Hard to imagine the Jets without Westhoff. Maybe he'll change his mind about the retirement thing.
AGREED! This is the season when the stars align and miracles happen and the Jets win a super bowl. Something special could really happen this season. I flippen hope so cause I'm getting old and crusty just like Westoff.
43 years a Jets Fan~ Im old too! Remember sitting in Shea watching Richard Todd with planes flying overhead in the snow. Potatoes Knishes for $2.00. Need to bring one home for Westhoff! Great guy who will be hard to replace.
Yep. I remember the good and bad at Shea stadium. Good was beating the Dolphins with a Todd to Barcum TD with 7 seconds left. Bad was losing to the Saints and was the Saints only win that year .....but that was a fun game to be at. Snowed heavily late in game and we got to move down to great seats.
yup' those were crummy but fun times Joejam. They would let you move down to better seats all the time. . Richard Todd vrs. Matt Robinson reminds me of Mark vrs. Tim on a bigger scale. Ehh.... we stunk but I remember that game too. Even still reminded of all that crappy "plumbing type of metal" painted a puke orange that divided all the rows of seats. Bizarre look for a stadium but I miss the place compared to the current stadium. Thanks for the memories.
No mention of Westy interviewing for the HC after Mangini got the axe. It must have been a mini-blow to his ego, but he's let it go to hook up with Rex. Says A LOT about the effect Rex has on PPL. Westy wears that hand woven necklace and seems to think he's like 25 yrs old! Love the dude. Hope after he 'retires' Rex talks him into being a 'shadow' coach for a year or two.
Epic screen name...... very funny & original, yet sad at the same time, which makes it funnier :beer: