I'm no Pennington basher, I want him to come back as much as anyone here, but you've got to admit that last int and the floater out to Coles were due to notable lack of arm strength.
Oh my god, you are annoying now.. like I remember the specific game. Trust me, it's been done. One of those first down things he's good for in someone's face. Look, taunting is NOT a new penalty. It may be looked at some more this year, but it's NOT brand new. Plexiglass is good for 1-2 of these as well. Santana Moss got one of these called a couple years ago for spinning the ball as well....
I'm only listening to the game..but based on the broadcast it sounds like D rob is having a pretty good game
It wasn't elway-esc, but none of his throws are. I wonder if most people know what zip means. Another common buzzword.
Well... at least we are making a game out of it, the Giants are a very solid and most likely playoff bound squad.