need to at least split this stretch, preferably beat New England and Houston. Pats get two rough road games, Peyton, and us. Bills also get two hard road games. Very important stretch for all three teams
I expect the following: vs SF - L vs Houston - L vs Indy - 50/50 (probably W) @ NE - L 1-3 Pats: @ Buffalo - 50/50 (Probably W) vs Denver - W @ Seattle - W vs Jets - W 4-0 Bills: vs NE - 50/50 (Probably L) @ SF L @ Arizona L vs Tennessee L 0-4
I see the Jets going at least 2-1 on that home stand. We'll beat/lose to either San Fran or Houston then beat the Colts. How do you figure they have a "cupcake schedule" the Bills, Seahawks and Bronocs are tough games.
The Pats gotta beat the Bills, cause I see them losing at Seattle. That 12th man bullshit is for real.
The Pats also haven't been below .500 since 2003. Unfortunately, that was a Super Bowl winning season.
The Ralph will be raucous, but Seattle is on a whole new level of crowd noise with that dome. Seattle will be louder. That's not me dissing the Bills either, it would be louder than the Jets, too. Every game in the NFL is important, so it's hard to say one stretch is more than the others. Bills and Jets each have one game they SHOULD win (Indy and Tennessee at home). Pats don't have that, but they also don't have to play a San Fran or a Houston.
Fuck the Pats! Im just so sick that we give these fuck heads so much respect. NYJ San Fran=w Houston=w Colts=w NE=w 4-0 Pats Bill=L Denver=w Sea fags=w NYJ=L 2-2 Bills NE=w SF=L AZ=W TN=L 2-2