As mentioned I'm not going to be able to attend the draft and probably won't even be able to set my lineups for week one (whoever gets me on week one better win or there will be chirping a plenty!). Hopefully autopick is good to me, I set my pre-draft rankings this morning but you never know what injuries will come up in week 3 or even 4 of preseason depending on who gets rested and who doesn't. Hope everyone has a good draft and catch you all around Sept 9th or 10th when I get back to town.
MeanDean has still not accepted the invite, if someone is interested in joining there's still room if Dean doen't contact me.
Still no word from MeanDean and he hasn't accepted the invite. He will have to be dropped and if there is no one to take his place someone might have to bow out. So first let me ask, is there anyone who isn't 100% about playing? Not sure if they want to/can, in too many leagues already, won't be able to give it there all, just any doubt at all if so let me know and I can drop the league down to 10 people and the other 9 won't have to worry.
You know what dude? I'll join. PM me the info. I'll get in tomorrow sometime. At the very latest I'll accept the invite in the evening, but depending upon my availability, I might get there at lunch time.
Name of my team is now Statoe of the SANCHIZE because if Peyton goes down its all up to my homer pick of Mark lol